Show STOCKS OFF AGAIN Daly Weal One of the Chief Sufferers The 3 nrcct Heavy The day on the mining exchange closed with time sale of Jii0 whurcsof alock for which SllOijIir as paid and vh lth another decline In the white metal again welching I heavily upon the t mar hut Daly Vst wax again the more conspicuous If I not the keenest suffer and notwithstanding modt important icvelopmunls at the mines was permitted per-mitted lo drop back to < JvlIOO Con MemO cur under sympathetic iiiiluuncoK although al-though t an ultra t j goldbearing proposition proposi-tion t was reduced to I 179 although it rallied at a Ja tem hour while Loxver Mammoth under a heavy unloading was sold down to lJfi allhouih it I Is tbout to close a contract with one of I lie local snieltery hat m will promote its earnings IMammolh on the other land movod up its I pegs and closed on salca around 1J7 while May Day with Harry Joseph 1 buying 1 with I both hands ind apparently under some hypnotic in lucnce advanced lo fJ < i cents ixltli I Sacramento bringing JO cents and Sun sliinc I 2i cents m on the I open board Ca isa van in steady demand around t7la cunts while South Swansea was moved from 01 up 10 OH cents with Uncle Sam changing hands around 311 cents Yankee Cot found customers during thit closing moments of the session at fJll while California was sold down to 13 cents on reports that foreclosure MMceedlngs had begun on time recent oau with Hen Butler going al 11A I I coals and Martha Washington receding to C cents Ajax was hammered down to II cents while a lot of Utah of Fish Springs changrd hands at 17 cents the lay closing on the following market A Miii p Call t13iLIAkedi Piqi IAsictuL Anchor I 37 Ajmix lImt ilhdol W 0 1uiiiuiil3 27 2 ilemi flmmtier ii 11I 3l ttiIoriiimu i Ri 1 11 mrist cmi 37 mi Cinlmimy wji 5Sll Cii ole io oum Morcur 17SA 17l f 0 I isl Dmiy L9t Yi 1fl Iahy t tl0 ioo I IiT 1imitouu Ol immmirmiui 07 0 tm 10 i n 13 jtto s i ttiomu l 22 15 Cut sO alo 20 0 foidemu E horn S 11 iro bigot 01 0 0i Jo Ii 01 0134 01 fli Ta Chief J iamn 1i I fUi 115 iISu la Ttelmue 11 I 11 2dmtunumotlm 121 1 2Z i I 9 danhmai tan oi oum ai Iy lty t2m1 12 21 Mmrthim W Nl us C N Ihgiit o 01ml lntutvlo 77 S75 LC so PuIo 10 15 10 ir lle1iAtia 17 03 10 Sunriiuiiic 29 ti Ssvamusa 35 105 12 L Svansiu i urj 0t2PL IT Smcramntnto 0 i i0m 20 S Nhtu 79 l Smmr Con 22t Zt Slmowcrzu C S Simicid I tX 07 04t lctro I j jijt4 i Lesnra 10 1 Sumitaum 12 ii L S Con u ai j l ci1T Ltaim 11 i 40 O Vitcn jq 151 1S Victor I 19 2 M 02 Vaumitee C 21ii 22 2114 MORNING SAMSS Carlsa ItO cut acc RCO at 7c 00 at S7Uc Con Mercur 100 at l7lt Dalv West 2r at 5iriru 20 at Slo10 55 nt Mioo 53 Itt K 15 at filJS I MammotJi 100 at 123 ICO at 123 seller vO 100 at 12l May Day 2X0 al HOJic 120 at 31c fh at > jc icc Tit 2c LCO fit llvic MO at 3l lc l M at IMfc 100 al JJ c South Swanscn 100 at tile 50 at C2c fOO at Olc 1700 al Cc 1C at C2Ac 100 at GTjc sailor 10 100 at rii4e LW at ilc 7CO at Oi c CO at f 5c seller thIrty days Fiar Con tOO > at 2lc tffi at 216c 000 atc at-c IOtA < > at 22JSC lICO al 2Sc 0 W at 22Vc eUer W nM at 223C 10 > D at 2Ac seller thirty days itO at 22 tc Uncle Cam rCO at niV 1000 at 31ic 1200 at tre r > 00 at I i2c 100 at 31c Utah 100 at I7c Hen Butler 100 1 nt ILc COO at 31T4c 1000 U liae seller thirty days California 200 at lie 2 00 at lac 1000 it ir c eller 20 1500 at 14c lW nt llc fxo ut IIMC 2000 at lie seller 0 lOcoat IMiC seller 10 CO at ll ic fOO at MVic Century IW at GOi SOO at nlc ICO at Oe ww ai oOo seller io 1tf at oOc Too Bnwora M at I Ic 2000 at lUe Little Chief 1KO at lOUc Ja Tic I no J7CJ at llAc 1MO at 1lc 1000 it 11e inoo at 1lc seller thirty days Marth Vashlnyloii 1000 at GJic 10X at Rio 1CI i nl liHi Shares sold 01310 Soiling1 valiK JLT07030 OP10X HOARD Con Mercur ICO at SlSO ICO at 170 Sunshine IW at 2ic Uncle Sam ICO at iv c Martha ashlnstnn KDO at OJcj 10X at ci t Vctro ICOIl at ISyc Shares sold srCO Selling ViiJue 7150 v APTKPXOON SALES AJax 103 at l1e 700 at ic 500 at 4lc seller thirty days COO at Itc Carl a Via at 37c iVW at fi7c seller ten days rlO at 7ie Om Meretir 100 at 51SO ICO at SIEOA Daly West 5 at J 1173 50 at SUM a at CH i Lower Mnmniuth VO at 150 seller thir ty days r00 at l5l 100 at lr > 2 100 at Sl0 1 Vu it JIIS 00 ni 5II7 > HOiJ at S11S ifo nt J1J7 Kfl at SlIG > Mimmoth KO at 1 2 jrtat 5127 100 at I27S Mav Day MO at 32Vic 1000 nt 02ic iXX at 2e 1200 at < Saoiamenio W ut 20c Star Con V30 at 2Jlir 200 at 23c Kfu Duller 1T00 at llic Little Chief CO at ic 14 1ihiO 2TflO at IHe SIX at HKc Martha Washlnion 4Q at He 10W at iftic Yankio Con IWi at 52M ClX at 212 Shareii sold 230H Scllliii value h MISJ OIICN I3OARD Ajttx fiVi at ile California itit o3 at Jic 100 at lic Kauli lllue Bell lot at SCc Shares sold 27CO Selling value M2ff2 |