Show CITY NEWS A HAIIE DAME ITEM or viva nry sooner or later justice tl Is to bet be dono done in fit utah query when will tho the r ng culi core coni mence ncncy moving gilt 1 LOST from bilmer S stage be iween bioche and JAM october 2 box ol of bu baillon illon no 2233 2238 A reward of will fro be given gi ven for its itil delivery tt lit wells fargo A co s office in salt lelia city ill hill boa be special communication of Ar argent gents clodgo no ko 8 3 aj ai 1 r t A M this ev taing of lodges lod tig sting brethren lit good gond standing stand are cordially invited ini atod to attend there will w a work in ilia E F A debrea kv by order of WM W IS JIM S SC WILL amy levin the whole family of courts in utah iro are pick and consequently powerless their recovery is in pronounced doubtful unless i a physician of ox x nith ith that peculiar dadik wi ith which they aro afflicted ll is employed botalo to take the llie caro in land attorney smith de declarck clarce that under such ft a hyime crimo crime will hold it a high carit ival tre are ctol to that tho the ladles indict connected with until the iho catholic church in thin ILIA city will give a concert on tho ilia of no pains will be spared to make this equal in very tory feature to anything which liu boa been yot got tn up ly by other ranches on oa IreT lom occa full will be 1 dae timo time tnt the rho we last lait low few days bu bas boon been tory it corn core minced with kith a slight fill fall or of snow 1001 tho the wind north followed follo ired by slight blight froat tho the night tho the wind veered around to tho the south which again provoked tho the storm bhonn bat had been talking in ID tho the mountains awaiting a fa opportunity to visit our valley homo home toil and miko make everything disagreeable at present a their liu has set let to la mi and tho the rod road us are all a alap lip lop la vind dilill we noticed a spun spin of hordes bows yra yes borday attempting to haul a cart out oat of a deep rut rat or rather tho the driver tried to pit got thern them I 1 in tho the mind to make the lie nt but bat from cabio or other they app appeared earod to datoo objections every timo time choper tho pcr gaider was waa administered it wu wait not however until they track struck upon the novel idea ide of giving an occasional cough thereby evincing ho of epizootic affections that any could bo be urged in ia their favor and nd by the driver li Is still suspicious that lie le lad bad a job put pat up on him by his hi ton team hoesr on saturday night lut last a house in tho the ward was entered by way y of the window which WM was secured only sufficiently to keep lionnet persons out tho the licitly thief in scouring lod and carrying off a pair of california MAn ketil a 1 counterpane torp anc and n hat else clio cannot bo exa exactly evy do alt tho the son on of tho the proprietor of ilia ho house who la is alo alio owner of tho the prop properly orly Is id at present at t 0 ogdon don there iro strong rong got victoria on certain fl and it is u moro more than pro biblo they wit yet bo be enado to answer for their dishonesty asp GOOD A gentleman namoa AJ vy is il in town for ilia purpose of bergs ergs aiding a lodge of tho the order of good and nd we TO learn through their official organ tho the weekly published in sacramento that mr alpy has baa succeeded in utah far beyond hu his most moat sanguine expectations wo we notice also aleo in tho the time journal that governor woods secretary black nud lit wife mr stai a and wife Mai mailaine laino ll aydon davit davis and rif mr stratton taken talan good work and nd an ro rendering mr alpy ranch much a vice mt mr stratton will deliver a lecture on behalf of tho the at an early curly day mr aty atry airy y is ii also for subscriptions for ilia ho rescue it is sa aa author icil sant of tho ilia order ho he A bot SNO broft SLIDE elite A amow ebelle I 1 from mr rj rl L nail iran superintendent of wal maluci in little cottonwood VISO left alta city on sunday bunday morning at eleven we va learn tho the of enow asilom slide which occurred at tho the ikino game place so the art rc reported parted sume timo time ago which i numb cr of it appears that mr hall was traveling over the of rhoal former I 1 ly y covered about twelve on it hu is way to tho ilia city when tho the slide occur occurred ml but BO was tru it ii alist he ha lad no intimation of if its it approach until lo 10 was altri almosa ost overwhelmed As A it wu was he bo was chatica a distance of COO feet by i a body of snow enow to nino nine foot in depth evl 0 bards in ing him up to ISM hu neck i i As ai soon As tho the ahlo celd caw yr mr ban crawle dout out finding that ill tho presca a lion of his hia alfo ufo waa due to tho ilia of the snow adov which also alao accounted for the w wy sty it approached him there were tomo some lour four persons on tho the road at the timo time of tit th slide rildo but so BO far thead of it as to be out ot of alarms wy way thu tho road iod Is now to so that tarns cannot gratcl I 1 tim this to together gother will wibb tho the which has hai afflicted every IS horto 0 rati in ia the canyon liaa temporarily sua bended vended travel we learn from mr liall that a roa could bo be built tin on tho the opposite atile of the canyon at a comparatively null which would abid tho langL ni of thia ibis spot pot and would not only bo be the mana of paying human life io but side loca travel if this be ba so 0 o tho the road should bo be built an n early ss as comblo for tho the of the pnat past hm has demonstrate td fl that in tho the winter time it is only oula tt at tho the risk rink of life anil and property unit that thid iiii ticul air place is passed over in safety c n D easm ila townsend 11 bom ouse Is I 1 xi 0 0 I 1 uio to abo ot hotel sa this oiin Y been out ulo side ot of this than aby bolh r lul let heo beart said as a lineral tiling thing has bu not dot been favorable to its ti reputation as a til con ducted and ahat Is more a aill es for jimmy toil jm must un nn derd tand although in a certain sense an anuell ann li will coo albeit lla ilia patrons all p plied a moro more unfavorable term tins tim did pretty well tui till compo ution co to town tomi tin fand a there was a of 0 getting something hoAl accommodations then it was vu that ancla Jimmy di i house ran a ctr cor short uil list of registered arrivals rr ivl when compared coiD pared with that of c tila his more liberal llo waver straggled didong ad bt best lie bo could running so up 1 now dow alili add lions to his to inake inako root room for a larger dumber of guests which ly by the by never ever n came it nu mas not la in USA lick lack of bt arta ara allt tile ord lay by lint where it was moro pot abat IY ly felt by uio the hnry and traveler and to this fact it appears our venerable proprietor bad h cit at lacot thoroughly awake as he h lir into given tho the absolute control of lu lis louse into tho the bonds of two tiro thorough y oom com front men acu whose lives UT LATO been with ilia H varied experience of hotel in a several of tho the cutch states mr Bail abam is of the call culinary nery department boil oil mr me las hu that bt of the general outside ilia kith lullu iSu awl dining boons the g names are r familiar to ilia ibo public and nd consequently it gueran that the townsend under their nue able management win compete ly if with rith other house la ia town towa the abo towo towels end house is ij ell cil loua bcd both u m aleguas leguas iu its tice to la being reached from tho the city and railway ly by truc strat k card i and ing advantages its it location to it as quiet as a rural village will the improvements already mulo made md and the chuigo chease in ia its Mannis mont ot together therul with th the in llou of yu ou lad water wo ro nay with safety foty pro dira diet that the th townsend hoibo will bo be att still tho the coming coniing sean as any in lint my ayt ur theodora Thoo ilon Ho hollander llauder baga to call fablio to hit his largo large end nd on in dorb block or of jewoir lc welTy T which comprises com nomo beau beautiful specimens of european and nj am amar er lean manufacture mr hollanders lish ment on can be found under tho ilia taylor lielet halet on main blain tux THE hausz Bless maam re JL A atchison have opened a wholesale liquor saloon floon at the waller louse in tho the south room we lire AM informed they ilcy tivo have or on hand a very tory largo stock of ill all kinds hilda of spirituous liquori and lam in an infliction of their stock lock is i solicited occidental id tho namo of in an go ft abolishment kept by auer anar A maraby Mori iby who VISO layo havo on hand some of ilia best brands of liquors and taj lie ale also cigars cigar this house is in note not cj 0 from tho the quality of tho the 0 tom and nd jerry which Is fa il in largo quantities july daily th proprietors of ilia alio occidental love worked up dp a good business front from tho the fact of their koe good on hand with id which to supply their pat patron ro he Jf and for tb tho gacond reason of their hoe topping ping their ment cry orderly ort lorly their cn be boiden seen la in mother another column dicas last ant night alio llio it aitho hit theater opened iod with the farce A kit in t the he dark lil I 1 ich cli was waa tho the cause of much amitie io mcdo I 1 tho farce As renderos rende roa a T at y natural barring the black betrayal spot on the noso neil followed the grand tar lar tho the 44 lea ico witch or tho the proton hand thid play as well as affording some omo good acting I 1 ial chit in in scenery ilia anat scena cne in tho the list lint act ct being absolutely roaul dicent ono of tile great gnat features in tho the on en lost night was tho the of mis betty rigl higl tho the star alir premiere alsol uta ula anil and mile emily mgt tho the premiere Dan danseuse this olaes cities of performance HU as never seen an on tho the salt lale lake ago before tho the ladica were several times binea cn corol bam oil to lake favorably vi ith ilia audience andi ence tho same imio will lo be repeated tonight to night when a packed house bouw is IK anticipated A arlt caid FIT americans americana tro are noted for illein fine aasta tasta in curing good lilting filling aoh ooh and oboes A lit that would bo be considered a rl sable ono in europe would bo be discarded in this country As being no fit at all ya A little P lack black leather in tho the hollow of tho the instep or a wrinkle or to across tho the front cicro alto tl tho foot would bo be nothing not liing particularly ro ob to our t trana r a ns atlantic cousins coi uius but to a yank it 1 I b bo rut nil actual eyesore I 1 II 11 I 1 is not right bowen er to infer that this thi nice dees is u confined to native americans but it Is most strange to matl mark liow how really readily foreigners foreign cra becomes la in this particular on their arrival in m this country deman deil by the public lu in ilia fit of their 11 crab brells males luaL cil it somei hat difficult for any but good workmen to gain any tit 0 ni in net anco in iu tho the manufacturing of boots boota and shot v wo we am ar led to peak orical of this from the alio fact of being pres prescript crit at mr J opposite 00 tito McKimm McKan talus lnA stables dibon hon a customer fetched some now hoota which mr ragan had mado made tor for him who pronounced them tho the best lit lio lie eer a aw lod immediately ordered another pit pair ir of a finer class tho the homo of ragan fagan loa haa become notorious in faucy fancy circles cupe specially apeci emy ally as ono of tho ilia bast axtt fitters in this territory and aad as ai im an ap of this fact he hou is alfaya cro crowded wiled with some of tho the licht best work in tho the custom lino eno inthis in this city thoad tho adarme drese nil all yo who wast wint dandy loots boot agans boot shop hop op potito McKimmi Us iu llory stables ems temple |