Show HOW HE SPENT THE DAY many visitors tois called on mr bryan to pay their respects mr alryon irn reached the city on the k train yesterday coining soon after 8 lie he was bilven to lo iho he horn join of 1 fnnnk 13 stephens on oil I 1 thirteenth Thirlee nth robt fast lie he break fasted farid pert the greater par biart or of tile tho day ills time little vaa aas n uh or u mhd ith callers or of ill all political call beliefs who tt hi singly tit in couples and groups all ilay luns long to melt respects to the silver chieftain chicri aln it li IN not tile ih distin gullied democrats s first visit to SAU salt lake and he rebern bored not a few of the gentlemen of prominence whom he met during the day cloy mr bryan regards the extension of the s I 1 iver cause hopefully hore fully there seems booms to lo be a very considerable growth of oc the right kind of sentiment sold said lie yesterday yest elday it to ie due in part to the fact that tile the study excited during the campaign has continued since una and hits bus resulted in the conversion 0 of many to the doctrine of and in fact act to the tact that tile the prophecies in made udo tile the campaign have not boon been fulfilled hica has been special activity nong among I 1 the silver he republicans publicans public ans tiley they are arc UP aa earnest as aa they m ere during th the campaign and are fully aa anotle US as ire tho the democrats and Hata FOR LECTURING mr air dryan Is undisturbed by the at acks of 0 those who assert tor for lak lack of at anything else cl to 10 chaice th that t it a candidate loses in dignity d by mounting the lecture platform pla Korin 1 I only lecture occasion occasionally i lly suld he yeater yesterday 1 I find it necessary n ec essary to do something someday to lo keep up not only nith th family benses but also alio ali o wili those thich the c at 0 laign entailed on trio me for I 1 instance ri stance my in y cot I 1 estion dunce alone no now costs costa PIO pie more than tile total of 0 my living ex cx pleases before I 1 discuss for or a double reason mitt tt beci because luste the people are more interested if in it than in adyth anything ing else cliff and second I 1 nm am moio interested myself aud and by talking on oil it I 1 may be able to do sonic some sooil good for the cause while my exchequer those ho have criticised criticized me for ing have not painted out any het bet 1 way of earning a living I 1 could annl t tile the practice of law i out abandoning the ill discussion or of public questions ques tlona and this I 1 am not nol filing to do ile he ach believes ves that tile the attendance atac nonnce at the con congress congi giess eBa will hlll bo be laige and that of good ill ul bi be accomplished lie ile commended the ohio plat fonn foint in baim terms 1 I believe said bald lie he ill bihy ihy dd exactly right aa L to the i e pi they the chicago platform and then sut set out tile the money plank in full after chich atch they declined it to be tile the paramount lisue ibis his I 1 regard as an eminently nibe ahe course 0 ot or action THOSE WIIO CALLED t jol iff g thu the calle caffera ra on 1 aur U r roan etc rev clarence T ra blow 0 n pastor of the ehst church and beveral young men ho to are man 1 ber ot of the james A gat gainell field lyceum I yoeum sov poy ort tois nis mr arati dr afi designated then another dc delegation legation consla consisting thir of L 11 farnsworth 11 1 IV duncan P F W V gardiner N V C T 1 flartley fl artle T 31 potion patton J 11 1 aletkin and george Os osmond asked sir mr blyan to attend it a 1 reception duijn fians wild and mr byry an himself A knight of Py pythian thiap consented another caller wim wan mrs stlla whose hoso husband helped forty years yearn ago to found the republican party parly and after two score of years of ice was waa compelled to dehait from rom it judge judd alao called and probably eipl wilned why the baya vote volo in the annex was not larger by oni one ballot ballat than the count d there bere r also alno ex cx congressman al an n D C dunbar joseph M cohn cohen E D H M thompson Thom pilon 0 W bloyer will WIH lett F r K S hadra wyllo wylie L brown it L 11 jones and dhaens tit ot others ja F A flammond ll ammond of san juan county oural the th stephens residence after much travel in thi the hot sun un doeser Doos lr F D stephens hons live liere here he obied ked ile ho does docs nas aa the reply of 0 one ot of the val balting ting crowd la is the king here the old gentleman continued then told his story chory of the search for tile th house mrs airs ellen ft forguson mrs arrs rou nou manla li pratt frail mrs mra il M tl it cannon airs I 1 S D rhodes and miss claire forguson ferguson the club albo called AT THE ALTA at I 1 0 clock manager 1 B A of un I 1 entertained mr bryan boan at lun luh h at the acta club tile the other guests being gov wells judge C 0 J W eurton burton 11 IV sloan 1 I C dunbar 3 J daly I 1 ir I 1 W V lawrence airali young jolia Q cannon 11 1 T ll 11 lloyd yd 12 y S varian F 1 U chens and C L rood nood the luncheon luni hoon was followed by an informal reception during many mady ment her ot of the club aci presented to mr bryan afterward erward mr bryan cry an called at the th trans pi congress congi eBs tel tc ra 1 anti and spent half an hour in conference with cuhna as aa to the rae arrangements and pru pro gramme ma its return to mr arr ass home was as tile the signal for fop a renewal of the flood of cAll ca licis cis and before lie left tor for ill the theater lit in the th a a laige number of people hall hal majd their re sp acts to the visitor among them were cr judges jird lea and Kulhci land of the idaho supreme oui t stale late senator V V 0 smoot of it NV G nolence no lonce of q tile P R S richards J W I 1 ca jr C chairman irman sloan of the iho isa state aal le committee 8 A king of clovo T ellis ulouse kind arm judge H P ilen hen derion 11 C mcdonough and ami philip corcoran composed it i delegation of 0 tho the salt lake typographical union A that bat waned on n mr fr bryan aith a request that he deliver an address to tho the laboring men inen of the iho city during the ih coner ress mr ml bryan was obliged to deny the request mr bir bevan lout lost his purse containing contal olny 15 5 on the train min yesterday morning but even before it hf had discovered the loss and telephoned to in tile the line alicc tile the pocket bool beoh had been sent seni thre by tile conductor cori ductor lie ile 1 arft I 1 ft on the 1135 P plo to cn cin train lal hiat night for or california he 1111 return in time lime for tho the congress and ac compart led by his wife tour lour through the iho stone |