Show Real Eslalo Sales S I of JI2LracL Cho of trutsferg filed In the of lice en lay County irs i Recorder Salt Lako CUy Afl0 rarity vielit to Sarah J Mann war 1 Illock deed north half of lot G o pint i 1oo j TiIdOre I cell flllI1aC1 to Louise Scini h 1OUi1ast warnLIt iced 1cx1a2 feet rezii 40 feet south of norLIivast lpIat Corner of lot G biock 21000 dnry flroc1cl3k et ni to rods Craig Vvananl > dejd 5xt i IIOrlhscst IOtIheat from c rode eaarof Plai G Corner ° C lot 4 block 10 M 1rs M D 10Y 1000 Clayton CillittOli to Fannie V Y roj dL rra it ty deed 10x4 A a Corner florthcjnt front a ° Invest a of lot 2 hock 79 ThoinhH C plat Dk if Kstuin TnSjff1 lo Amleraon Real ii raflty kLii company wart 5 non 0xZ < war-t southwest corner Oct outh of northeast J or hL 6 < block r < liliLt B 1J Il Jierger to Martha Lou Varrant ded 20 slorc ln Os IIIrLrtr nuartr ° C Southeast Ip South n CiCUOn 23 township L i0 I S if range iiangc I wtHt MM S ZrLrniiit to Anna Erlrlcson Wft i1cd Ixi rods outli S 11thcr mt s block 20 lliLt 13 14 c 8011 Iversoit to AflJL1O Ass fl0rJi1tcit Warranty deed 2x FoliO 1iOIIthsLt from i ro1 north of Plat corner ° r lot 3 block 21 3 5 Jilin i 200 Cutler to Katherine F I LrocldlaTilc Of lot Clilitclalni Iced iLlt S Ctorg0 io jilat G 1 j Nyc 1t tix t S5 fayH qIiitclitinl ThOUntain 1ecd Jupiter lode Wc2t S UpLL1 Stfltciof S 1 S UeJ Rausli Atjtorican toiIina Ct 1atent Argenttnu ido a Total j MTJN E OF CRPUI GUESWoPMIkTELS Take two to nght anid yon wilil be well to morrow Ba1dI wins Health Tablets They cure sdead = ace chronic constpation and ake sick peope wet = 5O deses 25c SOLD BY F C Schramm Cor 1st So Main Sis Chas Van Dyke 220 South Main SL L P Robinson IM7 S W Temple Parlor Drug Store Cor 2z1 S SUtc GodbePltts Drug Co 1st So and Main McCoys Prescription Pharmacy Park Terrace 3rd E and Cth So Sts Wallace Bros 102 W S Templo St Murray Drug Store Murray Report made to the Secretary of State of j the State of Utah of the condition con-dition of tho ZIONS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO Located at Salt Lake City in the county of Salt Lake Stato of Utah at the close of business on the 31th day of April 1G01RESOURCES RESOURCES Loans and d iscountsl2430376 Bonds stocks certificates etc 54083325 Bankinghouse furniture and fixtures 10900000 Real estate 29i010SO Duo from national banks 17900693 Duo from State banks and bankers and cash on hand 31252215 Current expenses and taxes paid > 502 S Total 52SS3C25C7 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 5 20000000 Undivided prollts 175018 Individual deposits ICOS3 Savings deposits interest at 3 and 1 per cant 266203345 Cashiers checks 1576621 Total < 268362507 State of Utah county of Salt Lake George M Cannon being first duly sworn according to law deposes and nays that ho Is cashier of the abovenamed bank that thft above and foregoing ro port contains u full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on thc 21th day of April 1001 GEORGE M CANNON Subscribed fcnd sworn to before me this 13th day of May 1001 SoalJ L MOTH 1VERSON Notary Public State of Utah office of the Secretary of State J James T ILimmond Secretary of I State of the State of Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a full true and correct copy of the statement of tho abovenamed company now on Ski In my offIce this 13th day of May 1901 JT UAMMQND Secretary of Stajc NOTICES Notice IB hereby given by the City Council of Salt Liiko City ot the Intou Lion of such Council to make the follow ingdescribed Improvement to wit Extending and laying sower lateral on the north aide of Third South street bo twcon Fifth East and Seventh East streets and on the cast side of Sixth East otrect between Second South and Third South streets in Sower district No 1 and defray the coat and expense thereof estimated es-timated at two thousand four hundred and thirtyfour and twcntynvo hundredths hun-dredths 242125 dollars or one and thirty hundredths 130 dollars per front or linear lin-ear fool by a local assessment for a depth of twentyfive feet upon the lots or I pieces of ground within the followlngde scribed district being the district to bo F nfTcctod or bcnclltcd by i said Improvement Improve-ment namelvi All of lots 1 2 3 and cast J > 2j feet of lot ir i block 17 lots 1 and 2 block 40 lots 3 i 4 i 0 and north 140 feet of lot 2 block 46 plat B SaltLako City survey i S All protests and objections to tho carrying carry-ing out of such Intention must present cd in writing to the City Recorder on or before the 4th day of Juno 1901 being tho timo set by sold Council when It will hoar and consider such pro teat a and objections ob-jections as may bo mado thereto S By order of tho City Council oC Salt Lake City Utah 1 Dated April 23 1801 J 0 NYSTKOM City Recorder Sower Intention jtf 7TJ RUPoFflc 4 An Excellent Combination The pleasant method and beneficial effects of thc well known remedy STROP or Fias manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co HlutJLrato the vuluoof obtaining the liquid laxative laxa-tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presentIng them in the form most refreshing to tho taste and acceptable to the R3atcnK Its It-s thc one perfect strengthening laxative I laxa-tive cleansing the system ofTcclunlly dispelling colds headaches and lovers gently yet promptly and enabling ono to overcome habitual constipation permanently per-manently Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality ond substance sub-stance and its acting on thc kidneys liver and bowels without wcakenlrip or irritating them make it the ideal laxative In the process of manufacturing figs are used as they are pleasant to the taste but the medicinal qualities the remedy arc obtained from senna and other aromatic plants by a method known to the CALIFORNIA Fio STRUP Co only In order to get beneficial effects and to avoid imitations please remember the nil name of the Company printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO 8AU FRANCISCO OAU ZOTJI8VTIAJ3 RTiT NEW TORE N T Foraolo by all Drujgl3ts Prlco50o per bottle NOTICE OP SPECIAL STOCKHOLD 25RS MEETING Ynnhco Consolidated Mining Company By authority of tIle board of directors of the Yankee Consolidated Mining company com-pany a special meeting of the stockholders stockhold-ers of tho corporation IB hereby culled for the purpose of submitting to tho stockholders the following amendments to tho articles of Incorporation First T6 Increase tho amount of capital stock of the corporation from twenty live thousand dollars to live hundred thousand dollars Second To increase the number of shares Into which the capital stock shall be divided and the par value thereof from 250000 shares of a par value of ten cents each to 600000 shares of the par value of ono dollar each Third To empower the board of directors direc-tors to purchase with the additional 2GO 000 shares of the Increased capital stock such mining property as may be deemed advisable by the stockholders assembled at paid special meeting Said meeting Is called for the 25th day of May 1901 at 2 p m at thc offices of tho company No 620 Dooly block Salt Lako City Utah P A5 H FRANKLIN President IN THE DISTRICT COURT THIRD Judicial JDIslrlct Stale of Utah in and for Salt Lake county Tho Emma company limited a corporation plaintiff vs Urn Lavlnla and Grizzly Consolidated lining company a corporation defendant Summons Sum-mons The State of Utah to the Said Defendant You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after thc service of this summons upon you If served within the county In which this action Is brought otherwise within thirty day after service and defend the above entitled en-titled action and in case of your failure so to do Judgment will bo rendered against you according to thc demand of the complaint which within ton days after service of this summons upon you will be fllpd with the clerk of said court In Its complaint thc plaintiff asks that It bo adjudged the owner of tho fno simple tltlo to and in the lawful possession and entitled to the possession of the Lavlnla and Grizzly lode mining claims designated desig-nated by the United Stitcs J5nrverorGcn oral for Utah in the official surveys as lots No 41 and 42 patented by the United States and situated In Little Cottonwood mining district Salt Lake county Utah that defendants advoroo claim of right and title In nnd to said properly bo adjudged ad-judged wrongful and without light and that It bo adjudged to have no right title or interest In or to Bald property or any part thereof that plaintiffs right and title in said property be forever coutlrmed and quieted as against tho defendant and all persons claiming through or under defendant de-fendant and for all equitable relief and costs W M BRADLEY Plaintiffs Attorney P O address Rooms 203204 Atlas block West Second South street Salt Lake City Utah g58 NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKhOLDERS STOCK-HOLDERS MEETING A special meeting of iho stockholders of the Lion Consolidated Mining company is hereby called to be held at tho ofllco of said company at tho offlco of of T R Jones Co in the city of Salt Lake Utah on tho 14th day of May 1S01 at 4 I oclock p m for tim purpose of hayIng hay-ing said stockholders approve and ratify the action of the board of directors of said company at their meeting held on the ICth day of May 1900 in leasing and bonding and agreeing to sell all of the mining claims of said company to tho Stcckton Gold Mining and Milling com papy for the sum of 540000 upon tho terms conditions and payments stated in the resolution adopted by said board of directors as appears In the records of the minutes of said mooting of paid directors direc-tors on thc sold 10th day of May 1900 aid to transact any further and necessary neces-sary business which may properly come before said meeting By order of the board of directors W P LYNN Secretary Salt Lake City Utah April 10 1901 DELINQUENT NOTICE Diamond Consolidated Mining Company Location of principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Notice There aro delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No 2 of four 1 cents per share levied on the ISth day of February 1901 payable on or before tho 8th day of April 1901 the several sev-eral amounts set opposite the names ot the respective shareholders as follows No of No of Name Cortlllcate Shares Aral O R Zlpt 80 COO 2000 O R Apt EOO 2000 Bccca Simon 173 EO 200 E Newman 171 CO 200 D Locwenateln 010 50 200 Sam Berman C22 1000 4000 W A Johnson 527 200 S 00 Rose Ainbcrg 535 25 100 Loulg i Ambcrg 530 100 40 Lduls Amberg 537 100 400 Max Arabcrg 523 23 100 Joe Ambcrg 539 25 100 Sophia Brown 540 25 100 W H Shappcl Jr C72 100 403 Albert Mayer C21 1000 4000 Joseph Simon 1535 ito 400 Joseph Simon C33 100 400 Joseph Simon 637 ICS 100 Joseph Simon G3S 100 400 Joseph Simon C39 100 400 Milton Bcjach GCT 25 100 Ferdinand Bcjach CGS 25 100 Herman Bejach CCO 25 100 P P Huston tuG 500 2000 P P Huston 677 200 800 P P Huslon C73 200 800 Cora Amberg 772 5 100 C E Pearson 7SG MO 2000 C E Pearson S17 1000 4000 Mrs B Herman 820 500 2000 Nay Mlckels 832 100 1GOO J H Trislor S33 100 400 And In accordance with law and an order or-der of the board of directors mado on Iho 18th day of February 1JOl no many shares of each parcel of said ctock as may bo necessary will bo sold at the ueerctnrya office No 101 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Thursday April 25 1S01 at 12 oclock noon to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs ot advertising ad-vertising and expenses of sale JOBS OBERNDORFnn Scoy No 1C1 South Main strcol Salt Lake City Utah S Dated April p 1901 fi02 Salt Lake City April 2Sth 1901 Pursuant u an onlcr of the board of dlrcclprs of Iho Diamond Consolidated Mining company mudo this day Iho date oC sale on delinquent stock as above advertised ad-vertised JH hgrcby postponed till May 23th 1501 at 12 oclock noon By order of the board JOS OBERNDORFKU Secretary DELINQ L1124T NOTICE Joo liowors Alining Company Prlncliinl pico of business Salt Lake ttali Notlco Thorp aro delinquent 11 following described stock on account of assessment No 3 of two 2 ccnin per ohnre levied on the 20th day of March 1001 payablo on or before Iho jJlh day of April ieoi tho dovcral rtS Bet opposite the names of tim respective shareholders as follows S No No ame Gcri Slut Aim tJ Paul Fisher 32 j 500 10W M I J Harden 411 COO 10 > 3 J Mcintyre 131 100 200 M J llnrdln 4K LOO 1000 I L F Zullck 1GS 500 10W L FZuliok W SCO 1000 C C Illgffln IKJ MX 10 W J A Pollock Trustee 5US 1000 2000 J A Pollock Trustee 075 1000 2000 Ldwurd W Canon 078 MX 1000 C F Daulcll bft5 GOO 1000 Fred MatheWH 611 1000 20CO H J Faust Jr 15 EOO 1QTO Thos M Holt CiO 500 1000 fahcols Thompson 702 00 10CO Irvine Mason Trus 715 1000 2003 M W Taylor Truuteo 73S iOO 10CO Irv lao Mason True 757 1000 2000 Irvine Mason Trus 758 1000 2000 R L Colburn Trustee S21 EOO 1000 S B Ilaneo 840 BOO 1000 F E Mcdurrin S02 COO 10CO DoWitt U Lowe S7C BOO 10CO J A Llnahan 877 COO 1000 I R L Colburn Trustee KS3 6X 1000 I Charles Vercoa 901 250 500 Jas Harrington 004 t 500 1000 J A Brown 33 0000 30000 M A King 017 GOO 10CO C F Dairtoll 953 Iff 1000 Irvine Mason Trus 978 COO 1000 A C Bishop 903 30TO 0000 A Hanaucr Jr 1017 1000 2000 A Hanauor Jr 1033 1000 2000 A J Vankuran 1018 lEOO SOOO II W Docher1033 00 10CO E W Young 1111 1000 2000 Irvine Mason 1113 BOO 1000 Martin Flnley 1118 1000 2000 Gco Rlstlno 1122 2000 4000 J H LOVCfllflle1128 1003 20W W J Barnett1133 1000 2000 W J llnrnctt1137 1000 2000 W J Burnett1133 1000 2000 W J IlarnettI 112 1000 000 W J Barnctt11 i3 COO 1000 W J Burnett1145 MO 1010 W J lirtrnett111t COO 1000 W 1 T Edwcjr11369 1000 2000 J M Burl 118 500 10CO J M Burt 1190 COO 1000 J M Burt 11W 00 1000 R E Waterman120t9 1000 2000 R E Waterman 1210 COO 10CO S S Pond Jr 1212 1000 2000 R T Badger 1225 1000 20CU C Warnock 12211 500 1000 A J VanKuran1232 500 1000 A J VanKuranIr33 500 1000 Campbell Green 1213 1000 2000 Campbell Green1241 COO 1000 Campbell Green12E 00 1000 Hudson Sons Co1255 1000 2000 Joe Obcndorfer lJofl f D 1000 Joe Obendorfer 1257 PlO 1000 F E Parish1213 F00 1000 F E Parish 1250 500 1000 W II roiilas1275 24 43 H F Earlo 12S2 13 M Gco Rlstino 12S3 Hi 2SS J W Collier125t5 21 4S Campbell Giccnc1293 COO 1000 W J Barnett1301 500 10CO Levi O Schofield122 72 144 M J Harden 1335 IS 55 Hermann Hill 1333 21 IS E N Kurd 13CO 21 48 L F Zullck 1S31 48 90 C F Dautell1303 48 16 H J Faust Jr 130S 24 45 J R Hunt 1119 24 18 Henry B Eden1422 24 45 J A Linahan1420 24 48 John Grundfor1429 72 144 Chas Vercoa 1431 12 24 Jas Harrington 1423 21 48 M A King 1136 21 48 B T Mn tastcrs1141 2t 18 E A Wall 1445 4S S6 A J VanKuran1450 ICO 200 A J ranIuran1451 20 10 Jrvlno Mason1191 EOO 1000 Irvine Mason149I COO 1000 James A Pollocic1510 21 48 John WhittemOrc1031 48 55 Chits Nies a 1S5S 21 IS i Gee Rlsllno 1559 1000 2000 Chas Nlcs 15C2 00 1000 Marcia D Burnham 1B5S lCCO 2000 Marcia D Burnham 1550 1000 DlOO Marcia D Bumham 1600 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham 1601 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham 1602 LOOO iCOO Marcia D Burnham 10I 1000 2000 Marcla D Burnham ICOi 1000 2060 Marcia D Burnham 1003 1000 2000 Marcia D Burnham v1006 1000 20 00 Marcia D Burnham 1007 1000 2000 Chas T Btirnhnm1603 1000 2000 Chas T Lturnhnm1600 1000 2000 Chas T Burnham1610 1000 2000 Chas T Burnhnm1011 1000 2000 Chas T Burnhnm1612 1000 2000 Chas T Btirnhnm1l3 1000 20 CO Chas T Burnhamirii 1000 2000 Chris T Thirnhnm1615 1000 2000 Chas T Burnhnm 101C lCXX 2003 Chas T Burnham1617 Jff 20 no Chas T Burpharn1013 1000 2000 Chas T Burnhamo10li 1000 2000 Chas T Burnharn1620 1000 2000 Chns T I3uraham1621 1000 2000 Chits T Burnham1622 1000 2000 Chas T Burnham1623 6000 ICOOO Chas T Burnhnm 1624 5000 10300 Chas T Burnharn1625 6000 10000 Chas T Burnhnm1620 6000 100CO Chits T l3urnhnm1C7 50CO ICOOO Chas T Burnhnm1023 60TO lXU0 Chas T I3urnliarn16w DOOO 10000 Chas T Burnham 1030 5000 10000 Chafl T Burphnm1631 5000 10000 Chris T Burnhnm 1032 5000 10000 Chas T Burnharn16i 5000 10000 Chas T Burnham1631 6000 1COCO Chas T Burphnm1635 6000 10000 Chas T Burniharn16313 5000 10000 Chas T Burnharn1037 fOOO 10000 Chas T Burnhnm1633 6000 10000 TXVn O TliifTiVinm 1mn 1060 2000 John Q BuruhamLr40 100 2000 John Q Burnhnm1Cti 1000 2000 John Q Ilurniham1642 1000 20X John Q Burnhana1643 1000 200 John Q thirnham1011 100 2000 John Q 3urnhnm 1045 10 200 John Q Burnhnm1646 L000 2000 Jchn Q Burnham1017 100 2000 John Q Burnham 1643 190 2000 John Q Burnhnm 1619 1CG 2000 John Q I3urnhpmIjc 1000 2060 John Q Burnhnm1Gt 1000 o John Q Burnham1652 1000 John Q I3turnham1653 1000 2000 John Q llnrnham1654 5901 1000 John Q 3urnltam1655 600 19090 John Q I3urnhnm160 5000 10090 JOhn Q Burnham167 5000 10090 John Q Burnharn16 500 10000 John Q l3urnham 5900 ioooo Jolla Q Burnharnt1664 5000 1000 John Q Burnham16131 5000 19000 John Q Burnhnm1602 5000 j9090 John Q Burnham1663 5000 10000 John Q Burnhain1604 6060 1000 JQhfl Q i3urnhnm166 5000 19000 John Cl Burnhtmo106 5O 10000 John Q Ilurnham1017 500 jsj John Q Burninm1005 5000 19000 John Q J3urnham 1669 500 1900 John 0 Burnhnm137 1000 2090 John G Burnham1671 1000 2000 John 0 Burnharn1672 1000 2000 John 0 Burnhrtrn1672 100 2000 John G Burnlinm1674 1000 2000 John G Burnham 1675 100 2000 John G Hurnhnm1070 IoC oo John G Bur ham 1677 100 2000 John 0 l3urnhnm1075 1000 2000 John 0 llurnhnni1619 1060 2000 Chicago Title Trust Co as guardIan of the estate of Daniel M 3urnhnm a minor1000 ictu rotio Same 1601 1001 2060 Same 1192 1060 2000 Santo i09l icco 200 Same 1611 1000 200 Same 1005 1000 20 Same 1613 10 2000 Same 1697 1000 2000 Same 1605 100 2000 Same 1090 100 2000 George llstine 1721 1000 2000 George JUstino 172i 1000 200 Morris Beck 1725 1000 200 r T flood 1704 1000 2001 E Schnurfelberger o417It 1000 2000 ID chauffolbnrgor 1715 1000 2000 Corn t Smith 1713 700 1400 11 L Colburn 17oS 22 Go r J Derrnody El 100 Roe A 310 020 Ft Ic f0 1300 B prener 1707 115 220 35 J Sullivan 1701 55 110 Sos ITughei 1770 C 120 Ben Tholo L771 315 620 H aile 1772 11 D H Peory Jr1774 115 220 ROe A Deal 1775 00 12l A It Manca 1770 310 020 Taylor Bros 17t7 10 Fred Mnthcws L72 310 w Jr licknoni 7K 155 3 Joe Obendorfer 1ltl CC 1000 Joe Obendorfer 1750 oo looo MillIo M 13urnham172 1000 2000 Mildred M Buirnham1P3 10011 2000 Mildred M Burnhnm 1701 100 2090 Mildred M Burnhnni1793 100 noo Mildred M Buirnhntm 1796 1000 2000 I Mildred M Buroham 1797 100 200 Mildred M Burnliam 1795 1000 2000 Milchrei M Tlurnhnln 1790 1000 200 Mildred M Burnham 101 1000 2000 Mildred M Burnham iSOt 1000 2000 F C Whion 1S27 10 200 H S 100 200 ITuidson Sons Co 1Sl 100 2000 Hudson Sons Co 1554 100 20JO Trino Co 90 B L Colburn1Rc0 Wii 1OMO J 1i Strtlltg I923 COO 1000 And in accordance with law nnd the ordcr of the board of directors mado March 20 1901 so many Hhares ot each parcel of above stock an may bo necessary neces-sary will be sold at public auction at the office of tho company at T R Jones Co B bank No 1BO South Main sIred Salt Inkc City Utah en Monday May l 20 1901 at 12 oclock noon to pay the i delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale W P LYNN Secretary Dated May 6 1W1 g379 DELINQU1T ASSESSMKNT NO TICK Shower Connolldatud Gold nnd 811or Mining Conipany Secretarys Ofllco Salt Lake CHy Utah May l 1D01 TSotloe There aro delinquent upon the followingdescribed stock on account of aHsedsmcnl No 3 levied March JO 1901 tile several amountn Set opposite the names of tim rcBpccllvo shareholders aa follows viz No < Name cert Shares Am David F Wallcer277 lOOd JOOO A C Ellli 2GS aOOO COOO T H Toe 8S3 2tO 0uO T 1 R Jonen C7 15 i W J R Jones ISI 1000 SOOO J B Thompson 403 COO 1000 II W Doaciior 191 600 1000 II W Doacher > 2il ICO 201 II V Doochor u153 200 4CO H Y Doachcr 155 200 GW C II BInnchnrd 139 DCOJ 10000 IV J Browning Ill MO 1000 JI S Joseph 390 100 200 T Ellis Browno I1C 1000 2000 A II Crabbo 132 G3 1000 A IL Crabbc 43o GOO 1000 C F Krcanbrack < 4SD 1000 20 00 C F Ercnnbrnck 510 5ftj 1000 C F Frcanbrnck 511 COO 10fr C F Erqanbrack 512 BOO 10no C F Ercanbraek 518 EOO 10CO C tf Krcanbrack 523 1000 2000 C F Ercnnbrack 527 1000 2000 C F Ercanbraek DS 1000 2000 C F Ercanbraek 523 3 1000 2000 George E Husler 1C 00 10 on Mrs Emily Kuno 7C 15 CO Mrs Seymour Johnson 77 100 200 W C Borden 12 333 OC6 Clarence Dcntlcr S 44 1000 2000 Catherine II Nceilham10 500 10CX P A Hill 233 200 400 Richard Hartley 326 ICO 200 Tli03 Ames Jr 240 fO 1000 Lu A Stanley 250 200 444 1 W F Smith truslcc2 200 400 W F Smith truEtcor2M 100 200 Albert Nordqulst S31 700 1100 E E Darling 215 200 400 1 D 1 Miller Vf 200 100 E IX Miller 411 100 200 R D Mlllnr 262 100 200 Frank Crocker 37l 3CC 332 C B Durst i163 200 400 Lena Hagno 159 Iffy 1000 Lena llnguo 14S4 400 800 Lena Hague 509 700 1100 Lena Hague fill EOO 1000 Loan Hague 510 200 4 oo Lena Hague 617 40 SOIl Tena Hague 521 COO 400 Harry Hague 313 BOO 10M Harry Haguo 339 SOO GOO Mrs J T Thurmond 370 lfiOO 3200 Mrs L 3J Wadlclgh232 500 1000 Chan Hcgg 303 GOO 1000 Luco Jennings 311 400 SOO Mrs V W < Markol 2Si lOuO MOO Mrs P AV Markcl 2S5 COO 1000 Mrs P W Markcl 33fl 1003 21Oe Goo AV Bnrratt 337 BOO 1000 Goo AV Barralt 3iS EOO 1000 Geo W Barratt 330 176 352 Thos E G Lynch 345 2500 5000 L I Ormsby 372 1000 2000 Harriett M Roo 417 210 4 J 00 Helen Crawford p81 200 400 A Anderson S97 100 200 Mn C H Srhcn 125 100 200 Mrs C H Scheu45 ZOO CCO Carrie L Cunnlngton43S 23 IG E W Young J73 100 200 Ellen Lees 512 20 40 F W Mnnsur 521 100 200 John Lofgren 522 500 1000 And In accordance with law and the order or-der of the board of directors made March 19 1901 so many shares of each parcel of above stock ae may bo necessary will be sold at auction at thc ofllco of thc company Walker Bros bankers Salt Lake City Utah at 1130 a m Friday May 31 Iwl to pay delinquent assessment thereon together with costs of advertising advertis-ing and expense of sale p47 V E LAKE Secretary NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO 2 Sacramento Consolidated Mining company com-pany Principal place of business at Salt Lako City Ulan Location of mines Eureka Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the oard of directors direc-tors of the Sacramento Consolidated Mining Mi-ning company held on April 20 1901 an assessment of 14 onefourth of ono cent per share being assessment No 2 was levied on the capital stock of the corporation corpora-tion Issued and outstanding payablo immediately im-mediately to t S J Carpenter secretary of the company at the olllco of the company com-pany room 12 Walker bank building Salt Lako City Utah Any slock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid un-paid on May 22 19C1 will be delinquent and advertised for salo at public auction and unless payment Is mado before will be Bold on Juno 11 1901 at oclock p m to pay the delinquent assessment together to-gether with costs of advertising and expenses ex-penses of saleS sale-S J CARPENTER Secretary Room 12 Walker Bank Building Date April 20 IDOL flOTI ASSESSMENT NO 0 Martha Washington Mining company principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location of mines Tlntlc mining district Utah NotIce Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-Ing of thc board of directors of thc Martha Mar-tha Washington Mining company held on the 10th day of May IbOl assessment No C of three and onehalf 3m cents per share was levied upon tho capital stock of the corporation Issued and outstanding outstand-ing payable Immediately to tho treasurer treas-urer at bin office room No 419 D F Walker building Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday the llth day of June lOol will be delinquent and advertised for safe at public auction and unless payment Is made before will bo sold on Saturday thi 29th day of June 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the treasurers oftlco to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of advertising ad-vertising and expense of sale ALVIRAS E SNOW Secretary First publication May 11 1001 g521 NOTICE S Notice Is hereby given by the City Council of Salt Lake City of the inten tlon of such Council to make the following follow-ing described Improvement to wit Curbing Curb-ing and paving Second South street from First West to Sixth West streets In Paving District No 13 and defray the coat and expense thereof estimated at ninetytwo thousand four hundred dollars J32400 or fourteen dollars 11 per front or linear foot by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of ground within the following described district being the district to be aficctud or benefited bv said Improvement namely All of lots 5 G 7 and S block 37 lots 1 and 2 block 48 plat C all of lots 5 6 7 and Sk block CO lots 5 and C block Cl lots 5 C 7 nnd S block G2 lots 6 and 0 block C3 lots 1 2 3 and 4 1 block 134 lots 1 and 2 block ii 5 lots 1 2 3 and 4 block CC and lots 1 and 2 block G7 plat A Salt Lake City survey All protests and objcctlono to the carryIng carry-Ing out of such Intention must be presented pre-sented In writing lo the City Recorder on or before the fourth day of Juno 1501 being the tune set by l said Council when It will hear and consider such protests and objectIons as may bo made thereto By order of the City Council ot Salt Lnlte City Utah Dated April 20 11101 J 0 NYSTROM City Recorder Paving Intention No 2 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT LIttle Chief Mining and Milling Company Com-pany Principal place of business at Salt Lake Cltj t Utah Location of mine Tin tic mining district Juab county Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the board of directors of the Little Chief Mining and Milling company hold April 25 5S01 an assessment of ono 1 cent per share being assessment No 7 was levied upon the capital stock of Iho corporation Issued and outstanding payable pay-able Immediately to Joseph Oberndorfer secretary of the company at his office 101 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 29th day of May 1901 will be delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment Is made before will bo sold on Juno 15 1501 to pat tho delinquent assessment as-sessment together with cants of advertising adver-tising and cxponpes of salo J OBERNDORFER Socv No 101 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Dated April 20 1901 flltl IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF SALT Lake county State of Utah Turner A WlckorHhum plaintiff Vs Knte Mason Hofstra defendant Summons The Stato of Utah to the said defendant defend-ant You nro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after tho service ot this summons upon you If i served within the county In which this action in brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the aboveenti tIed action and In case of your failure ab to do Judgment will b6 rendered against you according to the demand pf the copy plaint which within ten flays after service ser-vice of this summons upon you will bo filed with tho Clork of said court RICHARDS FERRY Plaintiffs Attorneys P O Address No 502501 McCornlck block Salt Lako City Utah Dated March 15 lOL M75 IMIOBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOT1CU3 Consult County Clerk or the respective signers for further Information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bato Division In and for Salt Lnko county coun-ty Stato of Utnbln thfmatter of fho state of Marion C Kohl deceased No tireTho Tho petition of Henry Kohl ndmlnls Iralor of lie estate of Marion C Kohl j deceased for an order to reniortgogc the followingdescribed real estate of said dc i ccdcnl iri wit j An equitable Intercut In and lo the fol lowing part of lot 2 block 10 plat G Salt Lnkef City survey situated In Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Stale of Utah Commencing at the southwest corner of said lot running thence north eight cs rodS thence east two and onefourth 2 rode thence south eight S rods thence wst two and onefourth 2y rods to the place of beginning An undivided onefourth U interest In and to those two certain patented mining claims situated In the Tintlo Mining Dls Irlcl Juab county Utah known and designated nsi tho Blackbird and Urn AmorlcnYi Star I The followingdescribed property situated sit-uated in Eureka City In said County of Juab State of Utah to wit All of lot ono fj I block H and part of lot two 2 block II ond one hundred and sev I Mityflvc 175 feet of tho cant part of lot 4 eleven 11 block two 2 plat C Euro j I ka Townslto aurvoy being part of a proPosed 1 I pro-Posed strcor vin Enat Park Subdivision of said Eureka City AHof said property being appraised and valued at 392500 Has boon sot for hearing on Friday trio 17th day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse in the courtroom of said court In Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the heal thereof affixed this 7th day of May D 1901 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Elflredgc Jr Deputy Clerk Dlnlnny McMnster Allornoyt g423 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division In and for Salt Lake county State of UtnhJn the matter of the CM t lato of Benjamin F Ho wells deceased Notice The petition for approval and settlement of first account of thc administrator df the estate of Bbnjamin F Ilowells deceased has boon set for hearing on Friday tho 24th day of May A D 1901 nt 10 oclock n m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court fn Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness Iho Clerk ot said court with tho seal affixed this 9th day of May A D 1901 ISeal3 JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdge Jr Deputy Clerk Juts H Moylo Attorney g4Sl IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division In and for Salt Lake county Stale of UtahIn the matter of thp es tate of Rdubcn E lllllcr deceased Notice The petition of Margaret Miller praying for the lesuance Reuben E Miller and Uriah G Miller of letters of administra tion In the cstato or Reuben P Miller deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 21th day of May A D 1501 at 10 oclock a m at the county court house In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness thc Clerk of paid court with the neal thereof affixed this 9th day of May A D 190L fSeal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdge Jr Deputy Clerk James H Moyle Attorney g4SO JN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bale Division in and for Sail Lako coun ty State of UtahIn the mattdr of the estalos of George G Symes deceased Nollce The petition of John Weir Jr adminis trator ot the estate of George G Symes deceased praying for the settlement of final account of said administrator and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday the 24th day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse in the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this llth dayof May A D 190L fScal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk C B Jack Attorney gH IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division in and for Salt Lake coun ty State ot Utahln tho matter of thc estate of John CL Lynch deceased Notice No-tice The petition for approval and settlement settle-ment of first account of the executor of tho estate of John C Lynch deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 24th day of May A D 1001 At 10 oclock a m at thc County cpurthouso in thc courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof nfllxed tills 13th day of May A D 1101 I Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Cleric Arnold Mltchcl Attorneys gS12 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division in and for Salt Lake cdun ty State of UtahIn the matter of the estate of Orlestus Chattcrton deceased Notice The petition of Ezra Chatterlon and Charles P Chatterton praying for the admission to probate of a certain document docu-ment purporting to be the last will and testament of Orlcstus Chfittcrton doj ccaseu ana lor me granting or letters or administration with will annexed testamentary testa-mentary to Samuel Rancy has been set for hearing on Friday the 21th day of May A D ICOl at 10 oclock a nf at tho County courthouse in the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake count Utah Witness thc Clerk of said court with the seal thereof alllxeQ this 13lh day ot May A D 1101 fseal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdge Jr Deputy Clerk Samuel Rano Attorney gS13 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bato Division in and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of UtahTn the matter of the estate of Sercpta M Hey wood deceased Notice The petition Of Lucre tin II KImball administratrix of the estate of Scrupta M Heywood deceased praying for the settlement of final account of said ad ministratrix and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday Fri-day tho 24th day of May A D 1E01 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtrooom of said Court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with tIle seal thereof alDxcxl this llth day of May A D 1S01 teal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Pierce Crltchlow Barrette Attorneys IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bato Division In and for Salt Lake coun tv State of UtahIn tho mailer of Ito estate of Ashford Twigg deceased Notice No-tice Tljo petition of Tillio Twlgg praying for the admission to probate of a certain document purporting to bo tho last will and testament of Ashford Twlgg deceased de-ceased and for the granting of letters testamentary lo hciraolf has been set for hearing on Friday tho 24th day of May A D 150L at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Suit Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this llth daj of May A D 1S01 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk W R Hutchlnson Attorney gft2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO haLo Division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty 8tut of Utah In tho matter of the estate of Nellie Spencer Adlard Hop Williams Wil-liams deceased Notice The petition of Jabc B Adlard praying for the Issuance to himself of letters of administration In the estate of Nelllo Spencer Adlard Hop Williams deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 2lth day of May A D 1801 at JO oclock u m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Suit Lako county Utah Witness thc Clerk of said court with the seal thereof aJllxcd this llth day of May A D UXU SeaLl JOHN JAMES clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk P O Wllley Jr Attorney gfrll IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bato Division in and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State Of Utahiln tho matter of Iho I estate and guardianship of Fred Hop minor Notice The petition of Jaboz B Adlard and Sablna Adlard praying for the Issuance to themselves of letters of guardianship on the person and estate or Fred Hop Minor has boon sot for hearing on Friday Fri-day thc 24lh day of Slay A D 1E01 at 10 oclock o ro at thc county pourthouse In tho courtroom of said court in Salt Lafto City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Cleric of said court with the flual thereof aillxcd this llth day of May A D 1601 rdcaK JOHN JAMES Clerk lly C Frank Emery Deputy Cleric D O Willoy Jr Attorney c < HO PROBATE AND GTTAJIDIANSIIIP OTICIIS ConBult County Clerk or the respective nlgncra for further Information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bate division In and for Salt Lako county State ofUtcuhIh the matter of the estate of Richard D Earls deceased Notice Tho petlllon of L E Hall administrator adminis-trator of tIm estate of Richard D Earls deceased praying for tho settlement of final account of sold administrator anti for tho distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been sot for hearing on Friday the 10th day of May A D 1M1 at 10 oclock a mat m-at the county courthouse In the courtroom court-room of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with tim seal thereof affixed this 23rd day of April A D 1901 SealJ JOHN JAMES Clerk Hy J U Eldrcdgc Jr Thomas Adams Attorney fl317 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division in and for Salt Lake county fitnlo of Utahln the matter of tho estates es-tates of George Bellinger deceased Notice SiI4i tice ticeThe The petition of Annie Bellinger praying for the Issuance to herself of letters of ndmlnlHtratlon In thc cstato of George Bcttlnscr deceased han been set for hearing on Friday the 17th day of MayA May-A D 1IX > 1 ot 10 oclock u m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness thc Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this Cth day or May A D 1S01 EScalJ JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdgo Jr Deputy Clerk D S Truman Attorney g3S3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division In and for Salt Lakf county Stale of UtahIn the matter of the estate es-tate of George W Howe deceased Notice No-tice The petition of Lcdyard M Bailey ad mlnlslrator of the estate of George W Howe deceased praying for the settlement settle-ment of report and final account of sold Lcdyard M Bailey administrator and for the distribution of thc residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday tho 17th day of May A D 1001 at 10 oclock a mat m-at the county courthouse In the courtroom court-room of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Cleric of said court wltn the seal thereof affixed this 6th day of May A D 1M1 tseal1 JOHN JAMES Clerk By JU Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk J R Bowdle Atty S331 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division in and for Salt Lake county State of UtahIn the matter of the state s-tate of James Whltlakcr deceased Notice No-tice Thc petition of Fred Gibson praying for the Issuance to himself of letters oC administration In the estate of James Whlttakcr deceased has been sot for hearing on Friday the 17th day of MayA May-A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at tim county courthouse in the courtroom of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah S Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this Gth day of May A D 190L Psealj JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Stephens Smith Attorneys g3SO IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court of the Stale of Utah in and for Salt Lako county In the matter of the estate es-tate of Jonathan M Williamson deceased de-ceased Notlco of sale The undersigned will sell nl private sale the followingdescribed real estate to wit Beginning at tIm southeast corner of lot 1 block C9 plat A Salt Lake City survey and running thence north 110 feet thence west 10 rods thence south 110 feet thence cast 10 rods to the iilaco of beginning be-ginning being 110 feet facing on State street and 10 rods facing on Fifth South street Salt Lake City and county Stab of Utah on or after Friday May 21 1501 and written bids will be received at tIm offlco of Boyd Park No 170 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Terms of sale Cash Ten per cent of the purchase pur-chase money to be paid on the day of sale balance on confirmation of sale Salt Lako City May 11 1301 I BOYD PARK Executor of thc Last Will Jonathan M Williamson deceased Pierce Crltchlow Barrette Attorneys for Executor guS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Lois V A Crosby deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the underalcmed nt o32 East First South street Salt Lake City on or before the 1st day of September A D 3901 RICHARD WAKE AdminIstrator of Lois V A Crosby deceased de-ceased S Date of first publication May 2 A D 1901 C B Dlehl Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Mary Ann B Maim deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to thc undcrslgped ut 45S South Glh East St Salt Lake City on or bcforo the 2tUh day of August A D 1901 MILLARD F MALIN Administrator or true tstate ot jiary ivnn B Maim Deceased Date of first publication April 25 A D 190U 1001Fr S Lnnoy Attorney for Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of John H Burton deceased Credilors will present claims with vouchers vouch-ers to the undersigned at room 103 D F Walker building Salt Lake City Utah on or before the ISth day of September A D 1901 MARY E BURTON Administratrix of estate of John II Burton Bur-ton deceased Date of first publication May 9th A D 1001 Harrington t Sanford g45 LN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate Division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of UtahIn the matter of the estate of Charles Van Alstlnc deceased Notice The petition of A C Ewlng praying for the admission to probate of a certain document purporting to bo the last will and testament of Charles Van Alstlne deceased and for the granting of letters testamentary to A C Ewing has been set forhcarlngon Friday the 14th day of June A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m nt the county courthouse In the courtroom court-room of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 15th day of M y A D 1901 rs eai1 JOHN JAMES cleric By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk D H Wcnger Atty SS90 NOTICE OF SALT OF CiTY HE ITUNDING BONDS Notice Is hereby given that Salt Lako City proposes to Issue and soil 200 refunding re-funding bonds dated July 1 1901 of the denomination of 51000 each bearing interest in-terest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum an-num payable semiannually principal payable twenty years after data AH bids must bo sealed and envelope marked on outside Bids on Bonds Each bid shall carry with It an a guar nteo of good faith a certified ohock on some local bank of 5 par cent of sold bid No qualified bids will bo considered The city reserves the right to refuse any or all bids Bids must bo filtd with the Cltv Recorder no later than G oclock pin p-in on Tuesday the 4th day of June 1D01 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION J O NYSTROM City Recorder A A ROBERTSON Chairman Finance Committee By order of thc City Council May 11 IDOL J Q NYSTROM City Rcgordor ASSESSMENT NO 0 Sharp Mining company Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location Loca-tion of mines Rush Valley mining district dis-trict Utah Notice la hereby given that at a meetIng meet-Ing of the board of directors of thc Sharp Mining company held on the 6th day of May IDOlv assessment No 3 of onefourth GW coat par share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding payable Immediately loA lo-A L Jacobs secretary of the company at his office IOS 1rogresd building Salt LnXo City Utah Any stpck Upon which this assessment may romaln unpaid on the Sth day of June 1901 will be delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment In mudo before dll bo sold on the 1st day of July 1W1 at 2 oclock p m to par the delinquent nssessment thereon together with hue costa of advertising adver-tising and expenses of gala A L JACOBS Secretary First publication May 7 IWL gS72 |