Show IpOCATELLO TAKES ONE Idaho Ball Players Defeat H 1 the Short Lines HARMONS GREAT TWIRLING j i I Little Pocatello Pitcher Had tho Heavy Stickers of the Short Lino I at His Mercy and Was Merciless I Kidder Not in Good Form and Given Wretched Support Until too Late to Win While Pocatellou Fielding Was Fast from the Start Final Score 9 to 3 i 1 I l STANDING OF THE CLUBS P W L PC Wo Grntulo Western G i 5 1 S33 P6ntello n 8 > 2 6Xi OKilen lo 2 1 1 pflO Short Lino r 0 o OU > I was n pitchers battle at Walkers field yesterday afternoon and Harmon tho little whirlwind I from Pocatello was the pitcher When Pocalollo visited vis-ited this pleasant vale before It looked Ito many of the wise ones as If this youth would be heard l from ere many moons and his performance yesterday went far toward confirming the suspicions sus-picions of those who had pronounced him nasty He gave almost his entire time yesterday to dinky little Inshoots L but the gait at which he waltzed them I over the rubber made them look like Canadian dimes to the select aggregation aggrega-tion called the Short Line team Six ton hits was the sum total secured from I i the Idaho wirier and two of those I were scratches The locals did not I conic anywhere near bunching on him except in the eight when they managed man-aged to get two in succession With two exceptions Harmons impport was perfect which helps to explain why the Short Lines were kept down to three runs one of those protested ANOTHER STORY I How Pocalello got nine Is another and longer slory In the first place Ed Klddcr was apparently easier to find yesterday than he has ever been Thirteen Thir-teen hits two 6f them twobaggers and one a triple were scored off him nine of the his being secured In two In nlnca In the second place up to the fourth Inning Kidder had support that would have promoted an ordinary pitcher to the position of head fool in a lunatic asylum No less than six In I Held errors wcuc rolled up behind I him I and the marvel of It all is that the I man vas ablo to stand up After the third Inning but three scattering hits were made off him The whole Short Line team seemed to come out of its trance just three Innings too late and played n snappy game with two double plays mixed In The net result of the days slums however wan to send l Pocatello Po-catello to second place In the Cakewalk of The Tribune pennant while the Short Line is still out of the running with nothing but strong hopes to work upon THE NEW UMPIRE Sam Browning umpired the game and while it was easily appaiont that ho was strictly fair and Impartial many of his decisions were criticised especially those on strikes and balls and one very close play on first Kim merer hit a ball to Bill Haynes who stopped it and raced ilh the bailer to the bag The umpire called Kim out JiiU i looked the reverse from the grand stand No strong objection was made however as the hit advanced a runner There was a couple of unusual plays One was early In the game on a throw to first I went a trifle wild and Haynes hit II with his milt and l knocked It up in the ail subsequently running off the bag and catching It The ball beat the runner to the bag and the man was justly called ouL Another An-other unusual play was in the sixth Waller was on first and Kimmerer hit to right Lulls muffed the ball hut managed to recover it In time to catch Wailer by I a nose at second sejond WHATS THE USE The third run scored by the Shot Lines may ba protested by 1 Pocalollo I was in the eighth inning after two men were out Sandy McFarland was on first and Barnes on second Sandy Started to second and Kuran threw to Hand While Rand was runnIng Sandy down Barnes started home and crossed the plain The question Is whether Sandy was out before Parnes touched the rubber The umpire stated lthat the run should be scored Pocatollo will play the Rio Grandes ut the Walker Held today and an exciting ex-citing Is expected Pocatello dUng game expectNI Pocatelo owes the Rio Grandis two and will doubtless make a strong fight to secure se-cure the payment of one of thorn The Short Lines will struggle with Ogden at the Junction City loda > Following Is thg detailed score of yesterdays yes-terdays game gamePOCATELLO POCATELLO I AB R lB PO A E Rand 2nd b 2 3 D 2 1 Gamble 3rd b I 2 2 1 2 I Iluynra 1st b 60 1 i S 0 l Dalesman c f 1 1 2 0 0 0 1ieibcts 9 0 1 1 3 0 Dwyer I f I 1 S 1 0 0 Ullls r f f 0 0 1 1 1 Kuran c f l 1 D 0 Harmon 1 1 2 11 0 0 Total lo t 18 27 1 2 SliORTTTNB Att 1 IB PO A E Miller s s JB 01 1 2 1 Waller 3rd b 4 1 U 0 1 2 Taylor r f 2 1 1 0 0 0 Klmmeror c f i 3 0 I S 0 0 Bovman 1st b 1 0 0 6 0 0 Bjirncs I f 3 1 0 2 0 0 McFsirlnnd 2nd b 0 1 I 2 1 Birkelov I c o l 0 0 10 1 1 Kidder IA 2 0 0 1 2 1 Total 3 n G 2 S 6 12 S I i 0 7 S 0 Pocatollo 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 f Poatllo o G 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 11 Short Line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 a Hit o i ii o o i i 2 0 c Sacrifice hits Gnmbfo Klmmorer sto lon buses Dlle mon Tnyloi bases on balls Kidder 2 Harmon 2 twobtiHc him Gamblelurm Wullpr threobnse hilt Tlurmon double plays Kidder to McFir Hurrol douLlc land to Bowman Millar lu McKtrhmd to Bowman hit by pitcher Diitc iimn Kinder Kin-der 2 Barn struck out KliUlcr S Ilur mon 8 wild pltehen Klddor 2 111 at on errors I er-rors 1 Short Line 2 Pocatollo o umpire f Sam Browning tlnie 210 uttcmlMico Wj |