Show mining notes motes r T farnsworth of oc tile the clorn silver loft tor for the bonanza last filsht tile the silver nin kins distributed its regular in the surn sum 0 of teolar tl lay jay sam Ne hougo the eminent promoter came in from froin dener yesterday and it left t last night tor for the mother lodo lade m vacie her chis hla syndicate recently acquired gromad for which it shelled shell fil out U no I 1 malaer Ma S schenck of the nation halton 1 jaik ak w who ho has be barn it lundli oll d for several days la is at its his P I 1 co ananin II if reports two very nice lots ot of ore ready to leave tile the great giop erty toddy iti 16 I 1 Is i ported that during ills recent trip to the baal dave wet thelmer ordered d red an all lee ice plant for del delamar a ar tile that t tire the minors of that camp may in ili future le la provided with the aitrele tit at reasonable figures ll eires Is being prospected through the allan tic lie tunnel say gay that it Is traversed by the ram game line lime bell us its that existing in ili hi tho dalton dallou anti that thai tile the coln recently uncovered should he be a strong one anti mr air E M A fly ely tit hit representative al 0 t it a wealthy chicago syndicate Is in the rolv and Is inquiring into the mines 1 through the aid of 0 lill ir gdorge silks it 1 Is 5 expected cled that thai when he returns baft it will he bp with one on ot of the or op that are to be picked up al I 1 mot any day in the diggings of 0 utah ore la Is reported to have been en encountered couri it in tho the giant chief at bingham which nv aich Is belne being worked on all a lease by george thompson T the se propel property ty Is owned by george A lowe and others find and Is located near the old telegraph the shat shaft through which it Is being explored lias has only attained it depth of sixty feet act and will be put to lower levels at once I 1 chat chaille lie Lom sommersdorf lommersdorf Lommers dort of the sevier Al lising companas comp anys property returned I 1 to the city yesterday and leaves for the lie mine Is aaen today toay zar air alsin says bay trial that borki work it now asping byln 1 on tile the water lings lines one of 0 which aich m ill ill tie completed in another iino thor week the other in ili twenty menly days day I 1 wv with this accomplished the th endre jnell ent ot of the mill will bechn at crier the east golden gate iraq haa just closed negotiations that re the of P tire the drill to the gr alit te for which tho management niana has haa etarl cil tho the danl eel arbot arrolla 16 the company ample meting meana with will which to furry carry al on tile wok walk find and the ine entire district fig 1 to be congratulated some iry ery important chan chanaca Sets ala c ex p 1 ed in ili the next ton ten days anya rhile hlll ini in tho next thirty tile theory six hy by prof boltong Kin Bol moia mong lit il ot of spurr spun abild I 1 other geologists of 0 equal eminence that gold cold will he be fondl in ili native otate mill ill i leave been toted aci john unini ork president or of tho the lorgan com pally mil mr firof i t v Is located at laid yeb that tie alc company wats wai ink ing slowly with the construction of oc tho the I 1 ahn he S d r t contract havink bern dpn I 1 iTs rd r s ident lInt Curnin nek Is of the that tile th welfare of file rom com bany cin be h ted by inquiring into other lit acres for the lea ebling of tile thy tires ores and ill make jakc geverdt tests thu the present I 1 month |