Show p 4 iASTEnN 32XCU SIOXJ HATES I In Orcon 8li6rtUno nl Union Pocific I 1 nctc jI1te I trili hO 1th and 1 12lh rdimdlrlp tickets 111 Ic noid lQ I bCner Hol1 Pol tast1as follows Pueblo and Colorado I i Springs OtnailLrL hOd MIn5oijiiljvr 2OOO sO t Pauj point 322 I and I Pnu I 1lnncapoI6 u 3875 L I Thirago J 3 O All tfrkt5 c 11 5 tcketl th City rood rptupnlns un l SopU Ticket offlce 206 iS Main The regular meeting of the P E O society will be held at IS J street Thursday evening at 715 Notice Sheepmen Lambing ground ior lease in forest reserve Apply 500 McCornlck block I ollI PiE Of a woman in perfect health attracts the eye at once Such a woman is all too rarely seen The most of women bear scars of suffering on their faces which no smiles can hide and I often in their very carriage betray the womanly 4rI weakness which oppresses them t4tI There can b no perfect health foi t t1 thes woman who 4 suffers s from disease dis-ease of the delicate womanly organism organ-ism Her general health is so intimately mately related to tci t4c the local health of i the womanly organs or-gans that these must be cured before tI be-fore the general health can be established Dr Pierces Favorite Fa-vorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well I cures womanly disorders dis-orders and diseases brightens the dull eye rounds out the hollow cheek and gives strength for wifely duties and maternal cares Myhealth is the best noT that it has been for four years writes tf Phcbc Morris of Ira CayiiKn Co N Yo Box 52 I have taken but two bottles of your medicine Favorite Pre Hcription and Golden Mcdicil TDiscox cry TIiese medicines have done me more good than nil that I have ever taken before I couldnt do my work only abut half the time and nov I can worl l the lime for n family of four ncfore 1 took our medicines I was sid in bed nearly half the time My ndvice lo nil who nre troubled with female weakness Is to take Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Med-ical Ui ocry the uiosl vonderful medicines ill the world Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Advisor is sentytr on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only Address Dr R V Pierce Buf falo N Y FIGPRUNE CEREAL A New MctRotl of XJBlnjr Fruit is to prepare It in such a manner that It still retains all of Its natural properties prop-erties and then combine It with selected se-lected grains thereby producing a perfect per-fect breakfast beverage This is the way Figprune Cereal the substitute for coffee and tea Is made Your grocer sells It Ask for sampleD sample-D 4 Vliy Some Children arc ReStless and nervous even their own mothers ere unable to tell Possibly they have been given coffee or teo to drink Fl = r prune Cereal made from choice California fornia fruits and selected grains is i a beneficial substitute Figprune will feed the nerve centers I will make thc child strong and healthy Made like coffee Looks like coffee But Its 51 per cent fruit and 16 per cent Grin I He I you dont feel ju right substitute Figprune Cereal for coffee Its the perfect per-fect food beverage At grocera 1IrTun1uuiuwT5Ir1a1uIrnIinIunLuumuTmric1 DR IlmlnunurnnnT I PiK Pdff FOR FPAL PEOPL lI Ai CXT3 U IC = I U IEC3 r VTt C eWerrntonle Blood Maker Send for dcflsrlps e to pamphluU Sold by clmpnlstu fl7 rywhcres M conU per box vlx for 92 U 60 = r VitUAMB Men Co Schrncctadjr NYS lllllltlllllllCIHUIIIIIIIIIHl I I > ii I iIUIllirllll > v BACACUE AND INDiGESTION i Caused by Systemic Catarrh = = = Pe = ru = na r I Cures Like Magic I 1 T < I I c f > l i < r I 1 f I r i l I S I t H ir I p + I1 t l l f < I = = J J I t i f I 1 j MSS A BEADY OP CHICAGO ILr q Miss A Brady Corresponding Secretary Illinois Womans Alliance writes of Peruna I 2725 Indiana Ave Chicago HI Peruna Medicine Co Columbus O Gent Lust year from continued strain in literary work I became be-came very much exhausted My nerves seemed to give way and I had backache back-ache headache and serious indigestion One of my friends suggested that I try Peruna but prejudice against any patent medicines kept me from taking it until I became so weak that I felt I must do something It certainly acted Jike magic on my system Within ton days I felt new life and health given me and by taking an occasional dose off and on when I fcol extra tired I keep my system in perfect crdcrMiss A Brady i SATURDAY NIGHT SALE 7 to 9 oclock next Saturday ay evening 50 pieces art goods worth up to 700 each your choice at 2098 Eacb = = See Windows C C Mechanics Tools at a special discount I UJ Scott = Streveil W r N 1 L KK tbrifrtTtfli w iX < iuu 7 Y J bikY u Litle 1 1 JPl h Talk i on i t 1 au nm in Ii I I l and iZ 2 Suits iu Hart Vhlle wo have been talking about our t f Schaffner fine Suits our 10 and Sl 12 Suits havo Schafner seemed to be neglected I t1 Marx While our goods UTO all strictly first lt i 4 class wo do not claim to be high priced I and we shnll always try to give tho VERY BEST values for themoncy possible I V possi-ble Here arc somo marvels In value i li T al 1 or 1 Stripe Cheviot In the pray 1000 l Made nicely lined tailor made > JJJ Th Clothes Gray Cheviot In tho Hcrrlnfjbono lt effect t n pretty tfVnn a thing c > uuv C A Pepper and Salt effect In thc brown5 hard twisted Avlll wear like 17 fifi v Iron 1ZUU a An Invisible plaid Cheviot stAT CDYIIOHT IiI a very sty coymOHT 101 Jloh looking o rr H4RT ItmlA IJARS f 2 00 CHICAGO AT 1A1 Suit T JZUU < th73D R r H f v < l j > tctK 3 Richardson Adams t j I I j 172 Aain SI 1 < II We Treat and Cure r Catarrh Bronchitlu IToural la Hcnrt 1 I WJ Disease Dyspepsia Skin Disease i i Blood Diseases Biioumatism MaJa it I Z hc7 na Torvous Diseases Kidney Diseases t J Dis-eases Female Complaints Insomnia 1 t1 Dysentery Paralysis Rickets Scrofula 1 1Nf Scrof-ula Consumption in first stage Liver th Diseases Diseases of the Bowels r Home treatment cures Write for k 1y symptom lst Consultation free WEAK MEN PAY WHEN CURED weaknesses f 1LLd1 1 SJkLi Jf you suffer from any of tho lEN nesses or diseases caused by Ignorance excess or contagion you havr been Wo euro you first and then aak A REA robbed and deceived until tho mero men SONABLE FEE when you are cured You tlon of tho word Doctor causes your can depend upon our word any bank In blood to boIIYOU ARE THE VERY Utah will Indorse It thousands of pu PERSON wr WANT TO TALK TO tlcnts have Indorsed UR NOW EWe E-We havo proven our nklll in curlnir ail WANT TO CURE YOU with the dlutlnct CHRONIC dlsouaoa by publlahlnc thou undcrctnntllnf that we Avlll not demand C oands of voluntary dlsrn testimonials or homo A FIOE until AVO euro you Wo cure LOST < stmonll people giving names pictures and nd MANHOOD Seminal Weakness Sperms dresHen elvinI namo torrhoea Gonorrhoea Syphilis and all weaknesses of mono Wo absolutely euro CANT PUBLISH OUR CURES Xfl3fl OURCUR Vnrlcocola or It dont cost you Q penny IN PRIVATE DISEASES I Consultation and cost l li by Jotter Bcctfiisn It would betray confidence Hence or In person CAL OR JIIT B we have to provo our skill In tnii claaa of I Olllco hours 10 to C ennij 7 t 8 trouble In another way This Is our plan Sunday 10 to 12 DDS S RE l c pcPEET SPECIALISTS HARMOH BLOCK I DRSSSORES L SSORES Salt Lao City P O T3oz 1583 J 4 r A SEVERE CASE I Of Catarrh of The Stomach Cured by Peruna Mr Otto Jordan Argus Ind writes 1 can state to you that all the symptoms of catarrh have disappeared since I commenced taking Peruna and I shall give It all the praise I took I four bottles of tho medicine For along long l lime before I took the medicine I I felt dull and stupid was subject to sick stomach and dizziness Since the I Jlrst l bottle I have not been troubled with my stomach and have been greatly great-ly l benefited all around I think anybody any-body troubled with catarrh would be I benefited by the use of your medicine Otto Jordan Tho Secret of Pure lood No ono can bc troubled long with Indigestion In-digestion and have pure bloodfor however careful one may bc In tho selection of proper food If It Is not properly digested It will not furnish the blood with pure materials For this condition Peruna isa con a nl r falling remedy I cleanses the bloody b blood-y correcting digestion and gives tone to the whole system by Increasing I Increas-ing I tho nutritive value of J the food Spring fever as it Is sometimes called which produces a tiredout I sleepy feeling and Inability to do 1 I much mental or physical work Is the I result ofa sluggish digestion and no t blood medicine Avill be of any use whatever unless It is able to rectify the Impaired digestion The gteat popularity that Peruna has is due toile to-ile fact that in all such cases It at once corrects digestive derangements I and enriches the blood by purifying this very Important source of that vital fluid A Tonic and Catarrh Cure Mr W M Holland of llartwell Ga proprietor of the Hartwell Tin Works writes ot Peruna as follows I am more than pleased with the benefits derived from Peruna The sinter of 1S09 my weight was 15 pounds I used several bottles during the wInter and nowweigh 21L 1 have recommended It to all my friends both as a tonic and catarrh cure I I had been lucky enough to have seen It several years ago Perunt would have saved me much Inconvenience Inconve-nience Ur M Holland A Fie Blood Purifier Mrs Mary A Smithing Chaplain General Henry W Lawton Circle No 27 wrItes from Chicago as follows fol-lows Gentlemen Asa As-a fine blood purifier puri-fier Peruna stands at the l head of any r medicines I have II bver I known J 1 f have used It my teelf with fine results I re-sults and knov r that It has helped I several of our 4 Grand Army ladles 1 more than anyMrs M A amlthlrg thing they ever used Knowing it to be a reliable family remedy it has my hearty Indorsement Mrs Mary A Smithing If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory sat-isfactory results from the use of Pe runa write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he Avlll be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The O Hartman Sanitarium I Columbus VALEER BROTHERS Bankers SALT LAKE CIT3T ESTABLISHED 1859 J Safety deposit boxes for rent nr E JONES co T BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Transact a general banking business In all Its branches Special attention Is I given to selling ot ores and bullion of which consignments aro solicited 1EO SOUTH MAIN STREET pvESEEET NATIONAL BANX DESERET UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Salt Lake City Utah Capital 500000 Surplus 250000 L S HILLS MOSES THATCHER President VIcePrcsldent H So YOUNG Cashier Safe Deposit Boxes for rent r i RTATIONAL BANK OF I IN THE REPUBLIC I U S DEPOSITARY FRANK KNOX President GEORGE A LOWE VicePrnsident W F ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN 5500000 Canton In all Its branches transacted Exchange drawn on tho principal cities of Europe INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS CO MCCORI1ICK I I 1 Bankers Salt Lake City Utah ESTABLISHED 1ST3 fOMMEECIAL NATIONAL BAKE ¼ i CAPITAL PAID IN roopt General banking In all Its branches DirectorsDr Theodore Meyer John J Daly O J Sallrbury Moylun C Fox Thomas Marshnii W P Noble George 31 Downey Johr W Donncllan A f Holdcn TVELLS FARGO CO BANK WELLS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Accounts of banks bankers corporations I corpora-tions firms and Individuals solicited Exchange foreign and domestic bought and sold I Telegraphic transfers made on all tho principal cities of tho United States and I Europe Letters ot Credit Issued available In the principal cities of tho world Collections made at current rates Special attention given to selling of ore and bullion bullionCORRESPONDENTS CORRESPONDENTS Yells Fargo Coos BankNew York City Wells Farco Co Sin Franclruo Wells Fargo Co Portland Or MorchanH National BankChicago National Bank of tho RepublicBoston BoatmonH Bunk St Louis Flrat National Bunk Omaha First National Bank Denver Glyn Mills Currlc Co London Samuel Montagu Co London J E DOOLY Cashier ESTABLISHED IStt 150 OFFICES THE OLDEST AND LARGEST GDIJNCO R I t The Mercantile Agency GEORGE RUST General Manager Utah Idaho and Wyoming Office In Progress bdgr Salt Lake City Buyers I OYI e > w w V LTCV A I Jf jgmi 9 H < ar ays I 0 BfiEJU Saftlsfisd 1 1J = SPEED TELLS THAT IS WHY THE Tribune Columbia I Bicycles are In the lead Come In and see about them and AVQ will give you a few pointers about wheels Tribune Roadster 1000 Tribune Blue Streak50 iOO Columblaa Ooo AVo have baseball goods to in tercst you WESTERN ARMS SPORTING GOODS CO 115 S Main THE LATEST FAD ALICE NEILSEN BRACELET 4It 4sq Mw I I I Largest stock and lowest prices I E IICHTENSTEIir Jeweler I 214 rain street opposite Kenyon Hotel I I THE NEXT TIME I You make bread use Huslers High Patent Pat-ent Flour 1C It dent fill the bill return re-turn It to your grocer gro-cer and get I IIYOUR MONEY BACK f FOR n fB ed Suppressad ollua11ofl1 C ro ti SiTs e I PAiNFUl Me h i i t1 I Ts 18 r3 62 > V JJ FEMALE AndaPREVENTlVSjor r IiI fl S IRREGULARITIES I 61I 1 H Aro Salo and Reliable y C ft erfectly Harmless I II 0 J Purely Veeo T tablel Nree e > i < Il li I PRICEQO Sent postpaid on rcc = ipto2 ffJRfMl I J price Money rsfcaded II not aa w ° eny Jim do GinCllOTII CQ a Doa Mcice Iowa I Drueh Franlcen s e cor Main 3d s i A C Smith 142 So Main S cure Primary Secondary Tertiary flfljjflfl I I in 20 to < 0 daya without tho usn of potash or I mercury to stay cared forever Refloz disorders from oiccsros in early life lost mnnhood nnd debility promptly and permanently cured Every coco accepted undT Jwral guarantee Sjnd stnmp for too book W A Cook M i D or THE COOK MEDICAL CO 1633 CURTIS ST DENVER COLO NO CURE NO PAY i irEN If yaa hare small Treat f1 organt lost power or weakening k drvliw Vacuum Orjpin l > c eloper wr trot nslcro JOQ without druir or 1 electricity Stricture oUIdnnco lo l 1 pcrTnnncatJj cured In 1 to 4 wcot i J t ± fl 73CO In 1 utf cot ono failure not AN on returned j effect Immediate no COD frauUi crlto for frtu r rtlcu lan Pent icalcd In plain envriopo I LOCAL APPLIANCE CO AS Tbcrp 31k Irdlaoepellj ltd I Seeds niB Kinds Ii t y t NiUC A tiiiil ii ilJiuHCnC New Stocktrue reliable I i Highest awards two American and Parlq expositions SrURTHV 152 Stato St Salt LaOio City Utah Also Ogden Utah DR C W H1GOINS Hicrosccpic and Anilylic Physician 25 YEARS IN J SALT LAKE SALT LA < E I Microscopic Metrical Institute C W l Higgins M D Manager and Prop ST ELMO HOTEL Corner Maiiz and Third South 1 1 I I 0 fJiJ I J I I T i Han practiced In Salt Lake City for twen tyllvo years and the wonderful and woll ostabliohcd cures he ban effected In that limo provo the scientific principles on which his medicines RiO compounded Forming diagnosis by the aid of the microscope mi-croscope enablns him to detect tho primary pri-mary cause of disease and effect a radical cure Tho Doctor has cured thousands oC cases of Xcrvoua Debility Mental and Physical AYcaknoss nnd Xorvonn Prostration and will forfeit > W for any caso taken cinder his treatment which ho falls to cure All classes of private diseases cured and nil old llnsorlncr diseases which vitiate tho bjqod and Impair the system thor ouphly1 and permanently Liver and klrtnoy complaint cured All classes of fits cured Tapeworm removed with head or no pay Ofllco hours 10 to 330 and 7 to 8 p m Please send for a list of questions to Dr C W H tInt Salt Lake City Utah |