Show BEATEN flag g dutchman won the telegraph erakes at oakley july 27 the event of the y at oakley was the th telegraph 11 akca for three year olds worth 2500 A ich to the only two started arak filth 2 ia 7 pounds and flying still II 11 but it was one of e most exciting races of the meeting ey cy rail faced like it double team lor for the ter port part 0 of the distance with the ick ck olt on the inside ile II 11 looked c e i a certain winner ira in the stretch but in the last a it fifty yorda yards and ing dutchman beat him out faitell won th the other live five laces aces I 1 the tirrance leiK lance mas unusually large and f track fast flirt arft race met purse five alve furlon nf cs tile antea irma inna won margraret Marir Mart ararat aret allen alien ord belle of fordham third time 1 onil ond race selling live five furlongs ri ra bauer daiji r won manoil second swift third time aldr elrd d 1110 live and nd a halt balt rondo won nen bear holliday ond end eyra Pro more amore third time race stakes mile 1 I 1 all n eighth flying Dutch dutchmen miLn won lak alf nd md time I 1 ail itah fill ral aar mile and seventy yards h dal won blue and gray second itla le I 1 r an third tim 1 ra lit r ll lne fix EH furio furlongs san 11 f 1 n I merv second i ral iral third time tim I 1 14 |