Show = j I Millions Unsuspected Suns f I Visitors at the Lick obi obwrvatory mi j usually shown the moon Saturn Mars I or Jupiter If they be In position Wen 1 none of these arc to bc seen In the sen ear Her part of the night the tclecopcs may be turned to a fine nebula like that In I Orion to a brilliant sun like Vega or Sirius to Rigel as u double or the In j leresllng quadruple lnLyra or a great star clusler like that in Horciilc Of i these only the moon and the ptinets our near neighbors will be vlalblymagnlflcd by the telescope Theothors infinitely remote In comparison become only moro brilliant or If to the naked eye Invisible are mOd visible by the u power of the Instrument In-strument The great lightgatherer brings to sight millions of suns unsuspected unsus-pected by the unaided eye The hazy patch in Hercules juston the limit of vision stands out In tho thirtysix Inch reflector as thousands ofdiamond points holding by nctual count In that one close group more stars than the cyo alone may number in the whole heaven I Is estimated that the LJck telescope commands a hundred million stars visually vi-sually its reach with the photographic plat and its tireless film Is vastly more and when one realizes that out of ihcso myriads all but about fifty are so In finitely remote that every attempt to measure their distance has failed abso lutely the mind staggers at the thought of ItEthel Fountain Husscy In tough Sunst J Magazine j |