Show TI TICS GREAT ACTIVITY bouti souti south Swa swansea risca hoist hon C E 4 allen alien catches on th gintic tintic miner in fit it Us I 1 iclef C lew ot of the he week it that great ilet sira neatly all tl machinery or tire the new south south swat swai on ea holst la IA in place and director C aj gateb to tatu miner that it wit will he be eady to I 1 lun un by next Ilon monday or T gusday tito the foundations of 0 the buildups digs fire arc completed coin tad but it AHI I 1 ill take vr er EL a month to finish the helgi ing borks cm entire lie tile the ore bod boak lea it ira in the n TO ine nc are aie reported repot teil to be in fit baisl at caisel abs bhare une one carload was shipp d this weck and another r Is being in I 1 leaded led anil and will go out tomorrow tomo irow allie i day A litany ilow how ot of waltr Is greatly re rc ill he work in tile ilc Duc duckett keyt and manager NJ I 1 I 1 gicvan nabeh that tire the pom company nav arill ill put in 1 a I rp pump lt at once they are arc now if ri ft I 1 it g fr aloin oin it ahe lit to IQ acl el slid and a afo 0 taking tailing out lots lols of oi like running 11 cold g d lit 0 ounces eliver and ami 25 23 to 30 per c canti ab nb lead they ate alski drifting on oil th foot lovel anil and sic getting a koo gi ade of on I 1 bonate or oie e Asi another othir tit nc m mill ill lv li made lit in a few dal itol it roy hoy aril the lorils buys boys d saturday Y e ani K g from Nl where they have boon can rainie oine very druio ising rl alliy alipy werirt conel dei able 11 cai orin ilist ahl li will pay anith a A into imo the camp ME 21 r r rl n and III I II ni nl the union 11 t tile freight crow ire are NN ahree ic ilea on tin MAIL laloi realm about three miles couth of mans nd ad and report very encouraging ahoi I 1 ig in the bottom ot of their biety toot 9 taft ia NY r knight and sam sain kins king who ire are ill cl king on oil khz lh free coinage which chich joins the dagmar Da einar this week struck some bool ing low ginde ore similar ar to that too und d in fa the latter property the free coi coinage n age belongs to lo U L G OD odonnell ornell and W T knight yew s ore arti ike in the cumbus kroml es ea to create on an active demand tor for it il ty ay dav stock block as the th latter Is ad JOIn lit r pio property perty slid and unquestionably ila has 1 le ie santa same ore vein tire the development t f the may lilay day to 1 being pushed onil i it aselt tile hie close close proxie illy of alx tl ore body pre ident of nt the gonerd general I 1 ln L iran a vices ux us fiat work on ehilt plot aioo erty ill bo be durins tile hie preset t m mal tf tia last anne tn on the lh bigan I 1 i an 1 hawed cawed mot mo t anro 1 I laring teillia i long ions arld it li ill believed that their borki isa is ate arp ner a body ot of ore air myers says they are going after it in earne earn ti P 1 donahue Dona huo IT II C Ilaw ril T I 1 II 11 I 1 i and thomas chope chaise composed com potted fl a pa party ri 0 ho entire caine over liver tile hie hill 1 an fn ran ni 17 1 I anday 1 examining tile the 11 nd ol of the main budy body lit in the t I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 friter interest ert of the id op oppa pro in P aty ty they recoil tile lip latter ground directly dire fly on oil tile tho churbe courbe of tile hie orr art chanti hannel pl running through the larro large miner on tills alil i side eldr and hay that tile pen 1 ill aurely tui cly in tile the right plimp more bious oi ous development will be the th order coder ut of till th day on I 1 but eil 1 tavi for fol tile week ware a as folio doali wF froin ilio 1110 lieck hk ollo i miln ci londs nils 0 of ore fron froin ill IH l ch null 10 to or arli nr I 1 rhoads li 0 of f I 1 broin rom I 1 ilir ila eel to till jai lucli ka I 1 c afloat ar loal of oro ore ficili fir in tile mill I 1 carloads T of concentrates i biti a fro ro aaa 3 3 air r traits of ore ainu fru u ali flip curlin 2 carloads I 1 of arr r v from I 1 lie swit nava I 1 cui I 1 loads ends or of IT fiona a tire tin south swan ii I 1 1 cai loal it t ur re front the I 1 hi th still star 2 callonas cai cal lonis of ate oi from the he iron irn mine SO 30 carload carlanda car londa tit rit on oil congressman n C 11 allen alien on an ills trip over here last lait wok wet k became interested nellt J A 4 bald in n ali lip claim lyn nithe touch all i Is of I 1 llin I 1 iii c kouth inta mine on oil ahe I 1 tl u at of tile the town lown or of city ca avle mr I 1 I 1 allen alien ui LIT thil it t Is 1 IT ir intention tn in pink fink a derp deep i haft tin on 1 lip property prope aly io in order to if out tho the vein from the S south 0 uth swansea Swa nei vil which lIch it if it holds I 1 its lit cui ure ur e should crosa the prop orty ny T C I 1 burns anil air R S IT nelson are arc doing 1 ln their assessment asser vol k on oil the cable clalra claim west 0 of tha iff almo capt Derie zIn lias has hwn men n cn it at rork ork oni on the north reicka drift lor front tire bottom ot of the 10 root friot shaft unit ne me lire fire adlie ct ha has mott mot flattering tito new naw kamin maid nd buller for op the ilio independent besoin comiano comia nv haq delivered d at the lh nine mine yesterday and will mill be put in alace at once |