Show FIGHT in THE CAM CANYON FON 1 nearing hearing of the big co cottonwood aton shooting case TESTIMONY OF W F JAMES ire he describes the meeting in the low roadway Ko adway rand and sways that sapp was the aggressor ills his account corroborated by Fric erickson Erick knon aon sapp tells an entirely different S tory story and says ile he was sh shot ot while flying cases against james and today 0 1 as aa yest yesterday archly on hial beffie justice Sur summer niner on n a if buee haige of W F james in ili ilig big cotton nood mood eanon canion on june lath lost last tho tl case lasted throughout the day and this morning the to cases on r charges prefer preferred enod ted by sapp aga against I 1 list jarnes james and his foreman joe erickson nill bo be heard till the three cases case 8 v III I 1 be e argued toge together W F james Rs na the first ors I 1 witness yesterday 1 I started for sal salt E lake a at I 1 about halt past 4 sunday eenink juno june lath dutli lid he sal said 1 I drove a buggy with ill a sp span an till of hobbes and I 1 louk joe erickson malti me ane us its rat far its m tile the a mile below to help rne pet get tilt th team leant over the iho place tag OA it quite dangerous danKe roua a at t thit that time Uri crickon ckon canted an ax to cut ul am away ay the obstructions we reached thi the slide sible filth bild geil tile the canyon tile the load anti and clogging ci the stream chich lad had tunneled leil underneath tile the road Is very acry narrow at tills athla point and the slide it rut fur a distance uc of seventy or eighty feet act arter after examining it I 1 decided to cross croat a and diode the honi part vay may over keeping vely clum to t the ile north north bank and as far as possible from the creek As I 1 did eo 80 I 1 saw sapp coming up the hie call canyon on holse biLk elickson Ei lekson vas mas ahead ahal of the horses and I 1 was wag val bide beside the cari ariew lago bete ell it and an ti the ing he bank As aa lie ile got half nay ay over stipp cattle came I 1 tiling up and tie lit pushed his horse I 1 in bertteen bett teen tile the carriage and the bank chere M here the blance was its so 0 narion th that tt bis saddle almost pul pulled tell the elie harness from the off horse WHERE TIIE THE MEN AIEN MET we had some words and lie he called me ile it a lot let of names said lie ile would kill nio mo and would give me the choice of getting out of the canyon or having iny throat cut then lie chiew ills lec over the horses lio raus back bacic slid and jabbed d it in the back with hl i 3 spur 1 grabbed ills his horse by the I 1 claws but bill he kept spurring trIng on and the horse struck me with ills his knees knocking me down and leaped over or o r me I 1 fell ell with mith roy my ices in the spokes pokes s of the w Nl lel and nil my body Jai jammed against the bank I 1 was holding the reins illais of my team and tili iff to hold thorn them so I 1 na was unable to lise ilsc fr iri As sapps kapps horse jumped over OC mo ind I 1 saw aw that sapp had bad a a big bov bowle le knife in ilia hand lie he went on LL a folk few jump joint past tile ni ant and then jumping dS dismounting mOunting bioni tile tho horse camo cam running 1 ng back with his knife go in ills hand haid abing b let lei ills his horbe go on up the canyon y on erickson canie caine around behind the caniares car liage and said to him film why dont you so go on up the canyons do you m want ant to kill somebody lie he answered ill cut that mans heart out and aind fry it and 1 I 11 II kill you tow loo thun then he made a dash clash at me with ilia hla knife and grabbed me by till th throat roat I 1 called to erickson J to use his ax and al in he solved seized it and came after sapp rapp lie he tilt hit lint him in ill tile the back with V till the ax an and then ahr n sapp I 1 turned u r ned from mu me and went arter erekson they fought back of the wagon sapp with fill his knife and erickson Erick aon balling him off A with ilia the ax agit hist ills ston ach then I 1 pulled my gun and fired at sapp atiee the hist hi st shot but the second hit him for ile started to run up tho the canyon I 1 then rot got up arld and after quieting aulo ting the horses aroi dr 0 le c dov down n to the city there waa some nome evidence then antio deuced showing that sapp had been lafi cattle on land claimed by james and that they had had words previously in regard to tile the inetter joe testimony was awas corroborative of 0 jamess in all matellas mate mat ilal ellal particulars particular vi V i ackson Is a falander Fm Fir lander alander and ills his forceful descriptions raised a smile on several occasional leuty sheriff eurt burt told lold of a con versa tinn tit sapp in fit which the letter latter said that james had shot times at him film dr jones testified stAncl tP ag a tw to tin tile nature at U re of tile the mound if which A oliell tile the defendant re ct alved SAPP ON THE STAND then sapp was called to tile stand lie jie told of tile the r bloating on oil tin tile a abow now j slide and said that he chose to pa ich berneen tho the cart carila lago sc and the rock lock because seemed plen glenly y of room there and to lo so go by on oll tile the outbid out sid donld nave have neon been exceedingly if ho e described cleser I 1 bad the altercation adf and james but denied positively that ills horte horse knocked james doun in passing there was va plenty of if room to pass p ma lie ho paid and I 1 cit all pass nath out touching that man or lita ills carriage or horses As aa 1 I rode past jarnes I 1 aw HAW him pull 1114 hi 4 gun rand I 1 leaned over tile the horse horae and lie fired lut jut missed roo me As I 1 got wt OIT any horae I 1 saw him put ills gun up he vas age standing all tile time and when I 1 ran at him h liar picked up a branch of a treo tree ife he hit me a couple it i blows over the head and then t f grabbed him laid and pushed him dou n against the bank came ill up behind and lilt hit mo me nith velh tile the ax and then I 1 turned on oil him and after a mo input anent of schilling ng I 1 rill rait away up the canyon it was t then I 1 ten that james shot alet I 1 mas as rally or 11 fitly fly feet away and he vi ingeb mo inc on the second shot OKI did aou ou take your knife from its ain Ilia cheath vath at any time dur during ing tho the affair afTa lr was aske no a tills this most positively most blast of the remainder of the wag waa con consumed stained in tile the introduction of evidence evid fice pie vinus vaa mas shown to be b or creditable edit lift 11 passed sonn some tiple time at the th salina sahna kan said al a year at th ill 0 omaha business buBl ness kani ad col lre lie he la IN a featured youns man with a good humored smile and ho he seemed to regard the trial as a huge joke judge anderso andersen defended him bilm and JUKO and ceorge nyc assisted ray van cott colt in the |