Show THE EPIZOOTIC As U it haa fallen to our curot biot to have a share of elli zoot it is ba a fortunato fortunate circum stan e al that tha t t the be epidemic has reached us at this season or of the year when business la is tho the dullest and travel to and from the various settlements reduced deuced to a minimum io in consequence of the condition of the roads had the dis caliso mad its appearance during daring any other portion of the year the effect of it would have hare been very seriously felt As it is u there is reason to hope that it will trill have hate piled aljy before the spring work commences the disease although so prevalent does docs not nol geem of so 0 o severe a type or rather does doc not affect the horses to the same elli as ag 10 the iho fast east bafico thoro there is good reason fr for believing beIl eTing that with proper pree precaution aution and a reasonable amount of care and attention bestowed on oil horses acri cral firby attacked tho the epidemic will oot not be attended with any ac serious rious result beyond temporary inconvenience in io to business in another column will bo be found la i a interesting article on this subject f from lom the pen of dr congar who gi aires jes us a theory as aa to the cause of the epidemic tod dud a method of treat treatment based on that hat theory whether the doctor is ia correct rea io in his hid diagnosis dia or not is u a last matter ter for our readers to decide each for himself certain it is however that condiC conditions igns have moro to do with epidemics of til all kinds than bast pc opec li are an abaro of |