Show The Church and What to Wear It has long been understood even to a public not familiarized with the details de-tails of church tenets on the wardrobe lhat the man who permits himself to be seen clad at one and the same time in a sack coat and a silk hat Is no better bet-ter than he should be That the sack coat and standing collar conjunction may bo regarded also as opening the wearer to suspicion and possibly subjecting sub-jecting him to discipline Is a piece of disquieting news from Bellcfontalnc 0 where the German Baptist 13rethern of the World are in session Besides considering the sins of sack coated men the Brethcm will devote tome attention to sisters who persist In wearing hats Instead of bonnets The exact passage in St Paul If there be one where reference to the covering of the heads of worshipping women is FO Interpreted as to make the bonnet the Inw Is not nt hand The thought occurs that the crusade at Uellefontalnc maybe may-be misdirected If the church must antagonize the fashion why not begin at the right end of things say at the trailing skirt which Ifl I again mischievously mis-chievously present In the land It makes little difference to the physical health of a community nnd possibly as little to the moral healthwhat a woman wears on her head The germs she gathers under her skirt hem make all sorts of dlfferences New York World |