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Show called, and by that time Mrs. VosbnrgU Had become exhausted. Mr. Vosburgh's night Bhirt was torn entirely down the back. The bed was ! wrecked. A large hole was burned in a feather bod, one of tho bolts in the bedstead bed-stead had disappeared and has not bcn found. The child has a sore on the arm extending from the wrist tothoelbovr having tho appearance of being burned' wiih a festering sora in the center. A hairpin holding Sirs. Vosburgh's hair h.is tho appearance of being melted. Th infant in the crib was not disturbed in any manner. There w no other evidence of the appearance of electricity in any part of the house. It is a case that baffles all theories, and the work that did it is as unusual as it a mysterious. Tho father and chilli have practically recovered, but tho mother mo-ther is still prostrated. Hudson (X. Y ) I Register. ' J Strurk and Bumea V Us""1"' Living in the northern part of Colnm-bia Colnm-bia couW, at small place caUed 1 Str raudes tha family of Jolm os-Sh. os-Sh. mnrsday night Mr. and to Vosbnrsh, with their 4-year-old child, retiX 9 o'clock. An infant occupied SSbneartbebed. This is the lane Sey Wrnber until more than an honr Srard.when upon returnms to con-Sness'it con-Sness'it was seen Otto -clock had gtonrjedat five minutes past 9, and it is a that electricity entered the dwell- ilr'SbS' first became conscious and endeavored toftlJS o 1 tn do so In a few minutes he tried SSn and Eft hold of the child, finding Sarently lifeless. In the meantuna Mrl Vbnr5h had partly recovered, Stalin tie room in a stifling condi. S cmvkd to the window and opened it. and then returned to her husoand Sd child- Mr. Vosbnrgh gained snffi-St snffi-St rtWh to assist, and they carnc4 gjonnAbroushJ |