Show miral wt we shall he alaa to a lu any of OUT jining friends riensi at al our office and ana receive from them any details detail of their prospects and labors we invite incite alt all who have any mineral informs lion hon forgive 0 o sice vi us a call CA aj J mi 1873 1871 editor SaU la taJ I 1 your extract from the sun san francisco chronicle of 2 lib 1373 1872 unile tho the head bud of 1 roos essory title to mines mine hall boon tin ly IY noticed and tio the warning therein at tt t I 1 t forth to tho the pioneer miners fully tint that clause altum of th abo mining law of ally lolli 1872 requiring tb abo ludlon of til all mineral lodes previous to that dato data to paz form each club year in work or improvements not nos less in av line than tell collue for each aith hundred fact while to bold ft a chilin taken up after that dlo data riot not exceeding lm lest feet became tates tho the expenditure of ono one hundred dollard in labor or improvements each year is la in the post law and in tile second unjustly discriminating to tho the ong fill locators 1119 ay a amount per foot to the old cl W cold bo 10 ac ten n dol lars lara pr per one ODO featt kailo to bold ft a location or claim of fifteen feet dupcor sired sod nd taken up ater may 10 7 only requires rea fag for or ono hundred feet was thus showing bowing a in ia favor fator of the latter gumpen included include of T tho miam of thin district tool leolf ul upon n it ilu out leod tor for that t C ian clou of human vultures known as jumpers and found to he bo the laj of bulous capit alid id w who a only wish to rep they have D ot own 4 a robbi benj DS labor of iu its J tut list reward 1 abo I 0 whole population will in a short time mak to keep this district free and clear of that certain company comply now DOIT for ruing in tjan isan Pran to bo be known me u the Boloca uva comp kt at chow instigation and for abo ol 01 ui lu all wa waa inserted in the new lw law anno kim |