Show mr rood reed expresses the belief that gold eold hus has not appreciated at all to reach that belief h he has haa to fly in tile the faco face of 0 every man mail who ever wrote a word on political economy in tho the f a aco c 0 of the facts around him in the face of common sense itself ho tells lella about the th chett from russia and the argentine republic affecting the price ot of wheat russia and the argentine re he public never could compete with US u until aller money was debased di baach and thon then it does boea not apply to wheat alone it applies to everything that Is produced in tho the factory or from tho the tarm farm down to the nsf eg chak the market broman KAN while the rold gold imd silver yield from our mines has haa amo until to IW million dollars doll fira far n the last twenty years price 1 lisne fallen allon 60 per cent and yet mr reed sees nothing ILS fa fc cause for that admi except the th compete compe competition tj of 0 the world it that Is s tile beet llie elie tea cart can do and that to from their brightest man wo we think the state slate of maine itself it alf will go tor for mr fr brian girt ihla fell fall |