Show A GENUINE ROUGH HOUSE Frank Edison of Mill Creek Assaults His Wife and Breaks Up His Home I I Before Frank Edison was taken Into custody by an officer yesterday afternoon after-noon he had certainly made tho home of himself and wife on Ninth East street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Four-teenth South strrctft look as though It had been struck by a Texas cyclone The husband also wreaked a large portion por-tion of his vengeance upon his wife Edison who In a mining man la J sold to be of a Jealous disposition and undertook un-dertook to take his wife to task for an alleged grievance soon after they had risen for the day yesterday morning The wife made her escape from the house In her bare foot and sought the borne of Dr Elliott a neighbor for refuge from the Ire of her Irate spouse Edison however was soon on deck with a big gun and marched his wife back home at the point of the weapon The woman It Is said was then assaulted 1 by the man In a most shameful manner and was nearly stripped of her clothes when he had satisfied his anger It was some hours later that she managed to elude his vigilance and made her way to Mill Creek where a complaint was sworn to before Justice of the Peace John Rider BIllie Cottrell the Callers park officer was armed with awarrant and a pair of handcuffs and set out for the scene of the trouble A sorry fight presented Itself when he arrived at the place All of the furniture had been smashed to pieces with a cleaver Tho kitchen range looked like a pile of scrap Iron and the parlor chairs were lying 1 In the front yard where they had boon thrown through the front windows I Policeman Cottrell landed the man In the county Jail about 130 1 oclock and he will be arraigned on the charges of I disturbing the peace and assault with a deadly weapon |