Show WORK IN THE ROUSE Day Devoted to District of Columbia Supply Bill Washington May 1Ihe House gave most of the day to the Dlstilct of Columbia Colum-bia appropriation bill which was not completed com-pleted Mr Shattuc of Ohio spoke on industrial in-dustrial conditions labor organizations the right of employees to strike and the nrod 11 al Improvement of conditions existing exist-ing between labor and capital Mr Gainer of Tennessee denounced conditions con-ditions In the Philippines diclurlng that our firm wan making1 a howling wilderness wilder-ness of the Islands 1 of Sutnar and Cebu Rev Dr Couden the blind chaplain In his Invocation prayed for the restoration restora-tion to health of Representative Cum mlngs of New York TIme Burleson resolution vcalllnp upon the War dopartmont for copies of all orders or-ders to time commanding ofllcera In the Philippines bearlnp upon the I operations in Samar under Gen TJaeob II Smith was adoiUcd A similar resolution Introduced by Mr Conroy of Massachuselts was laid on the table A rcfolnllon was adopted which called on Ihf I Civil Scrvlcu commission for Information In-formation repaidlng appointments etc A among the blllfi passed J was one to provide pro-vide that third and fourthclass mall matter without sufficient nobtago shall not bo remnllcd to tIme sender |