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Show MORE NOTES EXCHANGED. Documents Pass Between Russian and Japnncse Diplomats in Capital of Japan. London, Jan. 12 The Dally Mall's Toklo correspondent cabling says that the Baron De Rosen, the Russian Minister, sent a reply Saturday to Foreign For-eign Minister Komuras's communication communica-tion on Friday and that yesterday M. Arsenleff. second secretary of the Russian Rus-sian legation, left hurriedly for Nagasaki with important dispatches to be forwarded by a Russian warship to Viceroy Alexieff. The Japanese Government Is alarmed at the report that the Russian Black sea fleet Intends to pass through the Dardanelles. At the request of the Toklo authorities. Baron Hayashl. Japanese Minister to Great Britain, has made Inquiries on the subject, but the British Foreign office has not heard that Russia has asked Turkey's permission, per-mission, and is not inclined to think Russia will raise such a question In Europe at the present time, not only on account of the far Eastern crisis, but because of the unsettled atata of the BalkanE. A dispatch from Haroln, a town on the Manchurlan railroad, describes the Rus-slap Rus-slap war preparations. The Russian officers declare war Is inevitable, but add that they are ready. Port Arthur. It is further asserted, will be occupied by 1OO.0CO men and in ten days reinforcements rein-forcements of 100,000 men can- reach Manchuria. The Japanese Minister at Seoul has made reiterated demandw, hitherto without with-out reault, on the Emperor of Korea that ho recognise a Japanese protccto-rote protccto-rote of Korea, the Korean government holding itself to the Ruaao-Japancse agreement concerning Korea. |