Show PEBFEGT TRANOUILITY Continued from page I their homo to the house of tho commander command-er of Iho Belgrade division where they Toro offered a jrlnns of water and told to hid each othor farewell In tho very moment mo-ment they embraced each other tho officers offi-cers shot and killed them MINISTER OF WAR SLAIN Ono hundred aoMluro commanded by two ofjlccrir at the sumo limo surrounded tho House of Minister of War Pay lovlcs and Hutnmonc him to open the door The Mlitlnter looked from a window win-dow and tho soldiers tired at him woundIng wound-Ing him himATTACHE ATTACHE ORDERED AWAY The Russian military attache who lived In tho same house hearing thu nolso rose and dressed himself In hlH Russian uniform uni-form und atfcmptcd to remove tho Minister Min-ister to his opartincnu Tho ofJlcera ordered or-dered J him to so awav and ho Beolng tho hopoIeauncsB of tho situation departed FOUND BY CHILDREN Tho soldiers then entered the houso anti shot and killed the Mlnluer whoso body was left on tho hoer and was not discovered discov-ered until 10 oclock in the morning whon It was found by his aonInlaw and daughter daugh-ter who had escaped |