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Show THE OTHER SIDE. The Car Crow Tell How tho Arcleent Actu-iilly Actu-iilly Ocoorred. The fact that a collision had taken place between a lineman for the electric elec-tric light company and au electric car yesterday afternoon skeins to have excited ex-cited more iuterest than is usually bestowed be-stowed on such episodes. It was an ordinary event reported without embellishment em-bellishment in these columns the particulars par-ticulars having liern volunteered by two alleged eye witnesses one of whom was working in an altcrnato position w ith the injured man. To get the other side of tho story, however, a reporter intercepted ear No. 2.S, and asked for an interview with the crew, consist';:., of Conductor Kich and Motorman Are-liart. Are-liart. The former gentleman, who was at that present moment working the crank or motor lever, gave the story, He represents that since hostilities began be-gan botweeti tho company and its employes, em-ployes, outside influence sympathizing with the latter have made it au object to throw into the way of the new recruits re-cruits obstacles and dcluys. llo claims that this was tho ease yesterday, and says wheu the car bad whipped tho corner Wilson was stooping over the blow-pot with his back to the ear while his pnrd-ner pnrd-ner was facing it and saw it coming. Conductor Hieh said he had every reason rea-son to believe the latter would notify Wilson and moved on at a slack-tip'. As the spot was reached he says Wilson, Wil-son, studiously keeping his back to the car, got in the way and whs struck by tho platform, when ho (Kich) sobvul him by the coat and threw him ouVif tho path. This, says Kich ami Arohait, is the manner in which tho accident was enacted. In the meantime everything is iptiet at the general olliees of the rninp.iny. About twenty cars are in operation and tho new men aro rapidly developing into professionals. A number of applicants ap-plicants were received during tho day and each car has two or three cubs under un-der discipline:. |