Show WOMANISH AND WOMANLY the serious troubles ot of one ona tather father of A lamny there to iff ahouse A houam and home tn in a city suburb which has become divided against itself says aya tho the new york and fill all because the mistress of it refused on one 0 cession to toddle coddle her husbands cok lovo lova the facts are those mr air vanity to helu liton hla big enjoyment i of an air unselfish evening with hla his family asked his eife mischievously at dinner whether she aho wonted wanted him bull to stay olay at home with her instead of going to tile tho club the allo I 1 fe rt piled that mut dd ll it if lie ho m gated to otherwise not mr air vaulty hd had calculated that she mould nive him a loving look blush and say aay uh oh john or of something of tile the kind her fee reasonableness disappointed him indeed IL 11 ruined raised ills hla irv iro and lie a went on cabout about making her take it back 1 I should think you oa vituld want me to stay anyway M helber I 1 wish to or not ho he more acety than before before rho eho assured him that while it could give her pleasure plea suro to lo spend a quiet at homo home with A ith him tile the hours houra would bo be robbed of a all 1 I 1 their joys it ho he old aid not remain bo be edition it mas his pleasure to lu do go w ills ilia A fallen were first afar i bollt vol lt you oak ask me ma to stay then i no a dear by h Y thunder ril ill leave tho the house and ill me now flow sho she smiled amil cJ I 1 llo ito put on oil hla his nat hat and coat ile ho took time a hout hour it too when they were nicely adjusted lie IIA returned to tile dining cootu ond and stated in a subdued volet that hiat she ah had find only to lo say ono one word arid and aw ho would take them oft to widen a aho too implied in A eliat wan almost angelic taut eha also expected him I 1 to 0 act his own pleasure in that am a lit in till matters to which ho he rin brinkly that thai kid ho did not suppose lie ho had leAr ried that kind ind of a woman oman shortly afterward tire iho front door closed cloned with a ball bank vr iro ire spent a evening will her sewing anti anil her iloilo once iter her husband returned about it hut but ho he mado made no reference rofu renco to his visit lit in town or tho the cause of it before the th gas ei waa till tinned ned out lie he asked quite aulie whether she oho would woul 1 not like ail to t irli tile iho next she sh 1 04 jut t uri un ill 11 tt eho matli I 1 I 1 llo lie their ihen blehl Olgh eol do df 1 il IN as oli ft iio ho if hu bt bamo mo ro rie jt h il L 1 r I 1 I 1 1 n aull j aut ini ill n i ih un ilin trouble tl ili nil 1 hi ri biti I 1 IH i 1 r I 1 lh T h ii 1 of 81 i no our or t ati 1 i r I 1 t eliat t i r 1 I 1 I 1 ia 1 ll 11 ft it 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 ll 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 til bl ih k i i I 1 1 pi no I 1 h |