Show PARDONED BY KING American Officers Released From Prison in Venice and Returned to Cruiser Chicago Home May IThe 1 King hIm pnnlnnod din I ofilcerj of the United Sluiea crimiier ChIcago who htivo been Imprisoned tit Venice They will bo immediately handed over to till Uultixl States Consul from whoso charge they will 1m trnuHforrod to tho Chicago which Is ready to 1111 Time Imprisoned American naval 1 olllcors genorounly Indemnified the parties clalnt iug I dainage fur Injury I and the I public prosecutor at V tilco KMCgrnphod to Itome that all legnl I Inipedlmeuls to limo prlHon era piirdon were removed Before their rlnlms were adjusteil time eluhnautM for daiiingcit bad lelogrnpluid to the Minister of d maim ice Signor Coedo Ord asking him not tc t cede to the petition for pardon |