Show I IWKINLEYS RUNNING MATE P FOBMEBGOV BLACK OF NEW YORK MENTIONED I Empire State Claims the Place Col Torrey of Wyoming a VicePresi dential Possibility c TRIBUNE BUREAU I = 01 Fourteenth street Washington D C May 10 1900 There is some talk here of Col Torrey I the Republican candidate of Wyoming as Republcan I date for VlccPresldent Secretary I Long PostmnsterGeneral Smith and Representative DollUer are also mentioned men-tioned But New York members claim toned Empire State and I I the place for the Bnllrc Frank S Black the former Governor Is said by some of them to possess all the requisites for an excellent candidate candi-date Blacks name may be presented to the convention now that Roosevelt and Bliss are out of the way and In that event he would prove 0 formidably I candidate His success In opposing Senator I Sen-ator Murphy indicates his ability as a I votesetter SURVEY COLORADO RIVER I Senator Stewart today introduced an J amendment to the emergency river and harbor bill providing for a preliminary I examination and survey of the Colorado river between Eldorado canyon and Rlovllle Nev with a view to the extension I ex-tension of navigation to Riovllle PLBLIC BUILDING MEASURES Senator Wolcolts bill appropriating 75000 for the t purchase of a site and the election of a building at Grand I Junction Colo wus today reported favorably I fa-vorably to the Senate with an amendment amend-ment which increases the amount to 120000 SIIOUP URGES APPROPRIATION Senator Shoup again addressed the Senate Committee on Appropriations today and urged the adoption of an I amendment appropriating 100000 to enable en-able the Treasury department to complete I com-plete the letting of contracts for the erection of a public building at Boise Ida The committee reached no conclusion con-clusion in regard to this mailer as I there are numerous buildings in different dif-ferent sections of the United States that are In an uncompleted condition on account of a lack of appropriations and several millions of dollars will be necessary to complete them The com mlllcc therefore are slow lo make an exception in the case of the Boise I building I WORKING FOR IDAHO The Senator also urged the adoption I of an amendment directing the board of managers of the t national homes for disabled soldiers to inspect the Fort Sherman military roseiallon In Idaho with n view 0 establishing a brunch home there t He also urged the establishment estab-lishment of a fish hatchery In J Idaho and the adoption of an amendment providing pro-viding for the payment of the Nez I Forces Indians who served as scouts I under the direction of Gen 0 O howard I How-ard In 1870 PENSIONS GRANTED IdahoOriginal William A Fab rlque Lewiston 3C Wyoming Increase Benjamin I Kueny Dayton 8 PERSONAL MENTION Mr and Mrs A E Werner of Boise Ida are hoppy over the birth of a HI Mr Werner Is in the Architects ofllco of the Capitol I |