Show THE NEW MILL HILL AT AUSTIN mr farnsworth koperta it in ex elent shape having air cam the starting up tip of the new mill which event took place on oil monday Moni liy abt at aunton nv nov N v aran life ager philo T ih yesterday returned holthe city ond and reports tho the plant vl in most manner the new york clotis re dallied tit at ribe property to gullich hn he will still M a few lays days but bufore going uni unit t wilt will visit several everal fi of 0 the lh camps of utah among thern frisco I 1 borc abere te he shonn throngs tho the labyrinths of 0 the norn sliver silver chich him has distributed over I 1 ill A among Us its during hla his a absence at aunton man tiger Parn made an inspection 0 of tile the coal mine on mountain anti anil will mill provide means for or tile the develer ent ot of uio the nica xira that promise in become Is source at 0 big biff revenue to the owners |