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Show I 1,1 f1 fefe& SALT LAKE CITY 2 sSM! fianH City. fiat T ii -L .J L 44- vlWJ J- O JAO'tS. MarT. - Co. M.Soott. Jia (li-ka-nRffsnCo, H. 8. fluwriau rrftideut Yii-IrwMHiit. 8crnry. GEO. M. SCOTT & GO.; HXCORrOHATEn.) -DEAT.T1RB UTT Hardware and Metal, Stoves, Tinware, Mill Findings, Etc. AGENTS FOI. Urn IXnlgB Wood Iulloy, lliwblinij-i Stwla Vtr lUpo, Vacuum Cyltudor aud Kngtne Oils, Ileroulm l'owdor, Atlas Kngtms and jBatl rrs, Mack InJtH'tors, Uiitr.tlo .Sale, Jfiuroa liars Whim, liiAXa lums Miners' and lUacksmtlha' Tools, Ktc. 168 MAIN STREET, Salt Lako City, - - Utah A. L WILLIAMS, Second Door North of Postofilca, eox-rj jqtztt roxi R. G. PLEASANT VALLEY, CASTLE GATE ' Anthracite, Charcoal, Itlacksmltli and IMfflroo. ya?'ds Cor. Fifth West and Second Soutlu Telephone) No, 111, fncoporated. April JO, 1890. Totman House Builij; Company, J. T. T.tncii, F. P. MoorKwc, U. 11- Hicho. 1'ri'siili'iit. Treasurer. General Malaga. Salt Lafiko, Utah. This company Is purely a hotim iustiluliuii, organised to slay, and most r-sportfully r-sportfully iiivitm tlia allonllon nf llmso tlfslring colt ages, nther tr home or for sale, to tlm neat.-lnsly and attractive) apiaranm) prorated by this rl is nf col-tngi' col-tngi' when ooiiiplotcd. Ve i-lniiti that they are stronger ana warmer than th ordinary rustic building, the sociions all In-lug ntail and put together by machinery, ma-chinery, thereby making the work pprfoctly light, Wo are now ptvparM to lur-liish lur-liish estimates, take contrarl" ami rumplHtn bnlltlliigs nn short time Th pat. milage of tho pulilio ii most respectfully snlliMliid. Ofllm and yard No. J VJ Woat North Temple, strnet. Examine Our Hans and Trim DtTore Tun Build. ITSFlpill Frankin Fire Insurance Co., Of Philadelphia. Organized 1S20. -:- Charter Perpetual, Assets, - , - $3,174,357.0; Insurance Reserve, 1,7C5,2'J.71 Continental Insurance Company, Cf ITovr Tcilc, Cash Capital, - $1,000,000.00 IriHuranco llcaervc, - 2,il0,'U'V2 1 AsHcts, - G,U 17,773.91 When you purchase a policy that you expect to ba worth 2000 in case of fire, you should investigate the company com-pany with the same care that you would use in lending that sum. No States in the Union have as good insurance law fjuteU tni l"ti'mrtnta. The Walker it Located in the Bwrinen Center of this City and has all tin Modern Improvements & Conveniences Pertaining to a strictly first-class houss It Is managed as well as any hotel in the West and is strictly the Business and Tourist Tour-ist Hotel of Salt Lake City. Passenuer Elevator. The Walker & the Metropolitan Are the Two leadin? Hoteli of Salt Lake City. G-. S. ERB Propr. THE" CULLEN. THE Modern Hotel op SALT LAKE CITY. S. U. EWING, Proprietor. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the aboro reward for any es-ie of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Hesdsche. Indigestion. Constipation Con-stipation or Coitlveness we coiinot curs wlta West's Vegetable Liver PI Us, when ths dirtrtli.M are strictly compiled with. They pnrely Vegetable, snd never fail to glvo satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Ijirgs boiM. containing 30 Pill., a cents. Bew.r. a and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by IBB JOHN C. WEST COMl-AKY, CHltAUO, ILL. Sold by JOH.NSON, PRATT CO.. Druirtlsts, Malt Lake City. V FIC3 11 " T 1 CoprmcHreo I V MARCH itn 2JL P 1 V ciVTM Perfection in lioots and Shoes. JOHN WETZEL, Patentee. Boots and Shoes made from the best mtrial, perfect in fit and comfortable to wear. Cali and see roe or send for price list and Instructions In-structions for aelf-measurement. Repairing none. 2H south State road, opp new hotel. THE UTAH POULTRY COMPAH, Wholesale 1'roduee Dealer, (jeneral Commission Merchants. Sole Western Ajrents for the Heston and Bell Spring Creainary Butter, lai WKt and Bouth st. Telephone 79; P. O. box 61 1. Branca houaa Park City, Utah. as New York and Pennsylvania. Call at our office for copy of the Safety Fund Law, This law prevents the failure of a company by threat conflagrations. confla-grations. Under this law none of the surplus fundi can b) divided arnon stockholders. Moth have ti h held, for tha security of policy holders as long as a policy remains in force. DAVIS & STRINGER, 23 WMt .Vcond S outli at Two doom eat o tiulen HaU.L m -SSPEGIAL Our Addition corner Second West and Tenth South, with fine trees on all streets and alleys, is the choice subdivision adjoining the city. The West side Rapid Transit Ca arc now running their cars every hour past this addition. . Davis 6c Stringer |