Show J ALL OVER THE WORLD I fq1cI lOtaltQf t lhc qj3h receipts of the Jacksonville Relief association to date Is 510i701 if It Is rumored that M Dewitte tho Rus sian Finance Minister Is Hooking another Joan In Germany It Is 1 repor 101 that iFrcnch troops have taken DOII M83lon ofthe Oasis of Gha dumcH which gives them practical con trol pr Tripoli l < tAii unconfllrne 11 report him boon ro rQrOlt eelvbd from ItoBmead that Gen Dewct jvUh a small commando and a long tom has crossed Into Zuruburg district ot Capo Colpny In WnllnraBon Vn yesterday State Senator Stakes who shot and killed Rey J J 1 Wall a Presbyterian clergy num last November was acquitted of murder and riot free Gn > it Irltiln has submitted an Impor tant nrniOBal 1 to the Foreign MInisters thj > ChlUHr PJtiMio indemnity out of her own native resources on a system afford ing her MUcfiLfAsilUlci > Jt Is asetLt1that owing to tho stool trliit huvliu rcauticcl a rIse In prices many SwLst manufacturers have Joined I the Austrlmi amid German mnnufaciiireni to effect anAmerican boycott At last nIfTht3 oeaslon of the Presby edna missions board Philadelphia Charljos W llanrf treasurer reviewed Hid work of the b < > ard and fltatod that lid mlBslunary property was valued UL S2 500000 John W Gates and Mrs Gates alh > il yestordny for Bucopb on tie Hteamahli IStLmhll Ml Gates In Intcnlfiw said that he was going to London to ut tciijl meeting of time Colorado Fuel and 1 Iron company In Cincinnati Ot last night at ama c mcothifj tho mnchlnLsts of that cIty numborlng over BOO men decided to atrHco next Momltiy May 20th Tho mnnurnc turors maO aereod to the trinehour lIe munil but refuse to grantlhd Incroaie in wages S rho follovlncr order vJu rcclvcd by Chlcnfto machinists Yesterday frdm Wasliinston tilitiica by Jhtoruatlbiun President OConnoll 1ln every hop con trolled by tho NtUlbnrtl MctalTradc g os i i soclatlon that fulla to post a notice of u 12VJ per cent Increase In wages a strUc hull be declared on Mayl loot |