Show LATE PANIC IN LONDON Dramatic Details Regarding Action to Save Old Firms S London May 15Some diamatlc delays de-lays regarding English notion duUng the panic fn American stocks Image come into time possession of a representative of Limo Associated Press It appears that last Sunday the senIor partner of the largest arbitrage concern summoned a meeting at a private houoc where Mr Morgan Lord Rothschild and others wcro present lie declared that If the buying In of Northern Pacific shares was npl slopped his tinn must announce thcniqelNcs dc laultcru Scarcely were the words out of his mouth before his hearers realized that such a slop would mean an Immediate Imme-diate loss of 10000000 lo the ILondon stock exchange Lortl Rothschild and Mr Morgan contrary con-trary to all the rules oi Capcl i court pledged their word that there would bo no further buvlng in of Northern Pacific I lit im fencrally realized that If thls ar r bltravgc concern had pot been ab6 to get Its needs met London would have felt tho effects for three years and houses whoso names are historic would havo been compelled to go to time wall despite the fact that nono of the partly In question ques-tion had taken any serious Initiative In tIme fight between the American roads At Sundays mooting when the situation situa-tion was presented In all its gravity lx > rd Rothbchlld said London must bo Hftved and when those present agreed that time buying In of Northern Pacifies must be stopped he remarked Wc havo gained the day Ont of the leading London stock brokers said today to a rcpiescnlatlvu of time Associated Press Time whole development develop-ment of time lost few days merely shows how much wo arc in the power of Now York |