Show DEFEAT FOR TARIFF MEN r several items made free or I 1 duty reduced t I 1 ALL PARTY LINES BROKEN against the efforts of republican D iball leaders cotton ties and bagging were put on the free list end and white pine lumber reduced from 2 to 1 teller find and mantle lead the right fight against the duty on pino pine lumber southern democrats stand with republicans for pro lection I 1 washington july I 1 ithe the finance committee sacral Beer unexpected rever seh during the consideration confide allun of 0 lh the tariff 1111 today being defeated on ehne ampol tant votes voles cotton colton bagging vaa aks plated on the free list 30 to 25 and cotton ties also alao by a note oe of oc iq 2 tit ti it ahr duly on pine lumber aa reduced front fa to 1 per thousand 32 to tj 31 21 the amendment on time pine occasioned afie greatest surprise and led to the general breaking up of oc party pai ly lines met on joth baldea 0 of the chamber dining doc ing the early eaily stages of the debate tile the duty on lumber Jua luding pine was placed at 12 2 after a protracted contest today cr teller returned to the I 1 contest con and moved to place white plus pine lumber on I 1 lie hie free list lift the amendment WAS nai defeated doi dei by the lose ilose i vote of 0 32 to 33 four hiir republicans baker carter lians hatin brough anti quay joining in 1 OIL alldrin alive while three democrats bacon mcanery ry anil and hirun Illar thi noted doted with tit thu the republicans in the negative following up this close note mite mr mantle till rep moi ed to reduce the rate on white bite pine from 2 to 1 anil and tills this was carried by a majority of I 1 tito republicans public ans baker bailor and carter caner vote voted with the democrats in ili the affirm affirmative atie and three Derrix rats iter nery mry ald and nd Mail ln with the republican Republic ang ITT in like die negative the bill la is now completed with the exceptions ot of lit icci Iio cily section and some minor paragraphs much nar made today in clearing up lit kitt detached ached paragraphs apha heretofore here tolore parsed passed over only three 0 of these coal tar potash arid anil tea remain so that these thes items the bention and the ho brief intel nal revenue and administration internal are all that remain of 0 the I 1 bill ill to lo be disposed ot of before the final cite la 13 taken hilll riLl lK it ATTACKS TRUSTS the tariff bill was wan taken up prom it 1 li at t the outset mr teller rep colo lio made inquiries as in the reports that an air antitrust anti anil trust amendment would bu be brought this was LL a most I 1 impel poll tant matter he sold arid and there p hould be ample empl time for its considers con sidera I 1 I 1 0 mr IN I 1 r allison suld lie he did nut net know k n ow what nhat dispo disposal bal wal to be made ot of the subject as am no action had bad been taken by the finance committee mr tefar said it had been r ported about a b ut the chamber that buch an air amendment had bern been in ului lie urged that it 11 should not be brought in at the last moment a i it will till not lie be done lie ho added with i mr fr white dem cal I 1 ihal hal he thought the antitrust anti antl trust I 1 iud I 1 ateon teen dropped croppe it the trouble bilth tire the ignator te Ie iwhite V bite and myself anav alered cred mr air teller jq that we are not dembe I 1 m nt if hie he republican caucus aus au s arid and th ark hat fiat in tile the dark paragraph ail coloa cocoa matting vas i 1 the paragraph balti 9 agreed to as aa reper repelled Led sir Alli allision tion reported bark back the amen amendment to the cost coal paragraph offered by 1 mr I r white yesterday yei berd ay iy al allowing loing a drawback til of duty on coal used 11 in american engaged in foreign trade and I 1 in tire hie trade between atlantic ant and pa illk J parta arts of 0 the united states state tho the original nl vu modified hy by tile the to ornit omit taale mr air alln pop neb proposed pio posed c it a furth further r amendment allowing allow in a 1 draw I raw ba bark it oil fin coal nut alit only to emels b but li t to or of the united states ka that mean free coall coal F asked mr caal claici ic lisp wio va 0 yes yi 8 rice flee coal mr ilar allen alien ulio argued the people were as much entitled to tho hie benefits benc tits of ire ren oat coal as is time the owners of ves vesla Is after further dibala tit bate air A alien ilen ame amendment n adirent way was rejected I 1 n and it the committee t amendment Irli ank dment allou fri taff g dran drawbacks backs to A american 0 vessels nas aa agreed to 1 without ishou t dlf slun mr fr rop als save gave notice if a berks e amendment clovid ing ine rite the appointment appointee appoint me I 1 of 0 three ren gen cral r at to make mak e an lines uga tion ut of all quest lorr loni 9 relating lne to tile tariff the to ow nUllon Eltion ot of industries I 1 which tire are affected by the tar ir the tha condition or of ind abroad which compete with nith A american nerI cark industries the differ nee nce lit in labor cost coat here and abroad I 1 am alm to make an analysis 0 of thel schedule of tills ihla tariff JIM bill mith a gleif to tor or re ilni any that may ex lt l t tire result OL 01 tile hie to le be reported deported to tit tile e secretary ceary ot of treasury find and to conever co tigress neier till VICTORY foil FREE ll 11 allt X T rite ann adment placing bottan bagging tin the free list was wa tile then at length k mr jr arni ala had prel lousi I 1 ly Y given notice ot of the amendment amen d mert as fol bollus lus bagging for or lotion cotton nunny gunny iloah oil anti and oil all sli fric nilar materials available to for covering cotton comno colure sied med holly of or in ili purl part of 0 hemp flax yuta auto I 1 tr or jute butta ur mr white enoid ON pd to extend atie ahm W n burlap and gral grain n bags babs niad mad or burlap As AB il lallY amandea dell the parit paragraph graph in its il follows H 91 f for 0 L 10 gull suny ny cloth and 1 z I 1 table lor for to catering erent cotton c lose d of win cie yarns made of jute lute butts or hemp plain woven fabrics bags writ falks faiks of ingle jute or h hip yarns by whatever lateer 1 I name known ana burlap and bara bags for grain made of burup in this form ili the amendment anten duent arts As treed to 30 to 13 25 the vile cl ka aag domoville demon a lie allen alien kyle cylc minu ani ami teller also voting ell ea the negative till ill vas a republican U till ll 11 ile exception except ion 0 of mr lit r junes J ahr cre of 0 I 1 aca e a mr bir Ba bacons conr alendal amendment e it I 1 I 1 of ton ion it alea on the fife list hat aaa ill ihei n n mitered and agreed to 19 3 I 1 to 23 2 3 the bloum tells graph pick g rick n I 1 fr 10 es list hides arid and skins not no blev 1 I 1 I 1 8 I 1 provided for fire visa aa restored paragraph G 2 claing on u alie le fr tri c 1 i regalia evalla and gems for use uco by 0 so o ales I west wan agreed to with slight blight mad in failong allons ohp dill way alum to and so BO d iain turn front from the free list lint crude sulphur or op brimstone in bulk ai taken from the list and milde made dutiable able at 51 60 cents a ton the paragraph relating lne to tire personal ai flee a of persons persona arch ing in I 1 hp h united sta stalen was es modified so no tit aliat 1 t the nei tb taken abroad may mair be bro aught back aai k without limit ahll III effects acquired abroad and free aro are to 10 b be limited to sitio A new haa heen been In binm sorted I 1 in n tile flee list covering cover lne ot of alt ait 1 alir ilc production prod action 1 f american 1 temporarily elP living abroad and other 1 i kit its ot of art imported lop for presentation pur purposes poes tho the iron paragraph wan further c changed Trat making king the reference to maii jancse lipcin iron ore as follows manga eme ore ire containing lets thon than 40 41 metallic talkie units lit in try dry state mate 1 pr per ton ion CONTEST OVER I mr teller moved till an amendment including lit lii the elie free list rough lumber blut ml d or of v white bite pine the sen ator the course corn so or oc the corn com mi makee ln lil placing alle pine on oil the kill dutiable t alee able list thus encouraging the tie aar u action of pine ahn hen it waa team knoon lite ihu bui burily ily would mould not nol liisi list eight ye yeara rs mr teller said bald hu he was for protection but lie he i riot not tarry carry ll it to extremes compelling every man building a homo home fit using it ii of pine to lo tribute to lo tile llo rev few ck ow ners iners of pine chis vas aa not ne publican which waa lias 0 it tie d to the le 1 advance of s on inc o r I 1 1 a of life hie mr teller declared that thai the duty on IT pine AN waw one on tit tc the elie nany many absolutely indefensible fegatill fea turpa es of the bill the vote voie proved very lose the amendment bing defeated atod yeas years 32 trays naya 33 it caused ay a surprising break bieak in patty nany lines on both hides bides of ille chamber lour fur ans baker Cl ccarter arter L hanbrough lan brough arid and quay and dantle steuart emart St teller and K H ie voted m elih ill tile the in the thice mcann mad and INI martin Arim find and licit hallfeld feld populist voted with till the th in tile hie negative iu mr hucul moved to lo reduce the duty kill in v while bite pine froni from 3 2 to 1 H I per thousand reel feet lie ile lead the of a lumberman mai aap j a sa 2 rate would lie be prohibitory anti ani he appealed to senators natora Kc it to vote voi slid and thus tills high late the amendment onn wait as carried ly by 01 alic i ouse lone vote of 32 to 31 after abnot h r break in party lines on both s ald fa i 0 of f hamber ln this vote vole MP quay to hta his pany associates anti and mr itans hans did not vote two tito republicans leaker baker ond arid carter caner anil Ble sars allen alien I 1 lilifeld rold kyle icyle mantle stew ai t and teller voted ill the Denick democrats crit is I 1 in the affirmable affirm atle ali e three ee rats bacon fell etc ry arid and mariln with mith tile the against tile at 6 5 p in tire bill anas baill lild and till alter after an alt executive session mos lon me ibe senate adjourned |