Show r to now new york republic n news from nebraska ington aug 7 chal jon jones amil bratle national committee I 1 Frost frostburg burg md tonight to re call ill monday when hu he will go to ork tc t attend the notification S at Ala cadlaon illion square garden ally ly it Is coming on from rom arkansas III 11 be bl at Frost frostburg burg during the u her I 1 erk jami jamis jam s kerr of the house will meet mr air bry Illta Itt bure burg and 1 with him f york 1 publican bead headquarters quarters a letter I 1 n ived today from 0 W inn n of the republican state stale corni comi oi f nebraska hilling that ihil debe local bryan boan sentiment the as ure sure to roll mil up majority inley and hobart hc hart nomination initiation of 0 pingree for gov idt occasioned much I 1 and va mas divided aa it filst tilst 11 the tha pre prevailing impression officers was that kingree would uhf e votes vole of 0 a considerable tle ele bach otherwise m would have gone ml 11 li e populist Po pulst alst head aels liatis ll IS exposed with ith wwilson in th it at 1 atlanta in aich which he exi hit his purpose of 0 supporting bry far as aa known heie no indita J i a ken extended to mr air watson arent at tho the notification atlon meet new york next werk eek in view fact act there Is considerable As to the meaning of 0 his reka 7 tit atlanta lt last night that lie I 1 heard from roni at the meeting at k at the populist head fa no word had been recel received veil bial man allen alien chairman ot of the buroon on notification anti and it seems tn eft for or granted gran trl that the corn coin 1 ill if not be called upon to net act |