Show ARREST OF SEIFERT Charged with Interfering with the United States Mails John Seifcrl vtm < brought down from Ogden and placed in the county jail by Deputy United States Marshal Smyth yesterday Selfert was indicted lasl week by the United Stales grand jury for Interfering Ill the United States mall A warrant was issued for his arrest and he was taken into custody us stated stcLec Several months ago Selfert had an altercation with Ralph Pldcock a mail carrier of the Ogden postoMlce Pid I cock went Into a saloon to deliver mall I and Selferi nsked him to have a drink I which was declined A fight followed and Pldcoek who has lost one arm I struck ScifiMt with an Iron hook attached at-tached to the stump of his amputated I arm pulling out his e1 Pldcock was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and acquitted when his trial came up Selferl has UJ buen arrested on lhe charge of Interfering wllh the United States mal and In default of 500 bal has been lodged In jal1 |