Show ap qa w EASTERN dispatches NEW YORK now york 07 16 li Is still ano thui tall morning and threatening blockade blo chade pual paul gewand the ilia well caw n calist of tho the united states state vinea 69 died at long ajon island onton lAr morning overy mai cation tho atlantic ic mall MAII company must soon paw JAM into other bands from its in present inan gerat mt if 1 the ibo uno line Is not didear homo borno forty processes alleging debt ara said to havis been I 1 A 9 a ann inal L bitty lol I 1 I 1 larn 7 A NN nr cuil pays ava Po polands bolands lands cr credit lit Mo lither cr Com in pris tenting tho the report to tho the House mu hill not ir y opinion of amilt or inn innocence oconee of tho the parties malie and will vh base labo their reason tor for so BO doing ou on th tho fact that they were not dot appointed to A but i w javit it is not pa prok 0 a ablo blo that tho the it mi bijl 11 W clobus on tuesday erly earia forenoon alea nl I 1 were re leaving biating tho the steamer armenta Arni nl at t the I pier bior la in north river mrs ill lavinia stailey for imily the notorious notor hill poolo who nho WM was hero nearly twenty m 0 O ml fell from the ho garig gang plunk and ras u A special states lalit tbt tho the case of phelps podge aco a co wu was settled fettled tuoro there on saturday a i da for tho a or original 4 of 2 alio a SO nap of 01 juilio duag 0 16 in has again aran crop ro vented the hg h g f alm kivus to lee bin ol of p ors 1 in 1 tho I jm VV 1 I 1 I bec 1 ciso it A waa mia washington WASU INGTON credit Plo biller at tho the sitting ii of the wilson committee commit tw today the of all alley ey wait resumed wit riess ned had no knowledge of cm protect LA LAMOS ing been okd with tho the secretary of the interior lutor lor by gotard went di directors rectors against aiD Bt ft a contract king mado made between the union pacific credit or or any connected with credit Mo bilier cr aimor supposed there WM was adt ouch cst alleyways alloy Alley vaa was examined asto ad to ILA aljo payin tut of to senator horton borton of iowa and other mitten matters at length after which the abo committee com adjourned till afternoon altor atter noon the acosto committee com commenced common oed tho the examination of witnesses in ID the louisiana con contested tho cotton ton tax ax lobby wu wait demoralized today to jay day by the rejection by ilia we a and nd means committee ot ol several bills rc uniting the ilia cotton tax la in tho the bonato ft a reso resolution lotion directing the pacific railroad committee to inquire SAW into the rc lations between tho the united states and pacific to the iho interest on their bonds lut but objections being malo mado it itou vim laid our oer tho the ari bill wait discussed A bill bassok 9 1 1 1 1 to refund different duos does on exhales or on 1 1 1 c 11 vessel destmond for the united states m ath last lant the by senator morton morion that the CaL callwell lAell must close on saturday next la Is regarded ad the indication of ofaf an unfavorably report from there ties hi have no asick neo rebutting the substantive flut caldwell a it lj is intimated thit that th it an attempt will bo be mado made to order an inne hn estimation ati gation uron upon the 11 gi which becort secar edthe d tho kod imd grong gronato to I 1 tho be chicago allock island it II IS co 1 tho ilia bill granting to tho the bilock island R K it ono bundred thousand acres of lind and in to IOWA W OSO tho the general Impie sElon Is that ho he win vill ve atto t 0 it the house of of 0 the ions a resolution on saturday ilia governor to heleg telegraph I 1 M h Prein Jont grant directing tho a earn cardest est amro of abo As A that ho would veto abo abill lidl tho the intends ilenda of tho the Inea iowa telegraph to washington WiLs hington that the resolution pinned passed tho the house undue ft a he 0 tile tho facts and will not pass alo senate I 1 RHODE ISLAND 2711 27 II 11 33 Cr oDBlon CX x COD con gressman died title morning morn log MICHIGAN MIC leper 27 tho the morning destroyed three stores of the amerl can express mil and western union telegraph office loss law insured FOREIGN dispatches ITALY Na baliles liles 27 thero there were 0 of mount lattay no couo though some alarm was via created ENGLAND london jan 27 tho report olan alo I 1 0 in tr troubles 0 ab m central r A I 1 A am be I 1 ith bat a has proposed re adt tho he cal abl a ieng or of ft a A a zone a rf r r sg LIS tho 0 aa d c and a L y 0 of augh stars alo r IX I 1 I 1 LL L lulo L A V I 1 h will a I 1 pip pajU cipalo i in st tho IS chitin art expedition pe ditton |