Show the murray american Is now a furious Is supporter u of crane but in tile the murray american for or june there was a furious edito ilal in ili denunciation of 0 crane saying no decent 6 man nal would Ou ll do what crane la Is doing and that of course crane could not net be elected governor now if there was not flat another man in fit the republican party who would acce accept lit the office but jt it Is time be was called down before he be makes it impossible tor for the republican party to elect act any one what makes the americans surprising flop soap A french scientist has ha obtained from clovette cle and sulphuric acid the red ot of the spectrum leaving only one permanent line fail cicen la in color n not of yet found in earthly substances but supposed up ponca to ile be due to a gas lighter than hydrogen ve will all rejoice with our welsh brethren in the success ot of their elm el tedd tod though the bounds of 0 the two sorts ot of rejoicing may not be alike we are mighty glad that the rumors of massacre of vi w bites la in tile Jack jacksons lons hole country prove untrue it has been our opinion till all along that ihal tin the could take cart care ot of vc estr I 1 I 1 one of them la Is at a game warden and they b been n ready to protect have tor for a long lone time enforce the laws law the ramo game and against all indian and white while alike it of 0 tile the elk this protection Is because of that the indians had uch such success slaughtering the game and so EO secretary at morion orion succeeds in getting tile the seed division ot of his agricultural cuU ural department abolished this wont huit anybody but the farmers tir mr and what do democratic politicians morion fiill go down care tor for far farmer mars into bastory as the dete determined trained and pel toe foe of 0 those hit his official position was waa framed to represent the castle valley I 1 news is 1 the name of the latest journ journalistic anstice venture in utah it 1 printed a at t price carbon county and is it a republican paper success to it the republicans of 0 carboa should drop all shams and give it a hearty support to tho the paper of their own party parly the prospectors tor for oil south of 0 the city have every reason lor for the faith that Is in them A good many ye years arm ago the opinion was that oil was to be found out lit in this valley in tho the dep depths one ot of the old pas gas wells was a small 01 one ie just west est ot of main brain street at ninth south the usual warning that water la Is getling etling scarce lg is beginning to bo be heard jt was hoped in view ot of the addition to the cites water supply the heavy snow deposits and the coolness of 0 the season up to the middle ot of july that this croak bo be heard this year with respect to the alleged imminent revolution in china based on the predictions a 0 a 0 book years old it is much more likely that the book la is produced by tho the revolution than that the revolution Is produced by tile the book the dissolution of 0 the insurance union calls attention anew to the desirability ot of haing a system of 0 insurance that would afford the community 2 a smaller avei age of 0 net outgo tor for its protection the ai aites lan well digging by the co county U a ty la is a commendable much more than the cost will be the value ot of these evar flowing dowins streams ot of lutc |