Show HAIL TO THE FIRE CHIEFS salt lake opens her gates to the visitors RNE FINE ARRANGED I 1 chicago delegation arrives today others como come tomorrow veterans and heroes from a thousand tires fires ladles ladies and mens axons ree reception ti committees appointed yesterday to assist in entertain entertaining in g expect one thousand to visit the city I 1 i the firs fire chiefs hlll bezin to arrivo arrive today advice advises 4 from chicago to the railroad men abate that I 1 tickets were not 11 in that city ity alone alent on thursday anti more yesterday till the chicago and eastom eastern generally voilla buy ticket over the union pacific corning coming and RIO klo GI gran gian an 1 I western returning or for vice leiai this will enable the lour four I its to ee sec all the th sights on both roads at and athe the will shale equally in t lie ti inic liall road men inen tay t ay that will vill be here by ton tomorrow on union pacific train six pullman cais caia and a diner aill come in with I 1 on blaid id A special committee will meet them in ogden to escort them to this city the commits com mitt expects IL a very largo large attendance atte some clarini it t ahat a thousand visitors will take advantage ot of the cheat cheap lates tile the rio alo grande western will bring in a special from sari san juan loaded with colorado PC people PIC nho wish to be here tor for the weeks attractions altogether the file outlook for or a laicie number of visitors to salt latke for the next alvo days Is very bright and the salt lake people jiin do all in thor their to malce make the lal lat tors vil come the committee has established headquarters and a bureau of lit at the knutsford ulsford where tile the il con can always find needed painted matter or ka knoal edee of sd salt it lake and its places ot of Inte interest iest the visitors will conic come front from tampa to AIon treal now new yolk to california and among them will be many ladles ladies veteran firemen grizzled ch chiefs alefs who have fought the gica test of co conn conflagrations agra for years will vill be with the dele cat rations ions heroes of som some e r 0 fill the e notable tires fires of the countley will be here and aside from ther their convention the days will be passed alth mukh mui h to arouse amuse and interest the visitors tois without any ceremony the I 1 latchstring of the city has been thrown outward ard and the ahe flier nen and their ft lends can have tile the freedom of the to town n for the time lime being the convention sessions wilt will be by the entertainment tain ment which follows dally daily nothing will be left undone to make tile the hours pass pleasantly and the pro gramme grain me as previously pi painted includes drives lake trips music a ie ic and a concett concert with other rilas lions an ant it features nil all as tree free as the sparkling water that runs through t the ile streets the general committee anith w ith a diew lew of prop cily ly receiving their guests has appo appointed I 1 tit ed a reception com committee mitLee for tile men anti and one for tile 1 ladles they are as follows Is reception committee gov wells mayor layer glendinning C S varlan varian F r W jennings Jennin RS W P noble louis conn colin 0 J salisbury no A kindey flank H B stephens INI E K mulvey I 1 K E at 11 leprohon Ler christopher die I 1 it r moilis 11 1 P newell jose joseph it simmons lohn john Q cannon jac jacob 0 chief pratt guy willis 1 L lit HI kail 13 I 1 butley I 1 A wadleigh elgh gh N AN W claiton james BIC GILgor george sutherland Sut heiland J L may W P ol 01 omeara lif eara george 2101 ottinger r F A ga grant ant jo joseph soph I 1 K caan caln to 11 II G ill ney george gcoy ee T geoege F felt I 1 alt P 11 lannan 11 1 P newell 13 F colborn C C goodwin goodwill Alf alet toune mas tax I Ll lan it 11 V wallace grairt it II smith U D S Step stephens stephans hons C 11 banks 0 IV hellitz Heli itz if T lloyd ladles reception mrs stober al wells mis min janiet james Glend iii ning mrs C S vallan mrs lewis conn cohn mrs mr F W jennings miss noble mrs arthier pratt alm chaales has lr lon richardson MI P lena iena moore mis agnes agnen judge it 11 0 i whitney miss ails jennie ottinger Otti ngor r mrs N X A ampey milr frank ink n B stephens mrs J B nib mrs G S li olmes mrs IV A stanton mrs B i 0 mrs jameli 4 Dc define mra john van pelt mrs ira guy mrs airs L AT M barl biarl mra airs J 1 L may mrs AL am r I 1 mulvey inels ml a J moritz mrs F r A grant mrs ira 0 J salisbury Ms K F lit LoP LeP rolion mrs 0 S gaylord mrs D 11 II porter miss marion simmons mrs john chalers Chal mrs mrs bifro grant 11 II smith aar mrs s lon richardson mrs F I 1 rit relt mrs airs 11 T lloyd I loyd mrs mr IT C 1 Wn willace ilace mis mas 11 L r P newell 2 mrs jc joseph sopia SI sammons ill I 1 mrs firs D S spencer mrs mis kenneth arr |