Show NATIONAL LEAGUE Great Game at Chicago Chicago ISIav Cincinnati 1 antI Chicago Chi-cago wont twelve limits today in a hotly contested and prettllyplayrd amc Hlther Hide bulng able lo score Both pitchers wore at their best and I received almost perfect support Thu game was called on account of darkness Attendance Attend-ance 1200 Score R 31 J3 Chicago 0 S 1 Cincinnati 0 n 0 JiatterloH Taylor und Chance llubn and Bergen umpire Cantlllon New York 3 Philadelphia 0 Now YOIk May 1New York whlte vashed Philadelphia at the Polo grounds lI xliiy IMlclier McUce who was rcloasod jv the local chit last week was signed IW tlio riilludclphlas today Attendance CHiO CHiOScore Score R H E Philadelphia 9 2 2 New York 3 S Rullerler Voorhces and Douglass Mat hcwson and Bowcrman Umpire ODay Boston 5 Brooklyn 0 Boston May 111115 1 clover pitching backed by the sharp fielding of the Boson Bos-on team blanked Brooklyn In today game Attendance 1SOO Score It H E Beaten 5 11 0 Brooklyn 0 5 i 2 Batteries Willis and Klttrudge Ivltson and Abeam Umpire Brown Pittsburg 18j St Louis 6 Plltsburi TVlay 1Ihe second Inning with nine hits and nine runs for Pltts tang took all interest out of today game Popp was retired after this In nlngt hut Murphy was almost as easy Attendance 23uO Score R H EL Plttshurg 13 39 5 St Louis 0 H I Ii < Batteries Tamiehlll and Smith Popp Murphy and Ryan Umpire kmslic |