Show mr Reci heeds lt next remark Is that the chicago platform does not mean bainet allam ond and lie he intimates that there Is no intention through it ot at bringing around bi then he asks what la Is the object of bimetallism bloc and answers it Is 1 to give to curre currency ncy creator arreater stability by sp read ng it over anore surface ile he illustrates this by the symbol of two lakes lake 1 lle he says bays it if they can be joined then there will be the same sama level in both lakes and the disturbance in one will be counterbalanced by the disturbance in the other find and the tendency will be toward a steadier level ire ile Is a little unfortunate in ills bis illustration ile he could male make it 11 clearer in another way we will suppose a lake that has running into it lolio 1010 inches of water every minute wo we will mill suppose that machinery lias has been erected at the outlet of 0 the lake which requires 1500 inches of wa water or that every moment it 11 Is s a clear case hat the result must bo be it ir the machinery la is run a fall in the level of tile lake but it if that wie lake could be connected with another that has haa likewise from the streams around it in an addition or of 1100 1000 inches per minute then it Is clear that the machinery could be run rind and 00 inches per minute could bo be absorbed by evaporation and still the surface of the tha two lakes remain nt their normal level but it if the other take lake Is not attached it Is a clear case thelt that it the machinery Is run the must be eventually to drain the lake and for every fish lit in it to die for want of water and food and as the like lake becomes reduced in volume one in cheel heel after the other of the mill itself will have to be stopped that Is exactly what has happened lit in this country co since nee 1873 1871 thi the mill ml called business wigs was running smoothly there was waa enough water to supply it enough I 1 moreover to supply all that was waa taken up by eva evaporation evaporate ion and sit still the level of tho the lake remained but just tit at a time lime when they wore were putting new machinery in tile the mill which every day would and more power tho ho upper lake the large cireo lake the ono one less disturbed by drainage was waa cut off 0 and ever since the fish have been dying and one wheel after the other has been hung hune up in the mill until thele Is absolute stagnation |