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Show ' ' RSS' XaR BE iacsac jec mffg mmhmt aJinasaawS fJLmLmcM tmoa Fj ' T CHfT A -:- 'DEALERS IN - . k STAPLE AND PINE GEOCERIES- main STRFFT FlIie Teas and Coffee, Fruits and Vegetables. ; SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. TELEPHONE NO. 274. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fall ana Winter Stylm. I have just returned from tho east with a full line of cloths which I imported im-ported especially for my trade aud customers. cus-tomers. Yours respectfully, Jos. IIai smurtkv, The Tailor. Money to loau v., um to suit by S. F Spencer, 2(57 South Mam strtet. Notice to (Mil Fetlon-a. All Odd Fellows holding visiting or withdrawal cards are requested to meet at the 1. O. O. F. hall, Sunday, Septem-. ber 12, at 3 o'clock p. m., sharp. Matters Mat-ters of importation to be discussed. Hv request of many Odd Fellows. ' Gentlemen wiahingclcan and spotless linen should patronize the celebrated Troy Steam Lai nohy, 143 Main stree-t. The firm of Tratt & Hreckon, civil engineers, 12U Main street, lmvo dissolved dis-solved by mutual consent, Mr. lireckon continuing tho business with ollice st room 407, Progress building. Restaurant Francais, 1H Commercial Unset. Table d'hote. Dinners to 7:il0. Open after theater. Go to Sandberg's Furniture company, 108 W. South Temple street, mid soo tho libw sofa bed; tho tiuest thingin the market. rrprnr mil Jrnt' X"nkmT,t9tf WiHtorMloy min al Tampta ot II. 'C.,r XMiwunxr rnim w-n.1 nl fourth Monday t( otolith A. A If. W. a. I. liwtara' VnliThirt M.mrtnf f tf ht.tmh at atuo tnrtwf h.p ywifejtMljr deal. etnHn I-imuttV t'mmv-CMrr M Hf nlKM. rtHira tK tkull Aurt -h tuiiJlu, UtXt. tnrl ruraoiii' t'ni.m VrfJ ri t.I ihmt Tu.!ajf at wH Aurtwa (mlMlng a i?wt. Prmn anil HnwfiW talA- Fti M,.na ry tumita at amun la (. ualy Uf"clit. Tiuiwra' lulH flral a4 third Utir1 Trr m.'iiih. i,in "S le,tl Aufb. buiij-In. buiij-In. Main atiwi. Il,..arnr. tjNtra arl TVamr" fnlna S.v.m,l and Imirth Mudayt DHWlti ta IJt TumpiouO ll"o.. fttrmar" t'uwiv-rtral an I IhlM Ttiora-data Ttiora-data ri'ty mnta naun tto(t Aaact hutUllu. M.iltt tnwl. Knveni' t Blii-rliwo an4 ftirlk Ttw. dara arnry luuaih. Mum M4t-Atfkaj huUilliw. Main airwt. KiaruCT Ibmrtl ot lit f'r,-rld Tra.ta4 r.mo.11 -r ry KaMiMaf, rtaun Ikutl Attar t. a l.iill.lln MtinatrwL l'anira and Hw.aWit' rlB aoo1 aoit unll 'rl.Hjr ; m.mitv. na 4H. ik-wl-Au,'rl.a h ltillllnK, Main alfwt. Th rnUrilMl Tra.lM aM tamt OmiBcU firry aHtii aul fmirth riiin'lar al liwtr ball, r,..ni Hc.il Aurt h bttii.tlnc Htla atrrat. MABOKB M" TTMOlTlAHWlElcinr . A V A AM KiviiivrrminiUH'aUio holl al Mulo hall. .t TmJ nrwi Ilia aanmil M.rtidaf ot iu h uxmtb. Wrinlwra at attfr n.t anl ojnunuiiir hrvthmn In xk4 Mamllim ant eor-dially eor-dially InvUwl to aii.ul. 10UH B. rARUlW, W. M. CaRia-ropnin limiu Haeraiary. lKNfKlAiHlife'"NtT.'"rr"SA71i Sluln! MmmnnlrHi)lii Mil al Maaonti! ball th tint Tuxatlar lu rarb mnoth. Muutira ot alatar Klyra aiul aolnurtttnv brthro In giHid atandiu at turdtally iiirnod to atixnj O. it VAIUAN. W. M. M. C. I'Hii.ijea, Rormiarr. TArtATI'H I.DIN1R, NiV Ta." F. A" M ' Htrtilar .nnaiinu-ailn hlil al Ibo Ma t'Oto Hall tlia HMXiod a'rlitajr of a.-B in.mil). Mambora of alalnr Itna and anjournln tirathran lu gxl aiandinn are niMlally tnnt loan-lid. Aixil.l'li AMUKKSUN, W, M. J. Maiah. 8 rotary. U TAI1 "(X)MMANH)KKOlt"i7"KNl7rilTS Tirtuplar. Hiatal ouniiavM hold al Ma-aiinlr Ma-aiinlr hall, uu tho Aral Thursday nf vaoh inwuh. at 7 o'clock. Vlfllluii KnlifMa ro nt irtwmaiy InrlMhl to attand. A. M. GRANT, K, U riiil.ip llHii.ua, ttawMaT. TKMI'I.K or HONOR XirTlCK." nH iTw ih t k n v h r a k "1 h r n ' i nT I T. ot II. and T moot at Tampla "f Honor hall, ovar Iiwwrol bank ImililllK rvory am niut and fourth Tuoxday of aach tnonih at p. m. Vlallliut comanli,iia(v,MlaiHf Invltxt. Wat.ita Umrnms. t ofO. Ji.axi'H Mima, li nf IT. Advertisements under this head will be charged at the rate of 10 cents a line for each insertion. No advertisement will be taken for less than 25 cents. Parties advertising in this column can have their answers an-swers addressed care of The Times. iiiwt r i r" J'" TANTK1 - rVI'lTiKNTsTN lMX'lll.K KN- f try tnKikkooplnn, taiwht hy Ri tual nra,--tloe on mitulHr txHika. Dnv or arming. llniTy H, llruwnr, axpoit aoi-ouniiint. il Main all-oat. Y a NTriD-rrus iim iiuusk ok m to Ih rotnns-- will Imv furnttnra If uooil loiiU loaso ran ba olitniuoil. Adilroaa Mra. W. Dili ufhVe. A NT KO K I KK tTiUa SS M Il.lJw KlUHTH H Groat Woaf.wrn Maiuiritrtnrniu inim-nany; inim-nany; liiqnlra M room , Valley lltmaa rot-tatto. rot-tatto. VTAlT"i;iA 7iRirKoB ""hen k h a l 1 1 houaowork at No. un Sixth Kaat atreat, netwoon llrlxhaiu and Klrst South. W a ntvTi s't a n iTs kTht HAN US, ? also amironil, iflrl tn lonnt rtivaa miking mik-ing at No. 1UU Wi'di Txinpltt atroat, IHK ANT KiV TK A tS H TO (1 T(A I K B f HKKV. l O.kkI lmv. A. 11. Mityue&Co. iM K. Second rioiilh strret. WPERFECTT FIT I Snell &Co. Aii&lo-imerta Maters. M west Second South ireot, hall Laknt'lty, full Fulton Market! J. PREECE. FropT. Prime 0f, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Baaom, IUm,8naag, LAr l, .to. Ill W. Srd B, tt. Ona Itmnt Waal rilfl Itawa CAI.T I.AKK T. OK II. AMI T , NO I. . ' moat at Tompianf Honor hall, ovor Iwa arot hank hulUlltw avary Thrila oiiln(t al t p. in. Vlalllng urotltora ,-onii:olv lnvti.nl O. J rii'KN. an. W. e T. W. H. Wihiii. W. It, " KNUIHT8 Or PVTHIAM,"" ocky" hoi t ktais "Cm k i r ni .XVTor 1'. Moota avory Thnraila avnlii( ill II o'clock, lu Caatla Hall, ,! fuh Hall. Mata horn of (ha ordor an oordlallr InvltM u al tond. r, KI.llHMAN.aa A. HUkiu'K, K of It. A t, MYKTt.R U HOB No; rC Or K ifawtiiar I'lioroiitlona arar Tnoalaf a'onliia al S tO o'clock. In Klka t'lutt Hall Mojnurcilua' Uulght cordially InTltad lo altand. J. II. MlM.KH,0,a J l.. l.fc. If. of It A g (ialantITr urniKTio k. k, or i. n-J n-J ular Ootiotitlon avarjr Monday availing, at Hp in.. In Oaatla Hall, Klka rluh llall. Ho joumiutc Kuliihla cordially invltod t.i attaml, o. vroor rALL.ua W. M. luurK of H. a a. 'JrHiNH OrAMr.Mlt'A IATllTriTlTf OKPKK MrrVrT oriTorAt Waahlngton Camp No. . Y, O. H. of A . moot a ovory Friday avonltitf. al Hi, In Tampl nf Honor Hall. ir, Main and lut Himh ata. HnjourulUtf Hona an oonlUlly tnyltod to attoud. WM, Of.AMAM. rraatdanl, A. H. Hahiiitt. Mooordlnii Mwwtary. A Nl'l: NT Oti li "T ft litfcS r Kit jT" CWCBTPRHtilir'itTAII. N()r7W,f,""Mala J on tl Drat and third Wndinwday nf aacfc mnnth. at ai't ri.W.Totupla. VKlllng tlrothar um,lc wrUK.m.i, (iro. W. AHIII.1i HI, O, It O. 11 Hfaitoan, B r., Pn. H.. niA w'uhk inom . not: i i r i kmT" Tlmaa and Plaoaa nf Maatln TMlora' Unlon-On Bunday in A. U U. W. hall. TyT'offaphlcal t'nton-Plrirt Sunday of aiery month at A. o. U. W. hall. lirii-k and fbinniaaona' ITnlnnXvary alt.r. naU 1'rldtty at tha K. ol f . halt. I 11'ANTliU-A UUtl, TO DO UKNKUAI. II iimtwwnrk; go.nl w(jo paid, hftf South Malnatruct. 17 tf U'ANTK FrKifTCA'SfTWliPA 1 1 fl to drrnsimtkors, rwm W I'lilmar blo'k. 110,1 WlT8'TCLAH5Fl7rT'HINti t uiloainan. No. 70 K. I'lrst Booth. M If. TvOoi I 1 "I. t ! mT) K K W A N T K D A T N O. " T W. Soi ond Honth atraot. tract tooth without nuln. Artificial tooth, V Ui I I'J per act. Hold ItlltitK from tu tin; gold ulloy, $l.nn tx i; allvro; or aiiialxam, al. All worlt iinrantod, "pnn Bnitday ninnilnira. Lyona lilock. IW W. Irnd Month Ht. IIKKSONAL-DK. 1. 'lNO wrmWM tllif! Klmo Hotal. auritsnn aptclallot lu ladloa' alcknaaa of all klnda. I.Ivor and kldnoy complaint, com-plaint, catarrh, all chroulo dlii aaoa. lu praa-Mca praa-Mca for ifl yoara. 7i km "w a t k k Tilt it "k v i. InTr X nT I lly tiBlnit hydrant wator should hio thom. Thoy am cheap. oally nttachad and effoctlvo. K. U. Ooffln Hurdwara Do. B" nKAtim'UL tJou"ru.uNOH AT'o'Er Hodiroa ilontnl parlors, ,11 Wont Flrat rlouth atrcot, four duora eart of Hlnwoodoy'a turultiira atoro, 1 V KHSON AL-II. llTiiSUKH A OO., HU M-mlt M-mlt Vlnyurd wluoa aropure atma.Maluuoxt to postofflco. HTKICK I I'U'M k CLKA SHKU, COI. orod and rurlnd ennui lo now at Now York Mtlllnory 1'arlor, il Went Third Bouth atroat. lo- 1 CUSuoFO"liFKT(iV kiTa ni k a N U K8, ii cheap at K. (;. UoBln Ilnrdwaro Co. VHlt EM 0 1 7 NTAl NtTf i KCHK A M VKKR t t era. K. O. OolTlti Hardware t!o. 1.1 o. mhjholb, iKsrifn76fr'Saw'- V a jioatte Walkor houao. Whore can I buy a cheap Ipt on I monthly payments, with no interest for the lirst seven months, near street car lino, and can get a flowing well cf pure water at a cost of M2.50? Answer In Deskv's Second Addition. Oliiee 3-'-U3, JSeott-Auerbach building, Sandberg's new sofa bed is just tho thing for oftlccj. Sandherg Furniture company, 108 W. South Temple stroet. Physicians should see tho new sofa bod at Sandberg's Furniture company, 108 W.S outh Temple stroet. . E. O, Olsen, merchant tailor, 157 S. Main. Up stairs. Scenaa of the Bonky Mountain. The applications for tho inngnillcont photographic views . publisheit by tho benver & Rio (iranda railroad havo become be-come so numerous that it Is impossible to supply the demand, not only on account ac-count of' tho cost, but also on account of tho inability of the manufacturer to supply them in suflioient numbers. To overcome this dillimilly the company havo had prepared ft set of four hanil-somo hanil-somo photogravure prints of somo of the finest scenes in the mountains mado from negatives by tho eminent artist, W. II. Jackson, especially for thin purpose. pur-pose. The subject being the "Royal Gorge," "Garden of the Gods." "Canon of the Grand River'' and "Cnrrecanti Needle." These views are 2o.!)0 inches, printed on tho best plate paper, sn-! sn-! curdy packed In tubes, and mailed free of postage, ready for framing, on receipt of price, which is as follows: Single copy , I .! Two copies. Four copies (full sot) l u) We are so confident that these views will please that if they are not satisfactory satisfac-tory they may be returned and money will be refunded. Address S. K. HOOFF.U, Gen'l pass, agent Denver & Hio Grande railroad, lnver, Colo. SALT LAKE THEATER. CHAS, S. 151'KTON, - Manager TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Mondavi Tuesday SEPT. 22. I . SEPT. 23. THE ROMANTIC ACTOR, MR. Harry Lagy, AND THE D, VAN BUSKIRK. OFFICII! UV T. CSTJJ liyiirlliiratiiitCo. GENERAL BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SPECIAL ATTENTION 19 Hi FORMING OF STNCICATEi IGEHTS FOS IASTEES CAPITAL We do not handle SNAPS, M GOOD nARGrlMSt KXI'HklKNCUD OI'BIATOK4 ai Mxmb-rt at th Rim. Krr Ci'ltU, 179 MAIN STREET, corner Second South. 1 I' to California collateral bank for y at low rates of interest. IV. Second South. . . . QOUUOOUUOOOt Qi tOO' MJUOO.HJOUtKK KKK X ) .... z "STILL ALARM I oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo II r JOSEPH AltTIIUIt. Introtluolng the Grand Engine House Scene, with the "Lightning Hitch," and the dash ot horses and full lire coinpuny to the oonHaKra-tion. oonHaKra-tion. admitted to bo tho most thrilling scene ever plai ed on the dramatic Mtago. The wonder, won-der, surprise and delight ot both America and Great Britain. SSeats on sale Saturday mornlnir. September Septem-ber HO, at box oltlno. Usual prices. Taft & Kropfpnze, General CONTRACTORS & "BUILDERS. Salt late City, : Ulali Terrilory. Office: 239 Main Street- $500EEWAED. I will pay the above reward for information which will lead to the apprehension of the parties par-ties who brutally assaulted James E. Caine on the night of July ioth. J. M. Young, City Marshal. Salt Lake City, Aug. 14, 1890. UTAH -:- SjATIONAL Of Salt Lake City. ... Capital. $200,000.00. CJt ' 'ICXTU3 : 1, M. BTOtiT, I'rei, C. W, LYMAN, W t'rr. II. I'AIIIC 1 Vie I'rw. A. . J"SK. (:'f. ZDIxix:crTOI"U3 : C. W. Lvman, W. 11. Uynn, J. A. J.-nnina, liulin r K..WU. J T. U.t(y, P L. Willlami, A. U. Willinm. T. K William. If-yd Nik, M It. L'Hii t'ohn, A. H. Join, Thoi, t'i ir. J A. (.r-U- k. J, M. Htoutt, H. V, Klng, Alx. Kngen. A GENERAL BANklNCrBUSINESS TRANSACTED. jy-CslI and iniwt our new Auloriiilo opriitng and rUht Vaull and Mi atflMdiiti'ly Hre and Iluryhtr roof, anl ftiirt f Ui"ir a.ii'l wrt of t bUiajjsi, l"rlvftt .Safe and JIohm Lr rmt hy lli month ut yr at luw rate. if ? tyxr.' jm Q" 7V,K MKAI. OASOI.INE HTUVES AT K. O. Colllu Hardware Co. wC7r,UYH LA w'NMfJWBKH. E. C. X CoRIn Hiirclwurn v. f or Sittlff. XOiTSXtMitYUKTK I'HINTlNti OI'T-I OI'T-I (It. prliiwr ilrHM, Wnnhlngtotl hanil Jr", exwllmit Mitiirtmniit of jnb anrt nwi trpn. Hood bow. Hltliiicr,nn JohlMr, Hulil. Tenni away down. Addrumi W. 11. ti., Tliuol ofli. efii ArlnHiTliwwT. ck. fMi-HM! nerHi In mitllvliilm wltliln 14 mile ilrr.le from 1". O. : Iron Hum si lilm-k fnmi i-ir Hub; ', rash. Aldrn "Owtwr," Itiln onice. ' ' Uoh saTk-to" a nrfliriA'iii.iT party. r otin-half or Hie wholw f tho liimbir tnl-ne. tnl-ne. Applv to A. Ktyr. Unn-r Hwond Soillh and third Wot, Halt I.ako city. UU) IXIlTs A I, BLOT HI '"H T ' T A I f W V T 1 1 1". H M r tddltlun, near Wst, Kldo Knpld Traitalt. Smnll I'jwh pyment. No InUfrnst, 0. H. SMITH, room 70, C'ulmnr lilo!k. 10-1 TiiTliALK-A ' kTkhtT'TXhh lhTlOHM K J1 power Ames fnglii" and In ill'T; rlnp fur panh, Knqillr Wlu. 1,'ook, lloehl liUnlna mill, Stale road. ixm "halbtwo nriHsr.ii and two J lluhl wkoti, nultiiWn for dllvrjr wagoun. Call at Ktl Kant Fifth South Mrwit. UOrIw r.K ri i k a I'rm k Ht'N oifltii IT fOlnl" nf txMt, and flxlnr". Applf at Bnvonth Wt and HeYnlH Smith utrmiUi, r Mi k Bant nt Main wmiplnUlf furtilxlH'd. I'mi of piano. TrmM r-awmatile. Hrluliam A M!i(!kl!iU)li. room Mi. in W. S.od H.niih. l tM! k nThh k iT a pahtmk n thTok'o km" J tltnirti-Oool. airy, collifoiiabl and ! gant. H" rt,iiabl. KiKjulru nl Mm. Watnon, f !tilnicr hlor.lc. Salt Lake City. 1-w)HrtENT--ll'iAR)ISfi"Hfil,Sr., Fl'lt-' Fl'lt-' nlahwl or iinfumlahod. floil nulliiw ! rwwly MtahllnMd; tlilrly nrnianent bordr, Apply to m H.iith Kirt Baxl, rwM) HB.VT- aiLI'MHIA HOUHK7"fiooMS X bjrlh day, wwk or month. Hhum. new. nat and rloan. Trm reawiable. No. IH W. South T.mpl. ifVHSiHHKtt KtJMMH WITH lijAKU AT n Soutb Mala atreet. Ilo.mn aiul of en ult. 1 ioiiT RkN T-H AN flH'tM K iTv i t ' R K I S II K II r riKim. wllh tth. U hortli Mrat Wrt. B ). . I" HtH HKffT-- Fi:ilMIHKI ANI I'SH'lf i ulahd rootnd at 'Ht haal Kif'h th at. I" "aKiB ri'itNISHEI) KfX)M KOK RKNT, j Krt f.t flrat h wj'h aiwet. tflf CHI It. 1 hold ko"I. plan'... u-.; sio on miU-htt, i!laioBd and pH.ml m" iiritln of all klnda. Intr-Mountain 1nu Tnit Co.. Houlo i Main St., upntatra. fV) UtAS -MOSBY ON I'KAI. f I A t K. I Klmt mortsr(: nodliiv Hti llaf-ri llaf-ri Mnm J. t'tah National Hank bulldlna. ; .i ' .1 - .... ! ; TwTKOAHMA H t 'l X'VF A KS U. .tnrllW-ri h'..d. B au.l X on K-wari! '- r-tura lo l'"fiaa tt Ti sua, i K T-dr'l South. S n 7. a" 0cirttr. 1"AH"' V;MXl;TEMr'. I. A- M Stated ) amtx,Mti hld on the firat Wednewlay In earb month, at Mawroic hall, at p. to. jumioje etanpttlo oordlajiy Ulta l USilA JACOB . ORr.KNKWALD, U, B. HP. Pb Mf llunxia. lntMtft. , PAUK CITV HOTEL. The only f rt e'.awi kcrtel la Park City. EI2TT ELEGiHT FEW 10CMJ, Coot plewawst t4 nicely f um Ihe4- rraiyiorrLowsD akb ux-rated ' 1 n.'a !a and hiu tr- B.k,t, It the .,t piewast aummer Rt In too m.malaia the gm mmi m naoiue company Tttene51ll : : 421 BEST MSI SOITH : : 10. la lit I O. Hlrachler St Co. w Summit Vinyard Grape Co. j'Mnia. 213 Main, next to postoffice D car of folding beds and four of fed furniture, new styles. Please Barrett Bros. j'MO.OO to loan on all kinds of per-1 per-1 security at low rates at California "eral bank.. 13 W. Second South WANTED "nford'a Pioneer Shoe Store Opposite Salt take Theater. Wuth from 12 to 15 years old who 3"Rhly understands the retail boot sloe business of Salt Lake City. ant goods at eastern prices, 1 'He lair. ; just Received. fge shipments of fall Derbv's in all wast-Terry Mercantile Co. Hatters and Furnishers. Pianos. We wish to call especial attention to the J. & C. Fischer Piano, a number of which we have just received from the faThe?e pianos are of national celebrity on account of their sweet tone and wonderful won-derful durability, orer 80,000 of them being in daily ue. We offer them at low prices with small cash payment and easy monthly installments. We have one upright piano of s tand-ard tand-ard make which has been used b t two Eh. and the case of wbiulig marred which we will sell at a great bargain on long time. Ye. Warren Mercantile Co., 10 E. Second South street. . (7 Office, 219 S. Ma;n Slrett k i pt-lt f ndi-r I'oat OTIce. iZ STEAM CAEPET CLEANING dffi' tlj an MattreBI Kenovaticg c i Carpets Made and Laid, Re-Upholstering, Feathers, WtTy Cleaning and Furniture Repairing. ksisiS I S. WHITEHEAD Di aDfl Montana Mm Company C. P. MASON, Maimer. Headquarters for all Classes cf Machinery. Ectrinca and Boiicrt from S-hort power ai apird io toc4 ffjr I iasa dit deliverj. fiteam Vumm, Injector, flora Waima, UotaUa Kaglita Ick Breaker, Wall a Kolla, Inermll Air OiBpreawjra aad DniL, Lubri taUng Oita, Mine, Mill and Smeller Huppll-, Silver, Qoii aoJ Cooeeatrat Ig Mill erected and delivere'lia running cr Wr. Maine Office as! K.mm 253 S. Mm Street Sail Me D. S AGENCY. BUTTE, MONTANA. - Sole Agency For Dr Jaepar's Sanitary woolen under wearof w-hich we have a full line Send for catalogue, Bast-Terr Mercantile Co. Hattera and Furnishers. 142 Main street Don't Pay Kent. Three new frame cottage. . for ' sale on the installment plan. nly.; Per tne 1!U(, Groshell & Co: month. bniLET,. po3toffice The bestMcenttoain town, 30 cents a pound at the Fair. Wantad. All kinds of second-hand household .otds at Etchison & Webbers. 1ST S. First East street. 1 Utah Stove & Hardware Co Wholesale and Retail Dealers to STOVES, RANGES Stove Furnishings, Mantles, Grates, &c. 34 and 3 B. Kir-t so th ei.. CorrespoDdeBce Solicited. SALT LAKE CIT. , 'S loaned on diamonds, watches, and other personal securities at " ""rnia collateral bank. Second South.. ; 'Med-loooo worth of honsehold 3- Barnes & Co., 139 W. 2 So. 1 Choice Seleotlou of Fall Suits. Schmidt has just received bis Installment of Fall and Winter p direct from London. Progress lng. rooms 200, 201, 202 and 203. K unexcelled New York Silk ry hats will arrive tomorrow. 0at-Teuky Mercantile Co. Hatters and Furnishers. 143 Maia street |