Show TIT WHAT AT editor SaIl faillale Lale TrOt ali AJ tho the right of 0 the governor of this thi territory to A appoint in I 1 on an attorney gendral awl and ter rit rigorist orist I 1 Vire T arshat hilli 14 solely omy from tile acts acta of congram elji you yon the act found on oa page of of laar of of I 1 lall 73 an act to provide for filling falling vacancies lit in ati ct ollices in the several do it ft LT by tho the Senit tei and iiorio of or of the tho united stile states of aman ca c in congress that la in any DT of the wherever a vacancy ball liappa from or ii da duang tho the ream of cf tile tho council in any office waith under tho the organic act of sold Tern tory is to bo be filled by appointment of the go governor bernor by anil with the ibo advice ond and co sant D of the connall cil cd abo governor shall 1111 vp UP fabb br a commission which shall expire I 1 at the end of the it devion of said raid legisla tito five council approved juno 8 1872 sf this old without which gov woods wood hii bus n no 0 legal authority Buth onty to make appointments at t nil all it will mil 10 lo own loon that it is in only where when vl tt canales are created by deally or resignation that ho 10 1 0 nn can fill i a vacancy tauncy now no inch no h to TI canches exist suit therefore be is i powerless tod and LIS LIB null cull mid and void cat but ad to th tho At gcarl office there is no pro to cy tt at til an somo two YEWS too I 1 was vis beouf bt big amot tile tho laa camb cot alid the court gave fiva u cut of custer but ho he took an or to tho a supreano rno court of tho the united timatea and t a is now cow pending therein and lill be this winter when that 8 su U clr premo 0 0 coart will I 1 once more rot evlow low tho the decia 10 loni of f U utah I 1 judges and decide whether the net act of c f th abil territory oratory of march 3 1852 entitled A an n act m aaion to aud aitor natii which has boon been nearl nearly twenty yes yean ursin in I 1 fall force and not repeals i by coughs is fahd hd or not in the abo Log lebrecht case cante the U Is court of lut lost resort decided that lu all a berri ern torill laws not disapproved by congress are re binding bin anil ana unless that sugeat court couri its thoro aro no Toc anelea now DOW in tile of marshal or attorney gentral it this now marshal patrick were wen to attlee t to an burcat eat a nien on criminal process and Z tho criminal acro to replat him bun and blood were hecl would lo bo not lo bo protection atil on or en |