Show g NOTICE mining and milling filling corn cam mines mine gintic tintic y dmn location of district juab counis ulah illah vat ace of s salt luke city utah v louco is 1 hereby e ien that at u meeting vf cf c f the directors of tho the mining a lid fillmor company held on dway tho the rth ill tilt da of 0 june julie 1917 art assess melt or of ons one 1 ceng ni pr per har was waa levied the capital stock of the company arf able to K its ll 11 secretary at hla his onico office w ti ao M W sim ot salt laft lake 1 I 1 tab lab before tho the ditth day of ot july 1817 ant an stock upon which flat thin ilaw anant unpaid on the in dav of 0 atil ul baw b delinquent and adver for sale nt at public auction ind un off tj allied e d ls ic 0 payment int to in Til elido lawle before vui mill lv lie 1 on oil tho rho ian day of ia at 2 0 clock p DI to paw lai tile the quent tog iIer with mih cost of advertising and ox as lati of 0 gale I 1 gitig JAY T HARRIS secretary |