Show aff MASTERSON isaia ait lake laka sal saloon oon keep keepers ors fate k shipwrecked HIP WRECKED IN BERING SEA led fd train a divorced wife a who irad had rall followed owed him to san francisco on the ali james allen alien 1 Still ped wt was one of the tha saved when sze alio west went down died was buried bulled and ra pin exhumed and eaton eaten I 1 established fact that it T Is j now an im in Maste terou ter roii OU a former saloonkeeper if f win after being shipwrecked and iron rowlnad ml in berins am co in april 35 as a aurl rl il at after ter share and hen taken from ills hl grave erve and eaten ay iy the survivors when n chipped on the ill tied iti d asel v wl he lumped jumped from the try fry ss can into tile the fit ills hla idea was waa upp III to rid lid himself of 0 lila his tit dl tire a a lle fall ill ot of that mannon mannion 1 it it i in the ti and his va had some trouble 1 it n it Is alleged attend tte tt lna ills halt half over the head fill a t fr battle arid and ng its a grand nale thi ill hor out of tile house sh rn b bringing 11 tor for h 11 1 w tit t by y default and in rat irae tile ia 1 bools were severed y the ill I 1 1 W sil if 1 i ance aft afar r fi litt freedom froc dom how bow tr ier lr u rit rt in n apparently now MK elhat to ID ao 40 with it anti and abe pet et III to work U 1 win back mater cirlo to attempt upon i her part pan es 03 11 L i c extent lent a failure agh al ih A and tron torson were often ran to ihor I 1 u 1 IL bent to the dmn iff ot ih dicori I 1 IB IX cibir le ni bir r as I 1 masterson mast erson went to Y pa p uru ably for the pur t f getting rid of hla his divorced kt je but in y 1894 mrs mra mas ripen biond d him and it was under ilat thy again resumed their r F I alfont on april I 1 1894 masterson again ia e lit b lf if the 11 ba b shipping from on in th jimca allen alien a baling Y arl 4 on ma uth the yes i fotij i i kad in berins sea the w Is I 1 in ll boats ats but a number abc llian to i n among others ald ere ra U a bl asterson us re tied id but died before reaching ere ile ht wa butt buil d upon a barren mh h hut a das da later inter the sur our von vati dran to dc per atLon by the in gifft burgr exhumed the body 11 d it 11 the i ot of hr former hul husbands bands alc tlc fj li 1 ill dd to bloc h 0 completely naran I 1 1 its M it tron r on and it Is it A mtv iv t bi hv irl irk in this city nit t h 1 li still alive tilt the coq la 1 tini that Il masterson asterson was afy 1 f h 1 n the th salt lake pull pub c wom WM in 1 IM when annie prindle almit u to if aorl ate his anatomy with q fl 1 r in ia a house on commercial re aci t in confirmation nf f life story the abune ri 1 hafl 14 the following tele am ill benl ly y flom aiom A J johnson rm ra rl of this city now of san fran w ajao on in shipped april 16 15 1894 on julius alien lien vessel ali it it fr r lfering s a amny M ay uth alth crew alaj il ti ii lilt li iff lt but IL L number were nh ahard rh ard masterson terson among nr err V 11 v vai a ri rc li 1 but died bar before ore aching horr hore WIB burled buried on oft the sell and two din dai later wan waa dug due up i 0 a jiin n by v ihil th u |