Show cornerstone CORNER STONE IS LAID ceremonies at the young monument site LARGE CONCOURSE PRE PRESENT SENT 33 richards dellvera delivers tho the principal address of the reviews the life of brigham young find his hia work in utah gov wells find and mayor also speak city OM officials claims attend in a body BodyL list let of articles PI placed in ia the box under the stone with appropriate cerci ceren nony jony the ihn av cor ner ncr aiono of tile tho monument meni to lo r young anil tile of alts ft i lal laid yesterday day the exercises acre 11 fad by a vast of peo p ill aly within their lumbera prominent church onic fats state buu bouti ty CY anil and city onica ra abul leading depre Venta tives ot of the elie ailous huai neBa in te tereatha reatta of 0 tile the commons balth the nat members rubera of the he city government upon the scene nh homily attly after 6 otel 0 it lit in the afternoon and a feu tc minutes before exercises ivere inn ale ta bullied to begin they all occupied ca car arbios olid and belm fall claier by a platoon or of police pile gd tj alif a kill 4 lit a of 0 band baad those in the pura ai rad wr were may abay or ring city attorney ili KAI city attorney homa j Tra aurer slav mav deputy treasurer tre a S tc r er lyile street mulloy molloy dep uly illy 8 I 1 rt supervisor dark clark aeto r Wi lekin auditor swan pollee judge wenger recorder Ilc corder arvry and deputies matthia MJ fuld riler l arc chief law tn e sanitary Ino inspector gre Jre nw AM nt of water vork wallace IH ell A folland l ollend vr irrol 41 coma newell and members or of un the cily council Co inel the th band and monal lerit tit r ilip lif jaty ity iii drove drof almond t it Ter raple g tint 1 L k and ad then i arne du ilijin if miln main leet from tin tile north anil and tolk loik tol k their places aboul the bo anu cleff or of UK till at this thia ama they vere ant eded bv mims lutu lulu fort a j little lidy lad of oc S ca carit mho CarrI carried cd boft a tilly lifty aej lean PIONEERS tile only umi pioneers uen urlo ic 1 noticed bore Pros president ident wilford woodruff beauten and NV C A smoot alm ira lucy ta B young one of the surviving alves ives of president young waa use also pre nent and batt nod the 0 eding 4 A till intense inia n abt t it use aa almost 6 apu j jamck a ell shai p muster master ot of cai tm onles announced that thai the elie would ope open 11 oath an ode to brabham young by the tabernacle choir assisted by tic the K vc of 1 I blind band president nc lorenzo loreno soon snow then offered prayer pm r and america was ulas ren rendered derd 0 by the hand band apostle rr franklin anklin 1 D richards tin the C ator of the day aas aa next axi introduced and said in it part ORATION BY P D RICHARDS the th century ilc in arl 1 C alclo itu alvah and far camou us for hm has brought broucht forth j amad a array r ar ot of mighty mn one m n uJ tab to 0 o t lh ia e uce e a and ail it 1 I for or the work a to be ix id in tilt lh sold P gr progress of the human finlly among foti OreD lOot of 0 thoas notable must nm a aa 1 r youny young tile the pioneer the ih colo c j j lj die 0 state num I 1 the ho file molder mind the avi deriche of aha ah a dorilus am visible to ull if behold eni cro n this N t tern stern feln ion IVO bid 10 bodny day 1 lo 10 do him urh juaice and bonor us tu ites ills it h div r ra und the tha inona no tr ment bent in 11 t velch I 1 if t 10 ca be W erected on ahn spot anpo will 11 1 IM ohp res eilart alon of a lit llo who be la haic ber by y the iho works work rod and of oc blut great cre il leat leader it or apostle Richa richards then reviewed the eon conversion version of 0 young to mori mormonism monism irk in april 11 hla him subsequent j association u ith joheph smith his missionary work in canada the th united states and great britain and his him final accession to the presidency of the tile apost apostles lem to which position he ha upon the death of joseph smith JOURNEY ACROSS PLAINS rort ff lothe journey or the plo neeri culross the plains plain apostle richards said there ahme wore tit in hat cotanny mm an three bown rod and two V jett ihfe oft were anly 1 1 0 1 1 1 al on hara hoew horw ildy iz two rs flaty alt oxen x and aid ra metten cos thoy they inere cr ihor ahr cl by pr prudent yo anu it at their hoi IM ho HI I h he r effly oon ti than ahm over er achill klitin and lofty lefty woun liili at abary iari arld hlll fail run atner river Efla through rough tui an jendlin indman country ancl aft to rw upon don lite load apan ol of the th houa 1 ond nod almont tj t j with tile ilic jim f bulno lake re rn lUnE the ra of 0 the iho and Tl vitt loist sun ron nod exclaimed allua as the pare drive on bd li bild soon this land in an vision before h ho lell left the lh nib laci river when hu he w it in ili reality ho he baa no doubt that A voa the fisit for tile lh home of hla his he fo lold laid out the iho plan lin for or his hl elty it road brodd its IIA ron allic ti crouns itt ill collace acre arc all aji in the mind of tile iho founder found of thin foont ah hm bell mere irre wim not not ft a houm bonito created throughout ito braid domain kinc lt lit cane of on tah clift soot ilot here ILION grand trued temple now marg lt oiw towers to th the skies ahl ho he exclaimed hi hiro we AM build templo 0 of our god thin on tho lmh adny I 1 0 of 1 jre july Y 1947 tho the rork of build I 1 inc of city vaa commenced maor f UI unior hb immediate cariti on but on the th ach in of Aug uffit ili A com companey panny of iffie W mon tho the pioneer plo nr until and started 1 on I u ro turn journey to 10 vinter S to or putt ant dir lirt t the th t c of the iho saint mot all 11 all mho itc ua ditc desired alight ruth aith lah their people to tha gnoun calru on the mil of december at DOW bow D allurta ili it boung i wah eaulm at ethl e all oarl cui thal d president of the church of J christ of latter day orama in fall to taft w world orld with icom har C kemball and WU ired lard n irhe ot of tho ua as lill his roun WORK aul wul LK OF YOUNG extended reference was waa mado made to lo the accomplishments of you young 9 after litta hla arrival ai rival in utah able velch h in eluded the inauguration of the of the ill diversity Iver sity of itah and the brigham yo youir 19 college col teece at prokp and loran irao the a s u which latela he 1 in the he con construction m t ruction of the elie union rail a an and d the ma magrell grOll cent bel temples nley which ure built at st III george Gc firse and logan I aynn under bis direction maa ulmo anale of iho fact that the tabernacle ung built by the iho art meat eat loader and that thai he be planned the magnificent temple in athla cuy city in closing apostle Apo richards Rl chardi it to la filling that we meet iii wt here herc 0 aeilt ablo til lan this highway of the ho world haorld a 11 lour tHUi that thai thoy muy may be re r minded I 1 that hat it t was as hy by his clial let th I 1 I 1 north american VI lp or cri C ha bred boti brur fo d into a great c it or of am american r re ri tito tho 1 k N dime demex and ad 1 arm least for its ret brechon tion wp were w p gin gi n by or of ull all as akew from eli abe infant to tho the contono rim tile the Krand of hitt lil heroic grancia jur mind maud in hold hald relic chein under god he h dinet 1 the world t klow ucil do of W lita from till dout lot to LO this ahlf north ampi alfi I 1 an aa pla temu saw here gallu L his people from all h 0 awen the lh frigid conf spooning spooking oking M more tha than d atto fro and ahm I 1 to orn oin r faelli 0 one to I 1 fjord rd and one haption ia utah all ill the krof a to 10 wait it allu yf tac star 1 I to the ot of our yet at ftH IV RV 1 V V I 1 TIIU GOVER governors NORIS S I 1 gov v itel r lit bl wells st 1 th he abc c edin 9 bp easker and paid in open ng I 1 regard alb fm as ono onn of the lite moat meet int tint tim and iu abas bell 0 oc 11 ill ir 1 11 ali 41 X of ith 1 tali itin A 1 kii un L I 1 lh lai J if tf u 0 uli oil UW tho ill ol of I 1 hot 1 i 1 ITZ 0 1 hy r n 1 II 11 haf 11 va 1 or r I 1 1 loaft ro tan aft flat t or M 1 clr I 1 l 1 fw they lly have 1 ov r ahw re oui t ali ortal r axi aca collel nc a Z nil d ennobling em ioMini lunts aunts lUn tS r anten 7 it 11 nd it 1 that they y lit i a nt h hn lat m n u ill V I 1 alo lh th a 1 K Z t hnz in lo 10 u ook it faw esy a of nd in cg at t j the to 1 11 11 dod their oi a S honor I 1 m nom dioro how mon T 1 due du to so at Is a ua toda 01 arim U 1 0 1 I n after lift amy yr Y m 4 ali bleoo the al f lion into flat ot 4 0 o r aint priva 0 b A of tho i 10 ird rd hem jare t land to rh i pg Fr to cd c to d ra 1 r pos coret Ss low I 1 1100 to 1 in m 0 ha h richly outdo ta it 1 GOV h P jj jd of rn olo n te j ahat t na u I 1 onam on jm tved men in all ci ci be 7 ion trial eternal ed to note kluft a I 1 I 1 1 1 1 t T iq lat 1 L d 3 1 ho I 1 to the alv lot g as uell an in the cad fam brig ban young n an ft and irrol ilan 4 re et genlue ilbe 7 im long fail toll osan y down to e i V that roble III I 1 THE STARTING POINT 1 W ad 1 front thin IS T PD th ahl ct v A J laa id 1 L 0 IV from jah it hora r lher h arly impy ir the arf laun g render no on A r 11 o 1 so effaces annot ln r m 0 i ting mail 7 r it I 1 dihe 5 q tat t t ethl 1 0 w ait en in on 0 30 go here I 1 am pi wt molar my iab this nr mw colw if a RI lunon iivo itule acon lv A X t r to 0 1 0 M it O zao mull I 1 or 1 in 1 Y M arli mi t glnn a alny n 0 and flank oil I 1 jl i ua 1 l ja I 1 I 1 ra aj I 1 lit i and with ahr it eon bT of f iya W 1 dala d cannon RD 11 an aal smith now il huli t 1 a il w an n A N in tre t 1 1 t th air I 1 it tf of r r nrc a 10 apt him concluding reanus arc bere ns fit fal follows lows 1 B 1 titor atio I 1 and bro bronio to bo be emited emoted r hom on rtH hadt urns lurlne 1 though thong 1 I i tc be i brou 1 1 4 SO and ah ilav 1 4 iut iff ls 0 of t the OUR 1 A fl mil be b p d pi M an fn t 1 in 11 t aln ll 11 x I 1 tory ry claa ill hifue period ot of recorded R me I 1 fw it 1 for or Us iw nil follow citizens to lri ent MUO to 1 the I fak fa k of bork ork chev aise the have no 0 n nobly 1 tx tile cun aliey lall tile four yacu data hav chroal I 1 d P arl 1 fatih ill ui 0 u I 1 1 nuell in av auml 1 I conr 1 1 ilice C r 1 montes tnt let nit A in arr I er asilia I 1 work hick of oc 9 hoorn th anil and to pros m 0 our macd e to riah I 1 I 1 ib end bat a act uko it hir hi r alt ri larul I 1 panco chic in the I 1 at dian inton I of state tat r f niona iy ay I 1 bufi pu IV fi a 0 o 1 n I 1 rich 1 I 1 er I 1 I 1 iha arnom I 1 Rati cut biml 1 hill of 0 a a ID 1 1 dinv I 1 1113 of 0 ana ono ir if t lift haj a ito to I 1 alio il ca of birnis nir nis r or ill tin MAYOR the rho utts hy fly with ri nui to io tile all if alt coald ah we am a omni or fit alir r alf their 11 albir lie fitKA 11 1 ot 10 duty unit tola lovo love of at wp we or anro proud olof afi institution ot of r chwi a a ja in I 1 an gnoun 1 4 11 1 11 binl band at stiv 1 I 1 1 1 1 all 1 1 1 ft me am of lh tile 1 fact 1 14 1 j r P farih AIO IV a 00 rma oo or of men fuld renton ho he ID honor or na 4 halil obi 1 in 11 1 ad p I 1 to 1 r n thi he great vaa rk l by their others hint if mohiart 01 11 ani in al iho he attly ay lor ir tile iho of sho 80 hnativ bi latic loii lion in this statton had iiii able could goold fani corny to 0 monir evjy V tile iho also lt l t forethought un no haa huMli t anil and ell et cr forts or of tt atu Ilon cers or of aw 0 ill master ot of ceremonies job jahn 0 shut p then mail ft A list of 0 ahe th ar aghili licit Hili to lo bu be placed tn in the cornel comet alcano tan annj d arold dent wilford woodruff 4 the iho leaden box the article in tile the repository Pro prepared for I 1 it L th the e articles artl clys were na his follows a ithe he of thi the bican ere engraved graved on on a copper plot plat by J john a held of Fremb lenta wilford woodruff Wood gorit 14 t Clin cloch ind and joseph F and a sh bolograph olo graph of oc lali n P 1 ch rd motor f an eb ropy py of t th brndon ion delivered by frank un D TAO tan kathes the ih property properly of ent Lif laham loung bunc b bv Ps ii bon n BrIg balu yount tito the lunitte bundle of the are ar tipped walh fill caneti I 31 k of I 1 anil Ity ruche 9 smith in I 1 i h and on each of oi the kalve lin ves Is B the follow 11 0 1 ng nc 11 A token lolin ot oi respect ft froni 1 U to brother he Bri brigham giam A poll livid mono monotee tet reading gi afla v in buckskin chov in a tin m cam this the property properly op dent D ei young the cuni ting of this via glain glaia mude of f california gold brought h t to llah cloth by members of the community who uha returned from at nn an mirly dav OR on tho tin can I 1 the tol follow in this hold cold mounta moun tf I reading 9 1 a 6 th bekkin COT and hii case car A ui carried und and used ua i by IMol dmit brigham it ioune auna jt it ta in a girt treat froni his hh son brigham morris younk young to lo 1 hf to put 1 n the foundation ato aion of tile the Pr MOMIR DInt salt lake cy city utah llah jenft S M 1 at afi engraver J H harrison U yeam 0 old ds E valt t colim coins viz az S in rold gold andal sale arac baid 4 ac in suver nuver OF TIIS THE stanel this hat ing been performed perform 1 the workmen about th the monument OnU ment sprang prang to their plates andt and the he corner tone a ai immortal block ot of utah granite 1 bich was upon the arm of 0 uati ai sung into place place 13 IriV bam jr then mounted the adlock with a trowel in hand and said I 1 lit i klebor in or IT the brittham Ertl Brio tham young memorial I 1 eit the cornerstone of at ahli now new wd and in behailo of 0 president woodruff the iho and tile iho pu neora aho ho it ave pa busy and 01 0 oc f the ta feud of mounir doc cousen I 1 dollars to lo okland onal thanks to tashe all ho havo contributed tribu tri buted tod ot of their means for the lao erection of t than IS rod and pray pra goit god that the an and ad of the iho men en rod 0 omen who have settled this state rde an u who he loved the iho awl ati in hu of our couture and ad b build JR tr ro st slam a to forfa ariu honor aid d louicy I uly bomil ah be cul livo to the th fullil extent I 1 I 1 travo have not net a a attan arlu polet I 1 hut t my 11 t rt ar tn 1 all jj to citizens of this thi state who have ell dy day honore hon my father that a son ron tan feel who relemo tile tho memory of UL fathers the benediction was waa pronounced by elder henson walker one of the oile anal 0 ecce an and a c chuhua of I 1 school C 0 children 11 iva go bane g I 1 lion three chatem re than anven ven la io response to a sug t john jo henry smith and the C were over |