Show THE VAT TO COUNTY the old here lave have heard beard so eo little abbat to county years that any news bearing on thit that subject is somewhat refreshing not nal to tantalize the brethren too much who hive have bion been expect expecting mi to enjoy their inheritances there for years past we will proceed at ones to the point by baying FO wo have bavo lot just learL learned edby by our underground der dor ground wire that mr young is in about to i ittle the I 1 country near the SIEF sad fAnCISCO mountain with force of the tha br brethren ethrea drawn fro from in v various arious points in the territory the sawo same depatch also informs us that brogen thomas 1 L kano kane head the mission 1 f this aws tw to the saints hereabout worthy ahe enterprise of the tribune ne wh which Ilch by theby his has its it stanleys Stan leys we will la in duo time add tomo some more in relation to going to jackson county and acid settling up the country in the south east that will bedecs bedews cut bat seriously the occupation of this tract of country which is said to abound in fine jimb timber and fat turkeys is 18 an event il bome fome significance situated as 13 it is about to miles ew cast t of st goorge george a and nd not far from the route of tho the parallel railroad A largo settlement established there their a w will ill do much towards bringing bring forward tb that at important road besides opening up a region action rich in agricultural resources and coal and will also form the first link in a chain of 0 settlements rj reaching aching into new mexico Wha whatever tover may bo be the immediate design dea A sit of brigham young in sending a pioneer pioneer party and establishing a settin settle z mant across the colorado it will certainly result in advant izes to the nation similar to those now derived through tho the settling of utah |