Show SEAT UTMI I DELEGATE State Figures in Convention of Womens Clubs TWO AFFAIRS ARE SETTLED I Mrs SlcIVIahcn of P E 0 Chapter of Salt Lake Will Sit in Los Angeles Convention but Will Not EC Entitled En-titled to VoteAnother Matter Solves Itself by Absence of Delegate Dele-gate On Color Lino Question Utah Delegation Has Not Manifested Any Decided Stand TRIBUNE SPECI All Los Angeles Cal May IThe question ques-tion of whether or not Mrs B II Itob ertp wife of the former Congressman from Utah was entitled to a seat lathe la-the convention of the general federation federa-tion of womens clubs which began in this city today will not come up before the convention as was expected Mrs Roberts Is not present to present her credentials and claim her seat as president presi-dent of the Authors club of Salt Lake Thus what was feared would be one of the bitterest fights of the session has been avoided There has been a quiet rumor for some time that Mrs Roberts would be present and that avery a-very prominent delegate to the convention conven-tion from New York would make alight a-light for her and insist upon her being seated It was known that there was violent opposition to her among certain of the delegates and a hot lime was anticipated Her absence settles the nmttclTUnXS TURNS OUT HAPPILY There was another affair in which a Salt Lake woman was concerned and which threatened to cause a ruplure of pleasant relations hut which turned out happily Mrs Dennison of New York vicepresident of the federation who is also a member of the committee on membership has all along insisted that delegates Itom secret societies are not entitled to seals In the convention Mrs C 31 JileMahon of Salt Lake City a delegate from P E 0 chapter of that city came as a delegate to the general convention and had received her credentials MRS MrrAI roN SEATED Mrs Denison Insisted that she be not seated but after much discussion of the matter at a meeting of the board of directors of the federation this I morn fag Jtwas decided that delegates from secret societies were entitled to seats In the convention although the right to vole Is denied them Mrs McMnhon did not insist upon taking her scat but she stated tonight that she will attend all meetings of the convention hereafter here-after whIle the session lasts In Its report re-port the committee on membership states lhat it was mistaken In regard to the matter UTAH AND COLOR LINE Utah delegates have not manifested any decided stand as yet on the color line question which is the big Issue yet to come before the convention This afternoon the Utah delegation held an executive meeting to consider matters in connection with the support sup-port of Mrs Decker They will form a combine It Is said wIth the Colorado delegation and pending an exchange of courtesies touching some privileges which they want for their own Stale I will vote for the t Denver candidate if J she comes before the convention Theme ieems to be little doubt tonight that Mrs Denlson of New York will be the next president of the general federation fed-eration Mrs Platt Deeper of Denver says she will not permit her name lo come before the convention so long asK as-K Denison is a candidate CONVENTION FORMALLY OPENED The formal opening of the club womens convention this afternoon was markedly brilliant Hundreds of delegates dele-gates and visitors packed the Stlmson auditorium to the roof the interior was embellished with tlOOOO l calla lilies and representative American women sat on the t platform while the usual happy greetings were exchanged by i hostesses and guests I BEAUTIFUL PICTURE 1 Undoubtedly one feature that largely made Impressive the opening session was the Moral scheme only possible In I the land of flowers The calla lilies not only banked solidly the back of the platform but the two balconies their entire length while great clusters were lied to every aisle seat in he house The State banner pieced here and there to designate the delegations added to the plclurosnueness The women lined up on the platform moreover more-over were charmingly gowned Mrs Lowe leading off with a stunning creation crea-tion In black and white WELCOME TO LOS ANGELES After Invocation by Mrs Chester P Darland addresses of welcome were given by Gov Henry T Gage Mayor M P Snyder Mrs i Kate A LSulkley of Oakland president of the local biennial board Mis Lowe responded in so gracIous a manner as to call out rounds of applause Then came greetings from fraternal delegates SHORT SPEECHES THE RULE As chairman of the committee on rule and regulations Mrs Douglas of Oklahoma specified among other things that a delegate should speak only twice to a subject and only three minutes at a time that there should be no proxies and that a member could be a delegate from only one organization TRIBUTE TO M US SEVERANCE At this point Mrs DImles Denlson was introduced and received In con sldern lion of her lerm as acting president presi-dent with long applause In turn she did i the pleasant thing of moving that Mrs Charlotte Severance mother of the Womans club In California be made an honorary vicepresident of the general I federation Mrs Severance responded re-sponded happily the audience paying tribute to her age by i rising to Its feet when she itcpped to the front OFFICIAL RECEPTION ENDS DAY The olllclal reception which closed the clay with a crush came oft In the evening under the auspices 01 he I Friday Fri-day Morning club at the Womens clubhouse club-house a quaint mructure which hat been transformed Into a tropical bpuer The throng of thouxands arrayed In best bib was greeted by the national ofllcery the local biennial board and the president of the Los Angelo 1 club Mrs lri ares a rH m chairman of the Introduction I I Intro-duction committee served In thlJ ca pailly during the t evening The pro gramme tomorrow Is largely Jllled with reports |