Show cot1 RULES RA Pi Cereal Was Theatrical Its Behavior i I MAY TOUCHED SIXTY CENTS i I This BreaksAH Records for Prices I l During the Last Nine Years Opan I i ing Price was 54 Cents and It Was 1 Pushed Up 6 Cants by the Bull Lcadsr At the High Point Phillips Phil-lips Accepted Settlements for 950 000 Bushels May Oats Was Also Bulled to 31 Cents I SILVER u i New York y San Francisco 59c LEAD New York exchange S1371 COPPER New York exchange 517 00 Silver and Drafts New York May 15 Silver certificates COcBar Bar silver SOsC Mexican dollars JSVlc San Francisco May 15 Silver bars 55e Mexican dollars Drafts Sight lOc telegraph 12 > 4c Money and Exchange New York May IB Money on call firm at 4t6 4 per c inj last loan G per cent ruling rate 5 per cent t Prime mercantile paper Jffl per cent Sterling exchange easier with actual business In bankers bills at SIS7JM for demand and at SI S3A for sixty days posted rate ISWI and J183 commercial bills IS5liJ4R1 New York Metnls New York May 15Lead and spoiler were unchanged at L3Th and S3Oo3 lCO respectively 2Dp1er was without hange today sell Ing atJ7c for lake anti l6rc for ccting San Francisco Mining Stocks San Francisco May 15The official closing quotations for mining stocks to day wcre as follows Aita 02 Justlco 01 Andes 06 Mecleamt 18 Beicher OS OccIdental Con 03 Bst c B 2 Ojliir 88 Bullion orman it Caledonua 47 Potosi I Challenge Con 10 Savage Cimoliar 5 Sierra Nevada 30 Confidence 55 Siiter C C Va 215 Standard Crown Point 11 UnIon Con 19 Could C 11 lUtali Coui 06 Hale N20Yellow Jacket 17 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS A S llorut Sliver 125 preferrel 9550 LIttle Chief 12 Adams Con 21 Ontario SL 1dico 40 Ophir 80 I3reeeo 160 Brunswick Con 17 Potosl 03 Coin Tunnel 05 Savao 10 0 C nit 203 Sierra Nevada 13 Deadw Terra 50 Small Ilopes 45 Leadvilie Coui 05 Standard 380 BOSTON MINING STOCKS Adventure 8 15I Umboldt 3000 Vmmtl Coj 10050 Osceoia 8350 Atlaiitlu 2800 Parrot 5300 l3ingham 2250 Quinci 16500 B M 41000 S Fe Cop1 670 13 B 10100 Tamarack 32500 C II 82500 Utah Centennial 2762 Winona 200 Franklin 1650 Wolverines 5350 Grain and Provisions Chicago May 15 Weather conditions constituted the dominant Influences In1 the wheat market aided by steady cables I Under a rush of yesterdays short sellers to cover their lines on the failure of promised heavy rains In the Southwest i July wheat opened JL shade to Wc higher at 7UJj lo 71tfc Offerings wero I unequal to the demand and helped by advices of Ircc buying for export the market steadily rose to 71 = ic At this point there was a modcrato movement in profittaking SOd a reaction to 71471o followed There was a quick rccovorv however and the close was strong c higher nt Tlffi71ic Strength and activity characterized the corn market July opened M to Vic higher at 44i to 4Hac and Immediately tho price broko to 447H43ic Almost as quickly It reacted soiling u > 15c after which 90 t i profittaking It reacted to 15 T45Mic ThIs loss too was partially recovered and the close was strong c higher at 1514c May corh vas theatrical in behavior under pursistcnt promptIng by Phillips the bun louder and broke nil records tor the lasl nine ycwira The opening prlco was I unchanged at 54c Phillips bid and got but little although he did not slop until un-til CO cents had been reached At this I price Phillips Is said to have accepted I private settlements from three houses for an aggregate of OTiOOCO bushels After the nlsli point had been reached a quick reaction to 6Gc was recorded This was followed by a sharp rally to SOc and L the cloBo was 4a higher at 5Sc Despite the higher bids mado by Phillips Phil-lips only I20COO bushels were sold to I him and this quantity It was claimed would bo actually delivered It furnished i evidence of thai bull leaders hold on thij market however and this combined will c the falling off In receipts of contract corn alarmed shorts and accounts for the alleged private sotllomentb made > wlth I him at the top price Phillips bulled May oats from the start today bidding thorn up to Clc high prloo of the crop Crops over tbo greater part I of the South and tho lower Missouri I valley are said to have suffered from drought May closed 2e higher at 30c July closed s < t7yc higher at 23S28i4c Provisions were dull and fairly steady in sympathy with corn July pork closed I 7lAr lower and lard and ribs unchanged RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES Articles Open High Tow Close Wheat No 2 May 70l 717i 7Oi 7P1 July 71U 71 71fi 7171 i Corn No 2 MaV 54 GO 51 58 July 41 453J 4j 4W September 44V 56 4I > 1 4I t On its No 2 May 27A 31 27 SiWf i July 273 25 J734 25lt Scplombpr 11 26 2DJ 20 4 Mess Pork Milv 110D 14ro 14G7 > A 1457 July 11CO 1I72 lliXi 1170 September 1115 1tS2Mi 14I3 ll47Vi Lard May > M jnV 787 < 790 7S7H 790 September 700 702 700 92 r p Short Ribs jfuv 8021A 802b julv 785 7S3 7S2h 783 September 7SO 7SO 777d SO CASH QUOTATIONS Cash quotations wero as follows Flour quiet and steady No U 1 spring wheat GO S71c No U tea 70 4 < SrriT < c No 2 corn 21J5SC No 2 yellow GS SSSlie No 2 oats No 2 white 3Ic No 3 t yIiIte O4c o 2 rye 52c burley l at 52t fair to choIce muilting 5i5c No 1 flax soiel i73 No I Northwestrt 1736 PrIflie Ifillotily seed 30Ola5 mess pork nor barrel llG04 llfi5 lard 1 per 100 pounds 70ft79o abort ribs fildcH loose 7MTS10 dry salted shoulders boxed Wiffilc short olcar sides boxed SS12 3S25 whisky basis of high wines S123 RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Article Recpts Ship Flour barrels 13000 19000 Wheat bushelH JHJOOfl OJOOOO Corn burlicla 323000 35DOOO Outs bushels 338000 270000 2100cm Rye bushels SOOO 131000 Barley bushels 8tOOO 300 c PRODUCE EXCHANGE I On the produce exchange today tho butter but-ter market was steady creameries is 13c dixlrios IKftlOc Chcoae 9iZ7llc Uggs Steady 111l4c Coast GrainS Grain-S in Francisco Mav 15 l Vvhcat Steady December uol Barley Steady Do comber 70c Butter and Eggs I New York May 15 Butter Receipts COll packages Firm StatedabylSSlfic I creamery loTTlDc factory 310ICc 1ggs Itccelpis ii l J IucKauCl rrelLr Western regular packed litfl3c storage Western1 12Z14c New York Sugar Market NcW York May 13Sutrar Raw firm hut qulot lair refining ytc centrifugal ft apiI i 32c molasses sugar a > c Refined Re-fined quiet Stocks and Bonds New York May inr Tlio stock market showed emphatic symptoms of relief late today and recovered vigorously from Its early acute depression ilslng strongly over Joat nlshf level and establishing substantial net gains In the majority of stocks At 0110 time during the day prices had declined In a fairly ocnsatlonfll manner the loss from last nlghls IcVpl extending from3 to 10 points In a larg number of Important stocks Northwcst era had lost Jj General Electric iii Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago fi Si Lotus 7 Tc1 I > ike Eric Western 7 Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific CA Consolidated Gas C Delaware Hudson 54 New York Chicago St I oulH second sec-ond preferred and American Tobacco 5 Amalgamated Copper 514 Denver Rio Grand1 Mi Louisville Manhattan and Peoples Gas 3V4 and many Other of the standard railroad stocks as much as 3 oIuits Tha level of not gains at the highest IB the more remarkably considering tho acuto weakness earlier In th < day They reached In Ilcck Island 7 7 points St Paul 53 Atchlsoii m 1 Burlington 4 Baltimore Balti-more it Ohio 3 < 8 while the net gains as a rule wore all lImo wuy from a fraction up to 3 points Tbcso galno wero only slight ly i yielded at the last which wan firm and active at about lho top Thla strong recovery seems puzzling In face of the extreme sensitiveness of the early market The progress of the liqui dation which causcl tho I early weakness was In Itself an Immense relief to hit situation It gave growing assurance of the solvency of stock exchange houses who wore emerging from any dangers that may have beset them by the rapid conversion of tholr resources into cash assets It was tho fear that this could not be safely done which overhung the market yesterday The more of It that was accomplished the less remained lo doThe The fact began lo grow clearer also that speculative accounts in Iho stqck market In safety wero all Hint had been affected by last weeks slump There remained re-mained some holders with borrowed funds whose loans wore not nufflcicnl lo protect their holdings by additional se entity or to aloe them up outright The selling out of this class was still In cvi denco this morning and no effective sup port was In tho market to t help them Tho opening gains In sympathy with the higher high-er prices in London were quickly wiped out by this sudden liquidation The sell lug came at spasmodic Intervals and for tho greater part of the day no oftec tlve buying vas evident On the succes elvo down grades thrro worn sr mr > hv Ing orders met but they did not follow ihe market upward until the last rally set in Inhen When ft 1 became evident that there wan a largo reserve force behind the rally tho buying orders grew In volume and In fact wore largest sit about the lop level 1 The announcement of gold exports lo j 1 Iho h extent of 522000X and the weekly crop bulletin of Iho Government weather bureau reporting the prowth of the crOps retarded by the unseasonable weather helped tho early depression So did the rather alarming reports as to the out come of payday today In the London slock exchange settlement There was a call today for the payment of 10 per cent of the 0000000 underwriting subscrip lout for tho Burlington purchase and next Monday there falls due a 25 per cent Installment i on tho Union Pacific bond subscription which will necessitate pro vision for about JIOOOOCCO Rut these de velopments were principally sentimental ns the money market showed growing ease with the progress of the stock mar ket liquidation The prospectus of the Russian loan Is sued In Paris today and providing for subscription by Installments gives Borne assurance against money market pressure pres-sure on that account There wao a perceptible per-ceptible growth of confidence also that the hostilities precipitated In the strug gle for control of Northern Pacific would be In some manner adjusted With the relaxation of the liquidation It was com paratively easy for friends of stocks to bid 1 up their prices again without encoun toning Important selling and the late re cover wia largely due In Its early stages to pure manipulation of this kind The bond market did not fully recover from Its early weakness Business was moderately active Total sales 1900000 United Stales 3s advanced per cent on tile last call BOND 11ST U S 2s ref lOtP4 D R G 4s1ClflS do coupon 1Otij North Pac 3s 71 TI S 3s reg109i do s los do coupon 109Vt 0 Nay isis lCd US new j3 rcg113S 0 Nay do coupon 13S 0 S I old 4s reg113k do con do coupon 1i3 R G Ists 100 U S Es reg lOh South Pac is 92 do coupon 108 Union Pac 1053k oio South 4s 86 CLOSING STOCKS Railroads B 0 pfd 90 Atchison 71t Ciii Gt v preferred 94fic preterreci A D3abto 0 98 preferred 13 5 Can Pzc l63 Erie 2n1 pfd 19 Can South Hocic Vnl pM 75 Chirsa 0 4m4 rex at l0 C B P SI L lv 171 C I I 20 imreerre1 32 preferred 67 P C C St 1 60 Chl B ill118 preferred Clii Nortliw 193 Wheeling L B C It I PIIS 2nd preferred 2G C C C St L 77 Wis Cent Coio South l2 preforrel 1st preferred 45 IiXirC55 corn 2nd preferred 20 IQOICS Del HudsonlSt Adams 176 D Li W 29 American 183 D R G 4114 United States 79 preferred 60 Wells Fargo 160 Erie Miscellaneous 1st preferred 65 Amal Cop 160 Gt North lfd172 Amer C 1 2i liocicing Vtt 19 weferrcd lii Ccitt 33t Amer Lin Oil Iowa Cciii 26 ireferreci I8 preferreti 5S A S rt L B V 53yi preferred 9313 preferred 115 Ana him Co 1i Nasllvhhle 99 Amer POlflCCO i2t 7ati L 110 B Rmmpicl Tran 72 Met St fly 157 C F 1 Tilex Cent 22 Con Tobacco 6314 Mmmi st x 83 tlreferred IO5 Mo Pile OS Geui Elee 216 M IC T 25Intnl Paper 20 irCfOtied l preferred 74I N J Central 155 Laclede Gums SO N Central 1IS Ntit Biscuit li Norfolk W lD3 Nat Lead preferred n Nat Sabt i2 Northern Pac 123 precrrci 75 preferred 9i Poe Couist Ontario W 3O Pao Mali Pennsylvania lt3 Peoples Gcs 103t I Reading P Steel Cam 42 1st preferred 72h prorrcd 2nd preferred 16 Pull Piti Car 193 St 1 S F 13 Sugar ii2 1st Preformed SO T 0 I 33 2nd preferred 633k Union Bui i2 Si i Soutlmw 81 nreforrcci preferred 58 Li S Loathe 12 St Paul 154 preferred 75 preferred 1il U S Rubber 2O South lac 16 preferred South B 21 U S Steel i2 prccrred SO nreferriti Texas Pnc 13 Vcst Union Imiion Pita 1O614 Coti Gmm mreferrei IJociclng Coal Wuitiaii 17 Rcpmulihic S i11l CimI P T 2h1 llreferrcd 71 rCferrQd 4214 London Wool Auction London May 15The number of bales ot f7noftor today was 21 Uo The se lection was bettor and competition vas more spirited The home trade secured the J bulk nnn om tnoorrcrl es Germany bought a quantity ot superior acourcds nnd mo nInes ri Sliosslrcils woro steady while fine lambs wool was steady for fine grades with the prices In buyers favor St Louis Wool luarkot St Louis Mo May WoolQuiet unchanged Territory and WiSlern mo chum l l4ljl5c fine I0f713c coarse 10ftl2c San Francisco Wool San Francisco Cal Miy Quotations on wool here lRlIn wcrc SprlngNe vada 1512c Eastern Oregon 106 13o V Valley Oregon l7nc Fallountnln lambs iflSe San Jonquln plains Cf7c Humboldt and Mcndoelno ikj1Oc I Live Stock p 1 CHICAGO Chicago May 15 Cattle Receipts llSXH Steady to slow Goo 1 to prIme Steers JLlOjitiOO jwor lo mndlum 5IW > i5M Htorkcrs and feeders J3001i510 cows and ho fcrj S2855TIS5 canners 215iI2ltJ I bulls JXH40 calves ynliUSSi Texas I steers Sllu UO hulls S27r I3SO Hogs Receipts C7CCO tomorrow 200X left vcr 3cc clopcrl strong Mixed and butchers 45txti5S1i3 good to choice I heavy 375iSS1 rough heavy G07570 light So50fBSO btuiic 01 sales J575 5s6 ShceivRccelpia 120CO strong lo lOc higher lambs 10 to 15c higher top clipped lambs src < Good lo choice wethers l2olEO fair to iholce mixed IUO7I25 Western sheep i3 > 2H yo a > lings ijor4C5 lambs J1W3BO West cm 1501560 KANSAS CITY Jvaneas City Mo Nay I Cattle Receipt Re-ceipt 4060 Beef steers strong Stockcrs stemtcly Natie beef steer1 j rexs cow j Ti425 nmhe cows and ncDrp 21iio stockfra and feeders Mi4w bulls 4325 173 calves 5i > fi > I Hogs Receipts 20601 5ii1Oc losyem I I Bulk of siiis 551573 hcmvy sooEo 1 pjlckers t0j575 mixed 353i7 tigh I yoricer 525ii3tzi pigs 4OO ShCepRcciIpts iito Strong Muttons 37Ci7G lambs 1551C grass rexan 13152j425 spring lambs 5O116O OMAHA Omaha Nob May 15 Cattle Receipts aco Steady to strong Native steers 150 1 ynoo Western steers 54009 1JO Texan Itt iirs cows and holtcra 3od 4tO canncrs 5175 i340 stackers and feeders feed-ers J3l > yj52i calves 30t > jt50 bulls stnna etc J275ffl25 Hogs Receipt KOO 3c lower Heavy JjjiVilrS mixed oG5 5G7A light JoC5j5 pig IJOTIOU bufc of sales WoGi > r Snoop Rccflpts > CO Active toady loarliiiKs JOWj435 wet hers < > MW WeS 3Mn1 ° common and stock sheep I 0fo375 lambs JLCfTiSJO DENVER Dcmivor Cole May 13Cumttlcflcceipt 200 Steady Eicf Letts 2iThl0 rows 2oii 40 fcedtrs freight Iintd to river II I 83COlzlt stoc1cer freight JSdil LI river I Ji huhii stig etc 2trOum32 II I i10SZ41tCCCiitS KO Lower Llshl I packers SJCol 570 mlNcd and heavy 5570 10O ahecp Review of Wool Trade j Boston May 15This Amoricon Wool J and Cotton Reporter will say oC tim wool inane tomorrow While the market has J shown no pronounced activity there aro 1 not wanting evidences of a manifestation of greater Interest In the situation on the purl of consumers and on Tuesday of tills j I week a few of the largo mills were repre j I rented In the market and they are be lieved to have Liken on some wool Time actual amount of buslnoss consummated during the week under review however Is not large the sale not exceeding MW 000 pounds The purehnslng Is still mostly i of a hand to mouth character very few consum rs showing any disposition to largely anticipate their wants While the market has remained quiet prices arc OB a whole well maintained I The sales of the week In Boston amounted to 3455CCO pounds domestic Iand 1550CO pounds foreign making a total to-tal of StCOOCJ pounds against a total of 1 25200f0 pounds for the previous wtfalc and a total of 2G31000 pounds for the corresponding corre-sponding week last year The sales since January lot amount to I So310CO pounds aghast 57563000 pounds I for the corresponding time laat year |