Show TALKS WITH TRAVELERS J R Wear a prominent horse dealer of Plymouth 11 Is at the Walker House on route East after a business trip to western Montana In referring to I equine I cniidliloiis i he said The market Is strong and very likely lo he stronger Tluie was a great slump In hoiscllesh some years ago due in a great measure to the unprecedented development de-velopment of electrical appliances In the line of motive power People stopped buying horses so that finally the l railroads got to refusing to accept I them as freight unless charges were prepaid j Then growers quit growing and the stock of the country petered out untiL when suddenly a reaction ale the supply was entirely Inadequate to the I demand We have Just bought 1000 range horses from R F Boatman of Home Park rnnch Montana paying about S10COO delivered at Monida or Mehoe Illinois They are In good condition some weighing as high as 1100 pounds These range stock mnke good faim and draft horses and some of them are sent to Si Louis where the Government Is likely to gel hold of such as are adapted for cavalry purposes pur-poses These horsesare broken In without much trouble I and llnd a ready market but I notice that Western growers have caught the highprice fever from the I wool men and are standing out for I higher prices So the bulls are directing direct-ing prices upward e at S I present James Shields has turned from Chicago to icstore his 1 nurvous equilibrium equilib-rium to lho standard measurement af ler being rudely disturbed by a fall down of the mercury of forty degrees in one day In the Windy City He will smile on Zion for several days before starting out again On being asked about the strikes imp said They nre doing Chicago an Immense Im-mense amounl of harm and Interfering with business But the fight is between the unions nad the contractors and I do not believe there Is any politics in It I Carter Harrison charged with having a hand In prolonging the tight for po litical ends but I do not believe It He Is too farsighted and able a man to be Influenced by anything of thai kind As foi the stories that manufactur ing concerns are pulling up stales and leaving Chicago on account of the strike that Is not so Some concerns thai want to and spread cannot afford to buy the ground wanted are r movIng mov-ing to suburban towns whore land Is cheaper taking I their fiends with l I them but not btcause of any strike Mr Shields says the Chicago river Is now of I bright pengreen tint and I full of nsli instead o Delnh I foul smelling cesspool as formerly fn fact llsh are caught all thc way up the river through t thf t city The river is i being widened herever possible and the navigation Improved o a I II Frederick W Anderson traveling secretary sec-retary of the student volunteer movement move-ment for foreign missions was at the I Wey hotel for 1 short time yesterday en route from Toronto Can lo Pa j chIc Grove Cal to attend a student volunteer meeting there M 1 r Anderson I is I an enthusiast in his work the more 54 I since he has been attending the great ecumenical council at New York Providence Is I opening up a wonderful I wonder-ful way for the reclamation of nations that Hit In darkness II remarked and this student volunteer movement which originated In Mr Moodys of I forts promises to develop into extended I i proportions Special effort is being made at tin Northfield Moss Evangel i heal school te foster and encourage the enlistment of bright strong earnest I and capable young men and women In the work of foreign missions and I believe the grandest of good will result from this movement To quote Rev Dr Pearson at the ecumenical council In speaking on the superintending Providence of God In foreign missions I i will say God lists I opened lie door and mudo sea and land the highways s for nallonnl InlcreourHe 1 nnd the avenues to national brother I I hood Ue has multiplied I facilities I for I uorldwide evjingellssfitlon practically I annihilating time and space and demolishing 1 annlhlallg tme I molishing even the barriers of language I lan-guage Why the printing and circulation circu-lation of the Bible In 100 tongues ro I verses the miracle of Babel and reheats re-heats the miracle of Pentecost Yes I the developments of the ecumenical council shou unmistakably that a new and grand era in foreign missionary work is opening 6 t I t The building of the St Anthony railroad and the turning o traffic and travel more than ever In hat direction has not affected Idaho Falls unfavorably unfavor-ably remarked 1 C Anderson of the Falls at the t Cullen last night The country all around us Is being populated popu-lated up so fast that business with us is on the Increase all the while People seem to be coming In from all over nnd they are a good class of people I too The Fall if to have an electric I plant and nf > w waterworks A canal from the Snake river will be finished Inside of thirty days giving an abundance abund-ance head with which to run the dynamos dyna-mos and the electrlcily will furnish light for the town both public and private I I pri-vate and very likely for any power that may be desired Then there Is I I i t new system of waterworks to he put In later Direct pressure In the mains I will be secured by steam power and the town given a system not lo be surpassed by any other town In the State We might have n natural pressure pres-sure however had a different policy obtained I Our country Is In line shape All these rains you enjoyed down hero uo I bad also BO that I Irrigationseems at I present superfluous However irrigation irriga-tion systems are spreading rapidly I allover over lie Slate and so fast thai I donl I 1 keep LICk of lliem any niore Politics Is I light with us I has not yet reached I the confluent form as in Montana That wan a great trick Clark played on Daly but I doubt whether the Senate Sen-ate will stand It I J B Kllllan of Delta Colo Is at the Kenyon where he and Jim Leary put In part of yesterday afternoon swapping swap-ping livestock stories Delta Is one of the greatest fruit centers In the West even if It Is I off the standard gauge said Mr Kllllan We can heat the world on apples oven If Grand Junction does lead us a little on peaches and In melons we arc strictly on the lop Wo have had all the rain we wont so the grass and range feed Is prime fine condition and nil kinds of live stock arc In |