Show Funeral of Mrs Holzhclmcr Kurelcn Mny I About 150 people left h ri at 11 oclock on the special funeral train which wnn run to Puyaon over tho Itlo Giitmlo railway carrying tho rcimtlnu of the lato Mrs Frank 11 Ilolrhelmor The funeral nervlcoii weiu conducted from tho Presbyterian churcli At thai placo thl afternoon Tho remains were escorted from tho family rcnldi nci on uppor Main > ri > ct hero to the Hlo Grnnde depot by a law cortege made up of iilunds and of the Mnccabfcs Columbia lodgo No 2 HnuKhtrrx of Robckah the decrnaod bving a niembc > f the n t two nnmwl onltrn Hwiutlful Moral offarlniw Wfir iiresentel by the following persons nni ooclellvs Mrn Mnriaret Shiii i u Ill of MIM Jennie Mmmcr Mm Uan Martin nnrt duuichtor Mrs W tl r V Thompson UidlvH of the Muccabf Wo imn of Woodcraft fevo and Accepted MaBona Klkf Odd KellowH Daimhteim of Pebi kuh City found and Mayor of iun ka City Woodmen of the Vorld Mu unl Improvcmrat aoclrt > Mrs lilzabuth OHllg Crook3 Mortso and others |