Show Returned from Alaska I P A McKenzIe a former superintendent superin-tendent of the Dexter Mining com panys property at Tuscarora Nov arrived ar-rived from the Yukon country In Alas ka yoHterdayi and on Monday will leave for Tuscarora to give his alien lion to valuable holdings in that camp j Of thug result of his pilgrimage into Alaska the I visitor I says It Is prospect I Ively quite gratifying While the average aver-age member of the vast army by which the I country wan sought went them hunting for placer gold Mi MoKoirte gave his attention to prospecting till hour > claims In Atlln and found both < oppor inn gold In considerable abun dance lie scoured locations adjoining the Engineer group owned by Walter Coodwln and others of the engineering corps with which he was connected and anys of the group vhat It Is per haps the most valuable thus far dis covered In Itthe Goodwin crowd ha s < not a lluie l sllvunlte wlthtelluridcs of silver and when he I saw the owners last Ihcy were proparlnic for some very envrxrcilc work l htB season In his own parlys group tho visitor have says they encountered ore showing an aver age of Jl I I per cent copper vlih 10 In uold and that already the owners have 1 U a number of men employed on systematic syste-matic work He expects to put it on hp market as a copper matte and lo tlfat end will erect a plant the present season In the same region the Rofhs chllds have developed n line showing of ore and Mr McKenzIe expects to I sej the t lode claims with development made as productive as have been the placers of Alaska At all events some very isFjmlnont mining men and metallurgists metal-lurgists have expressed this belief |