Show MRS EWART GIVES BONDWoman BOND-Woman Who Tried to Kill Prominent Promi-nent Denver Man Is Released Denver COb May 15Mrs Martha Ewart who shot twice at Joseph 1C Choate president of tint Denver Cotton Mills company society cud clubman and iiophew of United States Embassndor Choate lust night In the oflico of Wolcott I Vallo wn released on bond of 500 today Information wan filed lit tho Criminal court today charging Mrs Ewnrt with attempted murder J F Vallo attorney for Mrs Chqatc made a statement for publication as to tho events uhlch led up to the shooting It wns to the effect that In June 1POO Mrs Rwart lilcd a suit for broach of promise against Mr Chonto To avoid publicity although denying liability Mr Choalo settled with the woman paying her In full for her claims Last evening she wont to the Choate residence demanding de-manding additional money on hor claim Mr Chortle accompanied her to Mr Valle3 olllcc wlicro Ito shooting later occurred Mr Choato was married In February last to Miss Alice Muller In Brooklyn K Y Montana Newspaper Changes Helena Mont May ExCongrcss ban 11 F Bartlno oC Nevada who was associate editor of tho Anaconda Standard Stand-ard for two years has gone to Washing ton to tnko editorial charge of tho Washington Wash-ington Times F B Mooro has resigned as managing editor of tho Montana Doily Record of Uoleiui to accept an editorial position on tho Commercial Advertiser of New York |