Show Foiling the Giant Hcdwoods H IK 11 niOKt inleresllng sight to behold one of those giant redwoods fall Time process of cutting la eiYortivl through the use of the axi and saw All axes are dou blo farMi through which much llrac Is pived in sharpening SometImes the axes start lie cut on oth l side of limo trunk uml at places about opposIte each other through the thickness of the trio Aflcr the chopping has penetrated in a depth of about two foot on each side the saw h started in the line of Incision and the Job completed with that Instrument Generally Gener-ally however lie dIrectIon In which tf tree is to fall Is determined and the cat IB made In that side to the depth of from one to three feet Then the choppers nasj to tho opposite side and begin hiwlnp tc a point several feet higher limn the placs of tho Incision As the saw moves through the heart of the giant lie bcpliu I to sag down on the aide whore tho wound Is gaping In doing this ho lifts apart lilA cut and opens time section whlrh Ihe saw Is making thereby keeping free pLljr for tho saw This Is aided nt limes br driving wedges at tIme place where Uia saw entered Presently It Is apparent thai the stt thou Is opening wider and that tIme tree la beginning to lean away from the cutter They continue with their work a moment longer then In heard the cracking of the wood fibres In front of Ihe saw tceth Another swish of iho saw and tIme notNvs Increase They give JL report like firIng pistols and Iho rapidity of detonation of a Jailing gun Tho sounds getting evermore ever-more rapid presently bccomo a continuous continu-ous roar Then If you arc standing neir by and lImo tree Is large you will pel Iba Impression that everything above Is cornIng corn-Ing lo earth that the whole forest Is fallIng fall-Ing The great mast starts slowly to topple top-ple cracking and exploding ever louder at Its base until with a fearful momentum momen-tum II comes sprawling down cracklnjr and crushing and roaring amid hilling the parth with n clump and hump as it a whole broadside of llilrleonlnch bombs had simultaneously struck a bastion The choppers quickly run over the trunk with their axes and cut away all the branches Almost before you can recover yourself the long stalk Is bare of Ilmb and lien the men begin cro cuttlnc It Into logs or sections of from tentyiour to thirty feel as long n It Is desired thai the boards Into which il Is to bo reduwrt at the mill shall be This done the lop arc peeled of their bark the crowbar tying ty-ing used to pry off the thick Inlegumtnl which Is sometimes n foot In death the log being turned with Jackscrows when such Is practicable lo got at the underside under-side San Francisco Call |