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Show NOTICE OF COMPLF.TION OF ABSF.SSMF.WT OF a local tux for the extension of the water mains i n Sseond West from renter of Fourth and Fifth 8ouih to center uf Fifth and Sixth South streets. Notice 1 hereby (riven that the Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake City has made aud ci mulcted the list and plat pertaining to a loci tax at the lato of lour mills per souare fcs.t. levied hv the city courcll of Salt Lake nty. Iiecemlier Irtth. iswi, upon the following descrilied lots or pieces of ground, namely: Lots 7 and X, block :; lots 4 aud 5. block HI: lots 8 and 4, block li: lots I ami s. block 43. all In plat A. ISalt Lake City survey, said tax being for the extension of the water mains aloiiK the follow. lie described route, namely: Second West from center of Fourth and Fifth South to center of Fifth and Sixth South streets. S lid list and pint have been lodged lu the offic? of the city recorder. No. a, Cltv h ill, and will be open for Inspection for a period of HI days from and after the :21st dayof December, Decem-ber, IMdl. during which time written appeals to the city council for the correction of the assessment as-sessment mav lie tiled with the Slid re-order. In pursuance of the ordinance in such cane provided, ,T. F. JACK. City Recorder. Salt Lake City. December tilth, lUO. |